-- File : Prs2d_Arrow.cdl -- Created : February 2000 -- Author : Tanya COOL ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 2000 class Arrow from Prs2d inherits Line from Graphic2d ---Purpose: Constructs the primitive arrow uses Drawer from Graphic2d, GraphicObject from Graphic2d, Length from Quantity, Array1OfShortReal from TShort, ExtendedString from TCollection, Ax2d from gp, TypeOfArrow from Prs2d, FStream from Aspect, HArray1OfPnt2d from TColgp is Create( aGraphicObject: GraphicObject from Graphic2d; Location : Ax2d from gp; OpenAngle : Real from Standard = 5.0; Length : Real from Standard = 5.0; theType : TypeOfArrow from Prs2d = Prs2d_TOA_CLOSED ) returns mutable Arrow from Prs2d; ---Purpose: create an arrow: -- "Location" gives the location and direction, -- "OpenAngle" gives the opening angle (in radians), -- "Length" gives the length. ---------------------------------- ---Category: Draw and Pick ---------------------------------- Draw( me : mutable; aDrawer: Drawer from Graphic2d ) is static protected; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Draws the arrow . DrawElement( me : mutable; aDrawer: Drawer from Graphic2d; anIndex: Integer from Standard) is redefined protected; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Draws element of the arrow . DrawVertex( me : mutable; aDrawer: Drawer from Graphic2d; anIndex: Integer from Standard) is redefined protected; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Draws vertex of the arrow . ArrayOfPnt2d( me ; withTrsf: Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns HArray1OfPnt2d from TColgp; ---Level: Public ---C++: return const TypeOfArrow( me ) returns TypeOfArrow from Prs2d; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns type of arrow -- Type is: -- TOA_OPENED, -- TOA_CLOSED, -- TOA_FILLED Pick (me : mutable; X, Y: ShortReal from Standard; aPrecision: ShortReal from Standard; aDrawer: Drawer from Graphic2d) returns Boolean from Standard is static protected; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if the arrow is picked, -- Standard_False if not. Save( me; aFStream: in out FStream from Aspect ) is virtual; fields myXVert : Array1OfShortReal from TShort; myYVert : Array1OfShortReal from TShort; myTypeOfArrow : TypeOfArrow from Prs2d; end Arrow from Prs2d;