-- File: Prs3d_Text.cdl -- Created: Tue Sep 14 12:58:46 1993 -- Author: Jean-Louis FRENKEL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class Text from Prs3d inherits Root from Prs3d --- Purpose: A framework to define the display of texts. uses Presentation from Prs3d, Pnt from gp, Drawer from Prs3d, TextAspect from Prs3d, ExtendedString from TCollection is Draw(myclass; aPresentation: Presentation from Prs3d; aDrawer: Drawer from Prs3d; aText: ExtendedString from TCollection; AttachmentPoint: Pnt from gp); ---Purpose: Defines the display of the text aText at the point AttachmentPoint. -- The drawer aDrawer specifies the display attributes which texts will have. -- The presentation object aPresentation stores the -- information defined in this framework. -- static void Draw (const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& -- aPresentation, const Handle(Prs3d_TextAspect)& -- anAspect, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, -- const gp_Pnt& AttachmentPoint); Draw(myclass; aPresentation: Presentation from Prs3d; anAspect: TextAspect from Prs3d; aText: ExtendedString from TCollection; AttachmentPoint: Pnt from gp); ---Purpose: Defines the display of the text aText at the point -- AttachmentPoint. -- The text aspect object anAspect specifies the display -- attributes which texts will have. -- The presentation object aPresentation stores the -- information defined in this framework. -- This syntax could be used if you had not already -- defined text display attributes in a drawer or if you -- wanted to exceptionally overide the definition -- provided in your drawer. end Text from Prs3d;