/*********************************************************************** FONCTION : ---------- file OpenGl_togl_begin_immediat_mode.c : REMARQUES: ---------- HISTORIQUE DES MODIFICATIONS : -------------------------------- xx-xx-xx : CAL ; Creation. 08-03-96 : FMN ; - Ajout include manquant 01-04-96 : CAL ; Integration MINSK portage WNT 15-04-96 : CAL ; Integration travail PIXMAP de Jim ROTH 07-05-96 : CAL ; Gestion du minmax calcule en C++ voir call_togl_set_minmax Debug temporaire pour ROB, TelRobSetRGB () 12-06-96 : CAL ; Recuperation des attributs lors d'un draw_structure 22-07-96 : GG ; Faire fonctionner correctement le highlight des polygones en mode immediat 11-09-96 : FMN ; Ajout appel a TxglWinset dans call_togl_begin_immediat_mode 04-11-96 : CAL : Retrait du mode simule, ajout du higlight dans togl_draw_structure 06-11-96 : CAL : Retrait du test sur doublebuffer PRO5949 16-12-96 : CAL : Ajout d'un glFinish () dans end_immediat_mode 21-01-97 : CAL : Gestion du flag differente pour eviter les comparaisons avec shortrealfirst ou last 22-04-97 : FMN ; Correction faute i a la place de j dans util_transform_pt 22-04-97 : FMN ; Correction appel util_transform_pt dans togl_set_minmax 24-04-97 : FMN ; (PRO4063) Ajout displaylist pour le mode transient 25-07-97 : CAL ; Portage WNT (Bool, False, True) 30-07-97 : FMN ; Meilleure gestion de la desactivation des lights 10-09-97 : FMN ; Meilleure gestion de la desactivation des lights 07-10-97 : FMN ; Simplification WNT Ajout glFlush dans call_togl_clear_immediat_mode() 26-11-97 : FMN ; Ajout mode Ajout et xor Meilleure gestion display list pour le RetainMode 19-12-97 : FMN ; Oublie return dans le call_togl_begin_ajout_mode() 22-12-97 : FMN ; Suppression DEBUG_TEMPO_FOR_ROB Correction PRO10217 Ajout affichage cadre TelCopyBuffer Ajout LightOff sur le redraw. 02-02-98 : CAL ; Correction du bug sur les transformations de structure tracees en mode transient. (PRO10217) (PRO12283) 05-02-98 : CAL ; Perfs : mise en place d'un flag identity pour savoir si la matrice de transformation est l'identite. 08-04-98 : FMN ; Mailleur traitement du reaffichage d'une vue. Remplacement de TsmDisplayStructure() par call_func_redraw_all_structs(). 08-07-98 : FMN ; PRO14399: Desactivation animationFlag quand on debute le mode immediat (Transient et Ajout). 30-09-98 : CAL ; Optimisation pour eviter de charger inutilement les matrices de la vue. 27-11-98 : CAL ; S4062. Ajout des layers. 02.14.100 : JR : Warnings on WNT truncations from double to float IMP190100 : GG // -> Preserve current attributes because // attributes can be changed between // begin_immediate_mode() end end_immediate_mode() // -> Optimize transformations computation. // -> Optimize REDRAW in immediat mode. // 19/09/00 -> Avoid to raise in set_linetype() & set_linewith() // due to a bad call to TsmPutAttri() function. BUC60726 GG_040900 Clear the last temporary detected in any case BUC60900 GG_180501 Unhilight entity more earlier when clear() is call instead at the next begin(). ************************************************************************/ #define BUC60863 /*GG_100401 After any view update, made identical // the front and back buffer to avoid ghost drawing. // Minimize flicking. */ #define IMP150501 /*GG_150501 CADPAK_V2 Enable/Disable Zbuffer NOTE that the previous and unused "double-buffer" arg is changed to "zbuffer" and enable/disable to use the OpenGl zbuffer capabilities during immediat drawing */ #define IMP260601 /*GG Enable correct backing store between 2 different views. */ #define IMP051001 /*GG Activates the polygon offset for polygon // selection fill mode. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RIC120302 /* GG Enable to use the application display // callback at end of traversal */ /* * Includes */ #include #ifdef IMP051001 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int call_util_osd_getenv( const char * , char * , int ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Constantes */ #define xCOPY #define xTRACE 0 #if TRACE > 0 #include #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Variables externes */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Prototypes fonctions */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Prototypes Private functions */ static void call_util_transform_pt (float *x, float *y, float *z); static int call_util_is_identity (); static void call_util_transpose_mat (float tmat[16], float mat[4][4]); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Variables statiques */ static int openglNumberOfPoints = 0; static GLint openglViewId = 0; static GLint openglWsId = 0; static int identity = 1; static int partial = -1; /* -1 init, 0 complete, 1 partielle */ static float xm, ym, zm, XM, YM, ZM; static float openglMat[4][4] = { {1., 0., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 1., 0.