-- File: Plate_LinearXYZConstraint.cdl -- Created: Tue Mar 24 09:41:40 1998 -- Author: # Andre LIEUTIER -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 class LinearXYZConstraint from Plate ---Purpose : define on or several constraints as linear combination of -- PinPointConstraint unlike the LinearScalarConstraint, usage -- of this kind of constraint preserve the X,Y and Z uncoupling. uses XY from gp, XYZ from gp, PinpointConstraint from Plate, Array1OfPinpointConstraint from Plate, HArray1OfPinpointConstraint from Plate, Array1OfReal from TColStd, Array2OfReal from TColStd, HArray2OfReal from TColStd raises DimensionMismatch from Standard, OutOfRange from Standard is Create returns LinearXYZConstraint; Create (ppc : Array1OfPinpointConstraint; coeff : Array1OfReal ) returns LinearXYZConstraint raises DimensionMismatch from Standard; -- the length of ppc have to be the Row lentgth of coeff -- Create (ppc : Array1OfPinpointConstraint; coeff : Array2OfReal ) returns LinearXYZConstraint raises DimensionMismatch from Standard; -- the length of ppc have to be the Row lentgth of coeff Create (ColLen,RowLen : Integer ) -- initialize with 0 valued ppc and Coeffs returns LinearXYZConstraint; -- Accessors : GetPPC(me) returns Array1OfPinpointConstraint; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const & Coeff(me) returns Array2OfReal; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const & SetPPC (me : in out; Index: Integer from Standard; Value: PinpointConstraint) ---Purpose: Sets the PinPointConstraint of index Index to -- Value raise if Index is greater than the length of -- ppc or the Row length of coeff or lower than 1 raises OutOfRange from Standard; SetCoeff (me : in out; Row, Col: Integer from Standard; Value: Real) ---Purpose: Sets the coeff of index (Row,Col) to Value -- raise if Row (respectively Col) is greater than the -- Row (respectively Column) length of coeff raises OutOfRange from Standard; fields myPPC : HArray1OfPinpointConstraint; myCoef : HArray2OfReal; end;