-- File: PlotMgt_PlotterParameter.cdl -- Created: Quebex 30 October 1998 -- Author: DCB ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1998 class PlotterParameter from PlotMgt inherits TShared from MMgt uses FStream from Aspect, Plotter from PlotMgt, TypeOfPlotterParameter from PlotMgt, HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd, AsciiString from TCollection, File from OSD is ------------------------- -- Category: Constructors ------------------------- Create ( aName : AsciiString from TCollection ) returns mutable PlotterParameter from PlotMgt; ---Purpose: Create the class instance WITH undefined TYPE ----------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to change class definition ----------------------------------------------- Save (me: mutable; aFile: in out File from OSD) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: SetState (me: mutable; aState: Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: SetType (me: mutable; aType: TypeOfPlotterParameter from PlotMgt); ---Purpose: ProcessParamVal (me: mutable; aParamSign : CString from Standard; aFlag : Integer from Standard; aValue : out AsciiString from TCollection ) is private; CheckListValue (me: mutable ) returns Boolean from Standard is private; ---Purpose: Normalize (me: mutable) is protected; ---Purpose: ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- SValue (me; aValue: out AsciiString from TCollection); ---Purpose: BValue (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: IValue (me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: RValue (me) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: LValues (me; aList: out HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd); ---Purpose: MValue (me ) returns HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd; ---Purpose: Name (me) returns AsciiString from TCollection; ---Purpose: OldName (me) returns AsciiString from TCollection; ---Purpose: Description (me : mutable) returns HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd is protected; ---Purpose: ---C++: return & NeedToBeSaved (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Dump (me); ---Purpose: PutCommandInfo (me; outStream: FStream from Aspect); ---Purpose: Used to put parameter's information in a cmd file -- used in PlotterDriver's Spool method. ---------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to modify parameter ---------------------------------------- SetSValue (me: mutable; aValue: AsciiString from TCollection); ---Purpose: SetBValue (me: mutable; aValue: Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: SetIValue (me: mutable; aValue: Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: SetRValue (me: mutable; aValue: Real from Standard); ---Purpose: SetMValue (me: mutable; aMap: HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd); ---Purpose: fields myName : AsciiString from TCollection; myOldName : AsciiString from TCollection; myType : TypeOfPlotterParameter from PlotMgt; myIndex : Integer from Standard; myState : Boolean from Standard; myConfigState : Boolean from Standard; myIsModified : Boolean from Standard; -------------------------------------------------------- myFlags : Integer from Standard; myDialog : AsciiString from TCollection; myMinValue : AsciiString from TCollection; myMaxValue : AsciiString from TCollection; myValues : AsciiString from TCollection; myDefValue : AsciiString from TCollection; myMapLength : Integer from Standard; myMap : HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd; myDescription : HSequenceOfAsciiString from TColStd; friends class Plotter from PlotMgt end PlotterParameter from PlotMgt;