}, {0., 0., 0., 1.}, }; static GLboolean transientOpen = GL_FALSE; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Mode Ajout */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int EXPORT call_togl_begin_ajout_mode ( CALL_DEF_VIEW *aview ) { CMN_KEY_DATA data; TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSWindow, &data); #ifdef IMP260601 if (TxglWinset (call_thedisplay, (WINDOW) data.ldata) != TSuccess) return (0); #else if (TxglWinset (call_thedisplay, (WINDOW) data.ldata) == TSuccess) #endif if (aview->ViewId == -1) return (0); openglWsId = aview->WsId; openglViewId = aview->ViewId; /* mise en place des matrices de projection et de mapping */ /* TelSetViewIndex (aview->WsId, aview->ViewId); */ #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_begin_ajout_mode %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif TelMakeFrontAndBackBufCurrent (aview->WsId); TsmPushAttri(); return (1); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void EXPORT call_togl_end_ajout_mode () { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_end_ajout_mode %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { TelMakeBackBufCurrent (openglWsId); } openglViewId = 0; openglWsId = 0; identity = 1; /* FMN necessaire pour l'affichage sur WNT */ glFlush(); TsmPopAttri(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Mode Transient */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void EXPORT call_togl_clear_immediat_mode ( CALL_DEF_VIEW *aview, Tint aFlush ) { CMN_KEY_DATA data; GLuint listIndex = 0; GLuint retainmode = 0; if( transientOpen ) { call_togl_end_immediat_mode(0); } #ifdef IMP260601 TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSWindow, &data); if (TxglWinset (call_thedisplay, (WINDOW) data.ldata) != TSuccess) return; #endif TsmGetWSAttri( aview->WsId, WSRetainMode, &data ); retainmode = data.ldata; #ifdef TRACE printf("call_togl_clear_immediat_mode. xm %f, ym %f, zm %f, XM %f, YM %f, ZM %f, partial %d retainmode %d\n",xm, ym, zm, XM, YM, ZM, partial, retainmode); #endif if ( TelBackBufferRestored () == TOff ) { call_togl_erase_animation_mode(); call_func_redraw_all_structs_begin (aview->WsId); if( aview->ptrUnderLayer) call_togl_redraw_layer2d (aview, (CALL_DEF_LAYER *)aview->ptrUnderLayer); call_func_redraw_all_structs_proc (aview->WsId); if( aview->ptrOverLayer) call_togl_redraw_layer2d (aview, (CALL_DEF_LAYER *)aview->ptrOverLayer); #ifdef RIC120302 call_subr_displayCB(aview,OCC_REDRAW_WINDOW); #endif call_func_redraw_all_structs_end (aview->WsId, aFlush); // After a redraw, // Made the back identical to the front buffer. // Always perform full copy (partial update optimization is useless on mordern hardware)! if (retainmode) TelCopyBuffers (aview->WsId, GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, xm, ym, zm, XM, YM, ZM, 0); #ifdef TRACE printf(" $$$ REDRAW\n"); #endif TelSetBackBufferRestored (TOn); } else if( partial >= 0 ) { // Restore pixels from the back buffer. // Always perform full copy (partial update optimization is useless on mordern hardware)! TelCopyBuffers (aview->WsId, GL_BACK, GL_FRONT, xm, ym, zm, XM, YM, ZM, 0); } TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSTransient, &data); listIndex = (GLuint) data.ldata; if( listIndex != 0 ) { /* Clear current list contents */ glNewList( listIndex, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE); glEndList(); } partial = -1; XM = YM = ZM = (float ) shortrealfirst (); xm = ym = zm = (float ) shortreallast (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_togl_redraw_immediat_mode( CALL_DEF_VIEW * aview ) { CMN_KEY_DATA data; GLuint listIndex = 0; int retainmode = 0; #ifndef IMP150501 GLboolean flag_zbuffer = GL_FALSE; #endif TsmGetWSAttri( aview->WsId, WSRetainMode, &data ); retainmode = data.ldata; TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSTransient, &data); listIndex = (GLuint) data.ldata; if (retainmode != 0) { if (listIndex != 0) { TelMakeFrontBufCurrent (aview->WsId); LightOff(); /* mise en place des matrices de projection et de mapping */ /* TelSetViewIndex (aview->WsId, aview->ViewId); */ #ifdef TRACE