#include #include #define VERTEXMARKER 2 #define DEFAULTMARKERSIZE 3.0 #define XROTATE(x,y) ((x)*cosa - (y)*sina) #define YROTATE(x,y) ((y)*cosa + (x)*sina) #define ADDPIX 17 #define APPENDIXLEN 4 Prs2d_Diameter::Prs2d_Diameter( const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)& aGO, const gp_Pnt2d & anAttachPnt, const gp_Circ2d & aCircle, const TCollection_ExtendedString & aText, const Standard_Real aTxtScale, const Standard_Real anArrAngle, const Standard_Real anArrLength, const Prs2d_TypeOfArrow anArrType, const Prs2d_ArrowSide anArrow, const Standard_Boolean IsRevArrow ) : Prs2d_Dimension( aGO, aText, aTxtScale, anArrAngle, anArrLength, anArrType, anArrow, IsRevArrow ), myPnt( anAttachPnt ), myCirc( aCircle ) { gp_Pnt2d aPnt1 = anAttachPnt, aPnt2 = aCircle.Location(); Standard_Real U = ElCLib::Parameter( aCircle, aPnt1 ); gp_Pnt2d PTonCirc = ElCLib::Value( U, aCircle ); gp_Vec2d theVec( PTonCirc, aPnt2 ); Standard_Real theDist = aPnt2.Distance( aPnt1 ), theRad = aCircle.Radius(); myInside=Standard_False; if ( theDist < theRad ) { aPnt1 = PTonCirc; theDist = theRad; myInside = Standard_True; } gp_Vec2d VX( 1., 0. ), VDir; theVec.Normalize(); theVec *= ( theDist + theRad ); aPnt2 = aPnt1.Translated( theVec ); gp_Pnt2d tP1 = aPnt1, tP2 = aPnt2; if ( IsRevArrow ) { theVec.Normalize(); theVec *= ( 1.3 * myArrowLen ); tP1.Translate( -theVec ); tP2.Translate( theVec ); } Standard_Real X1, Y1, X2, Y2; tP1.Coord( X1, Y1 ); tP2.Coord( X2, Y2 ); myX1 = Standard_ShortReal( X1 ); myY1 = Standard_ShortReal( Y1 ); myX2 = Standard_ShortReal( X2 ); myY2 = Standard_ShortReal( Y2 ); myMinX = myX1; myMinY = myY1; myMaxX = myX1; myMaxY = myY1; // bound of appendix // enk code if (!myInside) { myAppX1 = Standard_ShortReal(X1); myAppY1 = Standard_ShortReal(Y1); myAppX2 = Standard_ShortReal(X1); myAppY2 = Standard_ShortReal(Y1); if (myX1>=myX2) myAppX2=Standard_ShortReal(myAppX2+(theDist+theRad)/APPENDIXLEN); else myAppX2=Standard_ShortReal(myAppX2-(theDist+theRad)/APPENDIXLEN); if ( myAppX2 < myMinX ) myMinX = myAppX2; if ( myAppY2 < myMinY ) myMinY = myAppY2; if ( myAppX2 > myMaxX ) myMaxX = myAppX2; if ( myAppY2 > myMaxY ) myMaxY = myAppY2; Standard_ShortReal tmpX=myAppX1; if (tmpX>myAppX2) { myAppX1=myAppX2; myAppX2=tmpX; } } // end enk code // boun of text // enk code Standard_ShortReal theTxtX1,theTxtY1,theTxtX2,theTxtY2; Standard_ShortReal theTxtX3,theTxtY3,theTxtX4,theTxtY4; Standard_Integer theTxtNum=aText.Length(); Standard_Real theTxtLen=theTxtNum*myTextScale; theTxtX1 = Standard_ShortReal(myAbsX); theTxtY1 = Standard_ShortReal(myAbsY); theTxtX2 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX1+theTxtLen*cos(myAbsAngle)); theTxtY2 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtY1+theTxtLen*sin(myAbsAngle)); theTxtX3 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX1-myTextScale*sin(myAbsAngle)); theTxtY3 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtY1+myTextScale*cos(myAbsAngle)); theTxtX4 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX3+theTxtLen*cos(myAbsAngle)); theTxtY4 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtY3+theTxtLen*sin(myAbsAngle)); if (theTxtX1 < myMinX) myMinX = theTxtX1; if (theTxtY1 < myMinY) myMinY = theTxtY1; if (theTxtX1 > myMaxX) myMaxX = theTxtX1; if (theTxtY1 > myMaxY) myMaxY = theTxtY1; if (theTxtX2 < myMinX) myMinX = theTxtX2; if (theTxtY2 < myMinY) myMinY = theTxtY2; if (theTxtX2 > myMaxX) myMaxX = theTxtX2; if (theTxtY2 > myMaxY) myMaxY = theTxtY2; if (theTxtX3 < myMinX) myMinX = theTxtX3; if (theTxtY3 < myMinY) myMinY = theTxtY3; if (theTxtX3 > myMaxX) myMaxX = theTxtX3; if (theTxtY3 > myMaxY) myMaxY = theTxtY3; if (theTxtX4 < myMinX) myMinX = theTxtX4; if (theTxtY4 < myMinY) myMinY = theTxtY4; if (theTxtX4 > myMaxX) myMaxX = theTxtX4; if (theTxtY4 > myMaxY) myMaxY = theTxtY4; // end enk code if ( myX2 < myMinX ) myMinX = myX2; if ( myY2 < myMinY ) myMinY = myY2; if ( myX2 > myMaxX ) myMaxX = myX2; if ( myY2 > myMaxY ) myMaxY = myY2; Standard_Real ArrAngle = PI/180.* anArrAngle, theAngle; gp_Pnt2d theOrigine( 0., 0.), P1, P2, P3; if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_FIRSTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ) { // enk code gp_Vec2d theTmpVec(aPnt1,PTonCirc); gp_Pnt2d theTmpPnt=aPnt1.Translated(theTmpVec); P1=theTmpPnt; // end enk code // P1 = aPnt1; P2 = gp_Pnt2d( anArrLength, anArrLength*Tan( ArrAngle/2. ) ); P3 = gp_Pnt2d( anArrLength, -anArrLength*Tan( ArrAngle/2. ) ); VDir = gp_Vec2d( aPnt1, aPnt2 ); if ( IsRevArrow ) VDir.Reverse(); theAngle = VX.Angle( VDir ); P2.Rotate( theOrigine, theAngle ); P3.Rotate( theOrigine, theAngle ); P2.Translate( gp_Vec2d( theOrigine, P1 ) ); P3.Translate( gp_Vec2d( theOrigine, P1 ) ); myXVert1(1) = Standard_ShortReal( P2.X() ); myYVert1(1) = Standard_ShortReal( P2.Y() ); myXVert1(2) = Standard_ShortReal( P1.X() ); myYVert1(2) = Standard_ShortReal( P1.Y() ); myXVert1(3) = Standard_ShortReal( P3.X() ); myYVert1(3) = Standard_ShortReal( P3.Y() ); for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { if ( myXVert1(i) < myMinX ) myMinX = myXVert1(i); if ( myYVert1(i) < myMinY ) myMinY = myYVert1(i); if ( myXVert1(i) > myMaxX ) myMaxX = myXVert1(i); if ( myYVert1(i) > myMaxY ) myMaxY = myYVert1(i); } } // end if myArrow is FIRSTAR or BOTHAR if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_LASTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ P1 = aPnt2; P2 = gp_Pnt2d( anArrLength, anArrLength * Tan( ArrAngle/2. ) ); P3 = gp_Pnt2d( anArrLength, -anArrLength * Tan( ArrAngle/2. ) ); VDir = gp_Vec2d( aPnt2, aPnt1 ); if ( IsRevArrow ) VDir.Reverse(); theAngle = VX.Angle( VDir ); P2.Rotate( theOrigine, theAngle ); P3.Rotate( theOrigine, theAngle ); P2.Translate( gp_Vec2d( theOrigine, P1 ) ); P3.Translate( gp_Vec2d( theOrigine, P1 ) ); myXVert2(1) = Standard_ShortReal( P2.X() ); myYVert2(1) = Standard_ShortReal( P2.Y() ); myXVert2(2) = Standard_ShortReal( P1.X() ); myYVert2(2) = Standard_ShortReal( P1.Y() ); myXVert2(3) = Standard_ShortReal( P3.X() ); myYVert2(3) = Standard_ShortReal( P3.Y() ); for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { if ( myXVert2(i) < myMinX ) myMinX = myXVert2(i); if ( myYVert2(i) < myMinY ) myMinY = myYVert2(i); if ( myXVert2(i) > myMaxX ) myMaxX = myXVert2(i); if ( myYVert2(i) > myMaxY ) myMaxY = myYVert2(i); } } // end if myArrow is FIRSTAR or BOTHAR myNumOfElem = 5; if (myInside) myNumOfElem = 4; myNumOfVert = 2; } void Prs2d_Diameter::Values( gp_Pnt2d& anAttPnt,gp_Circ2d& aCirc ) const { anAttPnt = myPnt; aCirc = myCirc; } void Prs2d_Diameter::Draw( const Handle(Graphic2d_Drawer)& aDrawer ) { Standard_Boolean IsIn = Standard_False; if (! myGOPtr->IsTransformed ()) IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn (myMinX,myMaxX,myMinY,myMaxY); else { Standard_ShortReal minx, miny, maxx, maxy; MinMax(minx,maxx,miny,maxy); IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn (minx,maxx,miny,maxy); } if ( IsIn ) { DrawLineAttrib( aDrawer ); aDrawer->SetTextAttrib( myColorIndex, myTextFont, 0, Standard_ShortReal(myTextScale*aDrawer->Scale()), Standard_ShortReal(myTextScale*aDrawer->Scale()), Standard_False ); /*Standard_ShortReal dxx = aDrawer->Convert(ADDPIX); gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1+dxx), thePnt2(myX2,myY2+dxx); gp_Vec2d VX( 1., 0. ), theVec(thePnt2, thePnt1); Standard_Real theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec ); gp_Pnt2d pntText; if ( theTxtAngle >= 0 && theTxtAngle <= PI/2 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle > PI/2 && theTxtAngle <= PI ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI/2 && theTxtAngle < 0 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI && theTxtAngle < -PI/2 ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY; pntText.Coord( theTxtX, theTxtY );*/ //correct by enk Mon Dec 2 11:53 2002 ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY,theTxtAngle; gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1), thePnt2(myX2,myY2); gp_Vec2d VX(1.,0.), theVec(thePnt2,thePnt1); theVec.Rotate(myTextAngle); theTxtX=myAbsX; theTxtY=myAbsY; theTxtAngle=myAbsAngle; gp_Pnt2d pntText(theTxtX,theTxtY); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_ShortReal a = myX1, b = myY1, c = myX2, d = myY2, t1 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX), t2 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtY); TShort_Array1OfShortReal Xpoint1( 1, 3 ), Ypoint1( 1, 3 ), Xpoint2( 1, 3 ), Ypoint2( 1, 3 ); if ( myGOPtr->IsTransformed () ) { gp_GTrsf2d aTrsf = myGOPtr->Transform (); if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_FIRSTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ Standard_Real a1, b1; for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) { a1 = Standard_Real( myXVert1(j) ); b1 = Standard_Real( myYVert1(j) ); aTrsf.Transforms (a1, b1); Xpoint1(j) = Standard_ShortReal(a1); Ypoint1(j) = Standard_ShortReal(b1); } } // end if myArrow is FIRSTAR ot BOTHAR if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_LASTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ) { Standard_Real c1, d1; for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) { c1 = Standard_Real( myXVert2(j) ); d1 = Standard_Real( myYVert2(j) ); aTrsf.Transforms (c1, d1); Xpoint2(j) = Standard_ShortReal(c1); Ypoint2(j) = Standard_ShortReal(d1); } } // end if myArrow is LASTAR ot BOTHAR Standard_Real A, B, C, D, T1, T2; A = Standard_Real( a ); B = Standard_Real( b ); C = Standard_Real( c ); D = Standard_Real( d ); T1 = Standard_Real( t1 ); T2= Standard_Real( t2); aTrsf.Transforms( A, B ); aTrsf.Transforms( C, D ); aTrsf.Transforms( T1, T2 ); a = Standard_ShortReal( A ); b = Standard_ShortReal( B ); c = Standard_ShortReal( C ); d = Standard_ShortReal( D ); t1 = Standard_ShortReal( T1 ); t2 = Standard_ShortReal( T2 ); } else { if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_FIRSTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ Xpoint1.Assign( myXVert1 ); Ypoint1.Assign( myYVert1 ); } if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_LASTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ) { Xpoint2.Assign( myXVert2 ); Ypoint2.Assign( myYVert2 ); } } // end if GO is transformed // drawing diameter dimension aDrawer->MapSegmentFromTo( a, b, c, d); // enk code if (!myInside) aDrawer->MapSegmentFromTo(myAppX1,myAppY1,myAppX2,myAppY2); // end enk code aDrawer->MapTextFromTo( myText, t1, t2, Standard_ShortReal(theTxtAngle), 0., 0., Aspect_TOT_SOLID ); if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_FIRSTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ if ( myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED || myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_FILLED ) { aDrawer->MapPolygonFromTo( Xpoint1, Ypoint1 ); } else { aDrawer->MapPolylineFromTo( Xpoint1, Ypoint1 ); } } if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_LASTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ if ( myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED || myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_FILLED ) { aDrawer->MapPolygonFromTo( Xpoint2, Ypoint2 ); } else { aDrawer->MapPolylineFromTo( Xpoint2, Ypoint2 ); } } } // end if IsIn is true } void Prs2d_Diameter::DrawElement( const Handle(Graphic2d_Drawer)& aDrawer, const Standard_Integer anIndex ) { Standard_Boolean IsIn = Standard_False; if ( ! myGOPtr->IsTransformed() ) IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn( myMinX, myMaxX, myMinY, myMaxY ); else { Standard_ShortReal minx, miny, maxx, maxy; MinMax( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); } if ( IsIn ) { DrawLineAttrib( aDrawer ); /*Standard_ShortReal dxx = aDrawer->Convert(ADDPIX); gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1+dxx), thePnt2(myX2,myY2+dxx); gp_Vec2d VX( 1., 0. ), theVec(thePnt2, thePnt1); Standard_Real theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec ); gp_Pnt2d pntText; if ( theTxtAngle >= 0 && theTxtAngle <= PI/2 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle > PI/2 && theTxtAngle <= PI ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI/2 && theTxtAngle < 0 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI && theTxtAngle < -PI/2 ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY; pntText.Coord( theTxtX, theTxtY );*/ // correct by enk ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY,theTxtAngle; gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1), thePnt2(myX2,myY2); gp_Vec2d VX(1.,0.), theVec(thePnt2,thePnt1); theVec.Rotate(myTextAngle); theTxtX=myAbsX; theTxtY=myAbsY; theTxtAngle=myAbsAngle; gp_Pnt2d pntText(theTxtX,theTxtY); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_ShortReal a = myX1, b = myY1, c = myX2, d = myY2, t1 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX), t2 = Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX); TShort_Array1OfShortReal Xpoint( 1, 3 ), Ypoint( 1, 3 ); if ( anIndex == 1 ) { Xpoint.Assign( myXVert1 ); Ypoint.Assign( myYVert1 ); } else if ( anIndex == 2 ) { Xpoint.Assign( myXVert2 ); Ypoint.Assign( myYVert2 ); } if ( myGOPtr->IsTransformed () ) { gp_GTrsf2d aTrsf = myGOPtr->Transform (); Standard_Real a1, b1, c1, d1; if ( anIndex == 1 ) { for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) { a1 = Standard_Real( Xpoint(j) ); b1 = Standard_Real( Xpoint(j) ); aTrsf.Transforms( a1, b1 ); Xpoint(j) = Standard_ShortReal( a1 ); Ypoint(j) = Standard_ShortReal( b1 ); } } else if ( anIndex == 2 ) { for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) { a1 = Standard_Real( Xpoint(j) ); b1 = Standard_Real( Xpoint(j) ); aTrsf.Transforms( a1, b1 ); Xpoint(j) = Standard_ShortReal( a1 ); Ypoint(j) = Standard_ShortReal( b1 ); } } else if ( anIndex == 4 ) { a1 = Standard_Real( a ); b1 = Standard_Real( b ); c1 = Standard_Real( c ); d1 = Standard_Real( d ); aTrsf.Transforms( a1, b1 ); aTrsf.Transforms( c1, d1 ); a = Standard_ShortReal( a1 ); b = Standard_ShortReal( b1 ); c = Standard_ShortReal( c1 ); d = Standard_ShortReal( d1 ); } else if ( anIndex == 3 ) { a1 = Standard_Real( t1 ); b1 = Standard_Real( t2); aTrsf.Transforms( a1, b1 ); t1 = Standard_ShortReal( a1 ); t2 = Standard_ShortReal( b1); } } if ( anIndex == 1 || anIndex == 2 ) if ( myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED || myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_FILLED ) { aDrawer->MapPolygonFromTo( Xpoint, Ypoint ); } else { aDrawer->MapPolylineFromTo( Xpoint, Ypoint ); } else if ( anIndex == 4) aDrawer->MapSegmentFromTo( a, b, c, d ); else if ( anIndex == 3 ) aDrawer->MapTextFromTo( myText, t1, t2, Standard_ShortReal(theTxtAngle), 0., 0., Aspect_TOT_SOLID ); else if ( !myInside && anIndex == 5) { aDrawer->MapSegmentFromTo(myAppX1,myAppY1,myAppX2,myAppY2); } } // end if IsIn is true } void Prs2d_Diameter::DrawVertex( const Handle(Graphic2d_Drawer)& aDrawer, const Standard_Integer anIndex ) { Standard_Boolean IsIn = Standard_False; if ( ! myGOPtr->IsTransformed() ) IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn( myMinX, myMaxX, myMinY, myMaxY ); else { Standard_ShortReal minx, miny, maxx, maxy; MinMax( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); IsIn = aDrawer->IsIn( minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); } if ( IsIn ) { if ( anIndex == 1 || anIndex == 2 ) { Standard_ShortReal X=0., Y=0.; if ( anIndex == 1 ) { X = myX1; Y = myY1; } else if ( anIndex == 2 ) { X = myX2; Y = myY2; } DrawMarkerAttrib( aDrawer ); if ( myGOPtr->IsTransformed() ) { gp_GTrsf2d aTrsf = myGOPtr->Transform(); Standard_Real A = Standard_Real( X ), B = Standard_Real( Y ); aTrsf.Transforms( A, B ); X = Standard_ShortReal( A ); Y = Standard_ShortReal( B ); } aDrawer->MapMarkerFromTo(VERTEXMARKER,X,Y, DEFAULTMARKERSIZE,DEFAULTMARKERSIZE,0.0); } } } Standard_Boolean Prs2d_Diameter::Pick( const Standard_ShortReal X, const Standard_ShortReal Y, const Standard_ShortReal aPrecision, const Handle(Graphic2d_Drawer)& aDrawer ) { Standard_ShortReal SRX = X, SRY = Y; Standard_Boolean Result = Standard_False; if ( IsInMinMax (X, Y, aPrecision) ) { if ( myGOPtr->IsTransformed () ) { gp_GTrsf2d aTrsf = ( myGOPtr->Transform() ).Inverted(); Standard_Real RX = Standard_Real(SRX), RY = Standard_Real(SRY); aTrsf.Transforms(RX, RY); SRX = Standard_ShortReal(RX); SRY = Standard_ShortReal(RY); } if ( Graphic2d_Primitive::IsOn( SRX, SRY, myX1, myY1, aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(-1); return Standard_True; } else if ( Graphic2d_Primitive::IsOn( SRX, SRY, myX2, myY2, aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(-2); return Standard_True; } if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_FIRSTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ) { for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < 3 ; i++) if ( IsOn( SRX, SRY, myXVert1(i), myYVert1(i), myXVert1(i+1), myYVert1( i+1 ), aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(1); return Standard_True; } if ( myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED || myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_FILLED ) if ( IsIn( SRX, SRY, myXVert1, myYVert1, aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(1); return Standard_True; } } // end if myArrow == FIRSTAR or BOTHAR if ( ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_LASTAR ) || ( myArrow == Prs2d_AS_BOTHAR ) ){ for ( Standard_Integer i = 1; i < 3 ; i++) if ( IsOn( SRX, SRY, myXVert2(i), myYVert2(i), myXVert2(i+1), myYVert2( i+1 ), aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(2); return Standard_True; } if ( myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED || myArrType == Prs2d_TOA_FILLED ) if ( IsIn( SRX, SRY, myXVert2, myYVert2, aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex(2); return Standard_True; } } // end if myArrow == LASTAR or BOTHAR Standard_ShortReal width,height,xoffset,yoffset; Standard_ShortReal hscale = Standard_ShortReal(myTextScale*aDrawer->Scale()), wscale = Standard_ShortReal(myTextScale*aDrawer->Scale()); Standard_ShortReal TX = X, TY = Y; aDrawer->SetTextAttrib( myColorIndex, myTextFont, 0, hscale, wscale, Standard_False ); if ( !aDrawer->GetTextSize( myText, width, height, xoffset, yoffset ) ) { width = height = xoffset = yoffset = 0.; } /*Standard_ShortReal dxx = aDrawer->Convert(ADDPIX); gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1+dxx), thePnt2(myX2,myY2+dxx); gp_Vec2d VX( 1., 0. ), theVec(thePnt2, thePnt1); Standard_Real theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec ); gp_Pnt2d pntText; if ( theTxtAngle >= 0 && theTxtAngle <= PI/2 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle > PI/2 && theTxtAngle <= PI ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI/2 && theTxtAngle < 0 ) pntText = thePnt2.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); else if ( theTxtAngle >= -PI && theTxtAngle < -PI/2 ) { pntText = thePnt1.Translated( (myArrowLen+dxx)*theVec.Reversed()/(thePnt1.Distance(thePnt2)) ); theTxtAngle = VX.Angle( theVec.Reversed() ); } Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY; pntText.Coord( theTxtX, theTxtY );*/ //correct by enk ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_Real theTxtX, theTxtY,theTxtAngle; gp_Pnt2d thePnt1(myX1,myY1), thePnt2(myX2,myY2); gp_Vec2d VX(1.,0.), theVec(thePnt2,thePnt1); theVec.Rotate(myTextAngle); theTxtX=myAbsX; theTxtY=myAbsY; theTxtAngle=myAbsAngle; gp_Pnt2d pntText(theTxtX,theTxtY); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Standard_ShortReal cosa = Standard_ShortReal(Cos( -theTxtAngle )), sina = Standard_ShortReal(Sin( -theTxtAngle )), dx = TX - Standard_ShortReal(theTxtX), dy = TY - Standard_ShortReal(theTxtY), x = Standard_ShortReal(XROTATE(dx,dy)), y = Standard_ShortReal(YROTATE(dx,dy)); Result = (x >= -aPrecision + xoffset) && (x <= width + xoffset + aPrecision) && (y >= -yoffset - aPrecision) && (y <= height - yoffset + aPrecision); if ( Result ) { SetPickedIndex(3); return Standard_True; } if ( IsOn( SRX, SRY, myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, aPrecision ) ) { SetPickedIndex( 4 ); return Standard_True; } if (! myInside) if (IsOn( SRX, SRY, myAppX1, myAppY1, myAppX2, myAppY2, aPrecision )) { SetPickedIndex(5); return Standard_True; } }// end if IsInMinMax is true return Standard_False; } void Prs2d_Diameter::Save(Aspect_FStream& aFStream) const { }