-- File: Prs3d_Line.cdl -- Created: Wed Dec 16 12:39:30 1992 -- Author: Jean Louis FRENKEL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 generic class Line from Prs3d (anyLine as any; LineTool as any) -- as LineTool from Prs3d inherits Root from Prs3d ---Purpose: draws a broken line. -- uses Presentation from Prs3d, Drawer from Prs3d, TypeOfLinePicking from Prs3d, Length from Quantity is Add(myclass; aPresentation: Presentation from Prs3d; aLine: anyLine; aDrawer: Drawer from Prs3d); ---Purpose: adds to the presentation aPresentation the drawing of the -- broken line aLine. -- The aspect is defined by LineAspect in aDrawer. Add(myclass; aPresentation: Presentation from Prs3d; aLine: anyLine); ---Purpose: adds to the presentation aPresentation the drawing of the -- broken line aLine. -- The aspect is the current aspect. Pick(myclass; X,Y,Z: Length from Quantity; aDistance: Length from Quantity; aLine: anyLine; aDrawer: Drawer from Prs3d; TypeOfPicking: TypeOfLinePicking from Prs3d) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: if TypeOfLinePicking is set to Prs3d_TOLP_Point -- returns the number of the point the most near of the -- point (X,Y,Z). The distance between the point and -- (X,Y,Z) must be less then aDistance. If no point corresponds, -- 0 is returned. -- if TypeOfLinePicking is set to Prs3d_TOLP_Segment returns -- the number of the segment the most near of the point (X,Y,Z). -- The distance between the segment and (X,Y,Z) must be less -- then aDistance. If no segment corresponds, 0 is returned. end Line;