printf("call_togl_redraw_immediat_mode::call displaylist(%d) \n", listIndex); #endif #ifdef IMP150501 glCallList(listIndex); #else flag_zbuffer = glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if (flag_zbuffer) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glCallList(listIndex); if (flag_zbuffer) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); #endif /* FMN necessaire pour l'affichage sur WNT */ glFlush(); TelMakeBackBufCurrent (aview->WsId); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int EXPORT call_togl_begin_immediat_mode ( CALL_DEF_VIEW * aview, CALL_DEF_LAYER * anunderlayer, CALL_DEF_LAYER * anoverlayer, #ifdef IMP150501 int zbuffer, #else int doublebuffer, #endif int retainmode ) { CMN_KEY_DATA data; GLuint listIndex = 0; if (aview->ViewId == -1) return (0); TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSWindow, &data); #ifdef IMP260601 if (TxglWinset (call_thedisplay, (WINDOW) data.ldata) != TSuccess) return (0); #else if (TxglWinset (call_thedisplay, (WINDOW) data.ldata) == TSuccess) #endif openglWsId = aview->WsId; openglViewId = aview->ViewId; data.ldata = retainmode; TsmSetWSAttri( aview->WsId, WSRetainMode, &data ); #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_begin_immediat_mode %d %d RetainMode %d zbuffer %d partial %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId, retainmode, zbuffer, partial); #endif call_togl_clear_immediat_mode(aview,1); TelMakeFrontBufCurrent (aview->WsId); TsmPushAttri(); #ifdef COPY if (partial == 1) { glColor3f (1., 0., 0.); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f (xm, ym, zm); glVertex3f (XM, ym, zm); glVertex3f (XM, YM, zm); glVertex3f (xm, YM, zm); glEnd(); } #endif /* * RetainMode */ if( retainmode ) { TsmGetWSAttri (aview->WsId, WSTransient, &data); listIndex = (GLuint) data.ldata; if (listIndex == 0) { listIndex = glGenLists(1); #ifdef TRACE printf("call_togl_begin_immediat_mode::init displaylist() %d \n", listIndex); #endif data.ldata = listIndex; TsmSetWSAttri( aview->WsId, WSTransient, &data ); } if (listIndex == 0) return(0); #ifdef TRACE printf("call_togl_begin_immediat_mode::glNewList() %d \n", listIndex); #endif glNewList(listIndex, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE); transientOpen = GL_TRUE; } #ifdef IMP150501 if( zbuffer ) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); #endif return (1); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_end_immediat_mode (synchronize) GLboolean synchronize End of immediate graphic primitives in the view. */ void EXPORT call_togl_end_immediat_mode ( int synchronize ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_end_immediat_mode %d %d %d\n", synchronize, openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif #ifndef BUC60863 /* Don't modify the current minmax !!*/ /* Mise ajout MinMax */ if ((xm > shortreallast ()) || (ym > shortreallast ()) || (zm > shortreallast ()) || (XM > shortreallast ()) || (YM > shortreallast ()) || (ZM > shortreallast ()) || (xm < shortrealfirst ()) || (ym < shortrealfirst ()) || (zm < shortrealfirst ()) || (XM < shortrealfirst ()) || (YM < shortrealfirst ()) || (ZM < shortrealfirst ())) { XM = YM = ZM = (float ) shortreallast (); xm = ym = zm = (float ) shortrealfirst (); partial = 0; } else { if (partial != 0) partial = 1; } #endif /*BUC60863*/ if (openglViewId != 0) { #ifdef COPY if (partial == 1) { glColor3f (0., 1., 0.); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f (xm, ym, zm); glVertex3f (XM, ym, zm); glVertex3f (XM, YM, zm); glVertex3f (xm, YM, zm); glEnd(); } #endif if (transientOpen) { glEndList(); #ifdef TRACE printf("--->glEndList() \n"); #endif transientOpen = GL_FALSE; } TelMakeBackBufCurrent (openglWsId); } /* * Ajout CAL : pour voir quelque chose * avant le prochain begin_immediat_mode */ glFinish (); openglViewId = 0; openglWsId = 0; identity = 1; TsmPopAttri(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_transform (amatrix, mode) float amatrix[4][4] GLboolean mode Set the local transformation for All primitives REPLACE the existante if mode is True or POSTCONCATENATE if GL_FALSE */ void EXPORT call_togl_transform ( float amatrix[4][4], int mode ) { int i, j; if (mode || identity) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) openglMat[i][j] = amatrix[i][j]; } else TelMultiplymat3 (openglMat, openglMat, amatrix); identity = call_util_is_identity (); } /* call_togl_begin_polyline () Sets the graphic library ready to receive a polyline. */ void EXPORT call_togl_begin_polyline () { openglNumberOfPoints = 0; LightOff(); glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_end_polyline () End of the polyline. */ void EXPORT call_togl_end_polyline () { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_end_polyline %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) glEnd (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_draw (x, y, z) float x; float y; float z; Defines a new point in the current primitive. */ void EXPORT call_togl_draw ( float x, float y, float z ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_draw %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { openglNumberOfPoints ++; call_util_transform_pt (&x, &y, &z); if (x > XM) XM = x; if (y > YM) YM = y; if (z > ZM) ZM = z; if (x < xm) xm = x; if (y < ym) ym = y; if (z < zm) zm = z; glVertex3f (x, y, z); partial = 1; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_move (x, y, z) float x; float y; float z; Defines a new point in the current primitive. */ void EXPORT call_togl_move ( float x, float y, float z ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_move %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { if (openglNumberOfPoints != 0) { call_togl_end_polyline (); call_togl_begin_polyline (); } openglNumberOfPoints ++; call_util_transform_pt (&x, &y, &z); if (x > XM) XM = x; if (y > YM) YM = y; if (z > ZM) ZM = z; if (x < xm) xm = x; if (y < ym) ym = y; if (z < zm) zm = z; glVertex3f (x, y, z); partial = 1; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_set_linecolor (r, g, b) float r; float g; float b; Sets a new color in the current primitive. */ void EXPORT call_togl_set_linecolor ( float r, float g, float b ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_set_linecolor %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { TEL_COLOUR color; CMN_KEY key; key.id = TelPolylineColour; color.rgb[0] = r; color.rgb[1] = g; color.rgb[2] = b; key.data.pdata = &color; TsmSetAttri( 1, &key ); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_set_linetype (type) long type; Sets a new line type in the current primitive. */ void EXPORT call_togl_set_linetype ( long type ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_set_linetype %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { CMN_KEY key; key.id = TelPolylineType; key.data.ldata = type; TsmSetAttri( 1, &key); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_set_linewidth (width) float width; Sets a new line width in the current primitive. */ void EXPORT call_togl_set_linewidth ( float width ) { #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_set_linewidth %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId != 0) { CMN_KEY key; key.id = TelPolylineWidth; key.data.fdata = width; TsmSetAttri( 1, &key); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_draw_structure (aStructureId) int aStructureId Draw a structure in the transient view space */ void EXPORT call_togl_draw_structure ( int aStructureId ) { Tint i, num; tsm_node node; register Tint istrsfed = 0; register Tint display = 1; register Tint highl = TOff; register TelType telem; CMN_KEY key; float mat16[16]; GLint mode1; GLint mode2; #ifdef TRACE printf ("call_togl_draw_structure %d %d %d\n", openglViewId, openglWsId); #endif if (openglViewId == 0) return; if (TsmGetStructure (aStructureId, &num, &node) == TFailure || !num) return; /*transform_persistence_end();*/ TsmPushAttriLight (); TsmPushAttri(); TglNamesetPush(); /* mise en place de la matrice de transformation du trace transient */ if (! identity) { call_util_transpose_mat (mat16, openglMat); glGetIntegerv (GL_MATRIX_MODE, &mode1); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix (); glScalef (1., 1., 1.); glMultMatrixf (mat16); } for (i = 0; i < num; i++, node = node->next) { telem = node->elem.el; #if TRACE > 0 TelTrace(telem,node->elem.data.ldata); #endif switch (telem) { case TelAddNameset: case TelRemoveNameset: { TsmSendMessage (telem, DisplayTraverse, node->elem.data, 0); if( TglFilterNameset( openglWsId, InvisFilter ) == TSuccess ) display = 0; if( TglFilterNameset( openglWsId, HighlFilter ) == TSuccess ) highl = TOn; break; } case TelCurve: case TelMarker: case TelMarkerSet: case TelPolyline: case TelText: { /* do not send Display message to */ /* primitives if they are invisible */ if (display) { LightOff(); #ifdef IMP150501 glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); #endif key.id = highl; TsmSendMessage (telem, DisplayTraverse, node->elem.data, 