-- File: Prs3d_RadiusAspect.cdl -- Created: Thu Jun 3 09:28:46 1993 -- Author: Jean-Louis FRENKEL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class RadiusAspect from Prs3d inherits CompositeAspect from Prs3d ---Purpose: defines the attributes when drawing a Radius Presentation. uses AspectLine3d from Graphic3d, NameOfColor from Quantity, TypeOfLine from Aspect is -- -- Attributes for the lines. -- Create (aColor: NameOfColor from Quantity; aType: TypeOfLine from Aspect; aWidth: Real from Standard) returns mutable RadiusAspect from Prs3d; ---Purpose: Constructs the framework to define the display of radii. -- This consists of the attributes: -- - the color aColor -- - the type of line aType and -- - the width aWidth of the line. end RadiusAspect from Prs3d;