-- File: Prs3d_LengthAspect.cdl -- Created: Thu Jun 3 09:28:46 1993 -- Author: Jean-Louis FRENKEL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class LengthAspect from Prs3d inherits CompositeAspect from Prs3d ---Purpose: defines the attributes when drawing a Length Presentation. uses AspectLine3d from Graphic3d, ArrowAspect from Prs3d, LineAspect from Prs3d, TextAspect from Prs3d, NameOfColor from Quantity, TypeOfLine from Aspect, PlaneAngle from Quantity is -- -- Attributes for the lines. -- Create returns mutable LengthAspect from Prs3d; --- Purpose: Constructs an empty framework to define the display of lengths. LineAspect(me) returns mutable LineAspect from Prs3d; ---Purpose: Returns the settings for the display of lines used in presentation of lengths. SetLineAspect(me: mutable; anAspect: LineAspect from Prs3d); ---Purpose: Sets the display attributes of lines used in presentation of lengths. Arrow1Aspect(me) returns mutable ArrowAspect from Prs3d is static; --- Purpose: Returns the settings for displaying a right-pointing arrow. SetArrow1Aspect(me: mutable; anAspect: ArrowAspect from Prs3d) is static; ---Purpose: Sets the display attributes of the first arrow used in presentation of lengths. Arrow2Aspect(me) returns mutable ArrowAspect from Prs3d is static; --- Purpose: Returns the settings for displaying a left-pointing arrow. SetArrow2Aspect(me: mutable ; anAspect: ArrowAspect from Prs3d) is static; ---Purpose: Sets the display attributes of the second arrow used in presentation of lengths. TextAspect(me) returns mutable TextAspect from Prs3d is static; --- Purpose: Returns the settings for the display of text used in presentation of lengths. SetTextAspect(me:mutable; anAspect: TextAspect from Prs3d) is static; ---Purpose: Sets the display attributes of text used in presentation of lengths. SetDrawFirstArrow(me: mutable; draw: Boolean from Standard) is static; --- Purpose: Sets the DrawFirstArrow attributes to active. DrawFirstArrow(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Purpose: Returns true if the first arrow can be drawn. SetDrawSecondArrow(me: mutable; draw: Boolean from Standard) is static; ---Purpose: Sets the DrawSecondArrow attributes to active. DrawSecondArrow(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Purpose: Returns true if the second arrow can be drawn. Print(me; s: in out OStream from Standard) is static; fields myLineAspect: LineAspect from Prs3d; myArrow1Aspect: ArrowAspect from Prs3d; myArrow2Aspect: ArrowAspect from Prs3d; myTextAspect: TextAspect from Prs3d; myDrawFirstArrow: Boolean from Standard; myDrawSecondArrow: Boolean from Standard; end LengthAspect from Prs3d;