1, &key); } } break; case TelPolygon: case TelPolygonSet: case TelPolygonHoles: case TelPolygonIndices: case TelQuadrangle: case TelParray: case TelTriangleMesh: { /* do not send Display message to */ /* primitives if they are invisible */ if (display) { /* LightOn(); */ #ifdef IMP150501 glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); #endif #ifdef IMP051001 if( highl ) { call_subr_disable_polygon_offset(); } #endif key.id = highl; TsmSendMessage (telem, DisplayTraverse, node->elem.data, 1, &key); #ifdef IMP051001 if( highl ) { call_subr_enable_polygon_offset(); } #endif } } break; case TelLocalTran3: { tel_matrix3_data d = ((tel_matrix3_data)(node->elem.data.pdata)); istrsfed = 1; call_util_transpose_mat (mat16, d->mat); glGetIntegerv (GL_MATRIX_MODE, &mode2); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix (); glScalef (1., 1., 1.); glMultMatrixf (mat16); } break; /* ABD 29/10/04 Transform Persistence of Presentation( pan, zoom, rotate ) */ case TelTransformPersistence: { key.id = openglWsId; TsmSendMessage (telem, DisplayTraverse, node->elem.data, 1, &key); break; } /*ABD 29/10/04 Transform Persistence of Presentation( pan, zoom, rotate ) */ default: { key.id = openglWsId; TsmSendMessage (telem, DisplayTraverse, node->elem.data, 0, &key); } } } TglNamesetPop(); TsmPopAttri(); TsmPopAttriLight (); if (istrsfed) { glPopMatrix (); glMatrixMode (mode2); } if (! identity) { glPopMatrix (); glMatrixMode (mode1); } return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_togl_set_minmax (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) float x1; float y1; float z1; float x2; float y2; float z2; Give the boundary box of the transient graphic */ void EXPORT call_togl_set_minmax ( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 ) { #ifdef TRACE printf("call_togl_set_minmax. x1 %f, y1 %f, z1 %f, x2 %f, y2 %f, z2 %f\n",x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); #endif if ((x1 > shortreallast ()) || (y1 > shortreallast ()) || (z1 > shortreallast ()) || (x2 > shortreallast ()) || (y2 > shortreallast ()) || (z2 > shortreallast ()) || (x1 < shortrealfirst ()) || (y1 < shortrealfirst ()) || (z1 < shortrealfirst ()) || (x2 < shortrealfirst ()) || (y2 < shortrealfirst ()) || (z2 < shortrealfirst ())) { XM = YM = ZM = (float ) shortreallast (); xm = ym = zm = (float ) shortrealfirst (); partial = 0; } else { call_util_transform_pt (&x1, &y1, &z1); call_util_transform_pt (&x2, &y2, &z2); if (x1 > XM) XM = x1; if (x1 < xm) xm = x1; if (y1 > YM) YM = y1; if (y1 < ym) ym = y1; if (z1 > ZM) ZM = z1; if (z1 < zm) zm = z1; if (x2 > XM) XM = x2; if (x2 < xm) xm = x2; if (y2 > YM) YM = y2; if (y2 < ym) ym = y2; if (z2 > ZM) ZM = z2; if (z2 < zm) zm = z2; if (partial != 0) partial = 1; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Private functions */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* call_util_transform_pt (x, y, z) float *x; float *y; float *z; Transform the point pt */ static void call_util_transform_pt ( float *x, float *y, float *z ) { int i, j; float sum = 0.; float tpt[4], pt[4]; if (! identity) { pt[0] = *x, pt[1] = *y, pt[2] = *z, pt[3] = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0, sum = 0.0; j < 4; j++) sum += openglMat[i][j] * pt[j]; tpt[i] = sum; } *x = tpt[0], *y = tpt[1], *z = tpt[2]; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* int call_util_is_identity () Returns 1 if openglMat is the identity */ static int call_util_is_identity ( ) { int i, j; int res = 1; for (i = 0; res && i < 4; i++) for (j = 0; res && j < 4; j++) if (i == j) res = (openglMat[i][j] == 1.); else res = (openglMat[i][j] == 0.); #ifdef TRACE printf ("La matrice suivante :\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf ("\t"); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) printf ("%f ", openglMat[i][j]); printf ("\n"); } if (res) printf ("est la matrice identite\n"); else printf ("n'est pas la matrice identite\n"); #endif return (res); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* void call_util_transpose_mat (tmat, mat) float tmat[16]; float mat[4][4]; Transpose mat and returns tmat. */ static void call_util_transpose_mat (float tmat[16], float mat[4][4]) { int i, j; for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) tmat[j*4+i] = mat[i][j]; #ifdef TRACE printf ("Transposee :\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf ("\t"); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) printf ("%f ", tmat[i*4+j]); printf ("\n"); } #endif }