-- File: PCollection.cdl -- Created: Tue Feb 9 18:44:30 1993 -- Author: Mireille MERCIEN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 package PCollection uses Standard, DBC, MMgt, PMMgt, TCollection is enumeration AccessMode is Read, Update end AccessMode; generic class HArray1, FieldOfHArray1 ; generic class HArray2, FieldOfHArray2 ; generic class HSingleList; ---Purpose: The private generic class SingleList represents -- a sequence of 0 or more linked items. generic class HDoubleList; ---Purpose: A List is a sequence of zero or more items -- Each item has two pointers (backward,forward) generic class HSequence,SeqNode,SeqExplorer; ---Purpose: Generic sequence of elements -- indexed by an integer in the range 1..N. generic class HQueue,QueueNode,QueueIterator; ---Purpose: A queue is a sequence of items in which items -- are added at one end (called the back of the queue) -- and removed at the other end (calledthe front). -- The Queue is empty if there are no elements. generic class HSet,SetNode,SetIterator; ---Purpose: A set is an unordered collection of items -- We can not have duplicated items in a given set. generic class HStack,StackNode,StackIterator; ---Purpose: A stack is a list of items in which items are -- added and removed from the same end, called the -- top of the stack. generic class Hash; ---Purpose: Definition of hash function. This class is used by Map -- class and may be redefined by user. generic class HDataMap,MapNode,Array,MapIterator; ---Purpose: A map is a Collection of bindings -- between two objects. One is considered as -- the key and a hash code value must be -- computed for it. generic class HDoubleMap, DoubleMapNode, ArrayDoubleMap, DoubleMapIterator; ---Purpose: A double map is a collection of bindings -- between two objects. -- It can be retrieved either by its Key or its Item; -- A hash code value must be computed for both. generic class HIndexedDataMap, IndexedDataMapNode, ArrayIndexedDataMap; ---Purpose: The IndexedDataMap is a hashed set of objects of -- Type Key, called Keys. Keys can be inserted in -- the Map but not removed. The Map keeps the number -- of keys called NbKeys. Each time a Key is inserted -- the Map tests if this Key is already in the Map. -- If it is, nothing is done. If not, NbKeys is -- incremented and it's value is bound to the Key -- and called the Index. deferred generic class Compare ; ---Purpose: Defines a comparison operator which can be used by -- any ordered structure. The way to compare items -- has to be described in subclasses, which inherit -- from instantiations of Compare. private deferred class PrivCompareOfInteger instantiates Compare from PCollection(Integer); private deferred class PrivCompareOfReal instantiates Compare from PCollection(Real); class CompareOfInteger; class CompareOfReal; enumeration Side is Left , Right; generic class HAVLSearchTree, AVLNode, AVLNodeStack, AVLIterator ; exception IsNotRoot inherits Failure; exception IsNullTree inherits Failure; exception IsContained inherits Failure; generic class HArbitraryTree, SeqArbitraryTree, StackArbitraryTree, ATPreOrderIterator , ATPostOrderIterator, ATInOrderIterator ; generic class HDirectedGraph, Vertex, Edge, SetOfVertex, SetOfEdge, StackOfVertex, QueueOfVertex, FrontEdgesIterator, BackEdgesIterator, DepthFirstIterator, BreadthFirstIterator, AdjacentVerticesIterator, VerticesIterator, RootsIterator, LeavesIterator, EdgesIterator; class HAsciiString; class HExtendedString; end PCollection;