/*********************************************************************** FONCTION : ---------- File OpenGl_mrkr : REMARQUES: ---------- HISTORIQUE DES MODIFICATIONS : -------------------------------- xx-xx-xx : xxx ; Creation. 11-03-96 : FMN ; Correction warning compilation 01-04-96 : CAL ; Integration MINSK portage WNT 08-07-96 : BGN ; (PRO4768) suppression du cas particulier TEL_PM_DOT. 21-10-96 : FMN ; Suppression LMC_COLOR fait dans OpenGl_execstruct.c 19-10-96 : CAL ; Restauration du cas particulier TEL_PM_DOT mais avec la correction sur la mise a jour du pointSize. ************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern GLuint GetListIndex(int); static TStatus MarkerDisplay( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ); static TStatus MarkerAdd( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ); static TStatus MarkerDelete( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ); static TStatus MarkerPrint( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ); static TStatus MarkerInquire( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ); /*static GLboolean lighting_mode;*/ static TStatus (*MtdTbl[])( TSM_ELEM_DATA, Tint, cmn_key* ) = { MarkerDisplay, /* PickTraverse */ MarkerDisplay, MarkerAdd, MarkerDelete, MarkerPrint, MarkerInquire }; MtblPtr TelMarkerInitClass( TelType *el ) { *el = TelMarker; return MtdTbl; } static TStatus MarkerAdd( TSM_ELEM_DATA d, Tint n, cmn_key *k ) { tel_point data = new TEL_POINT; if( !data ) return TFailure; *data = *(tel_point)(k[0]->data.pdata); ((tsm_elem_data)(d.pdata))->pdata = data; return TSuccess; } extern GLuint markerBase; static TStatus MarkerDisplay( TSM_ELEM_DATA data, Tint n, cmn_key *k ) { tel_point p; CMN_KEY key1, key2, key3; TEL_COLOUR colour; Tchar *str; key1.id = TelPolymarkerColour; key1.data.pdata = &colour; key2.id = TelPolymarkerType; key3.id = TelPolymarkerSize; TsmGetAttri( 3, &key1, &key2, &key3 ); if( k[0]->id == TOn ) { /* Use highlight colours */ TEL_HIGHLIGHT hrep; key1.id = TelHighlightIndex; TsmGetAttri( 1, &key1 ); if( TelGetHighlightRep( TglActiveWs, key1.data.ldata, &hrep ) == TSuccess ) colour = hrep.col; else { TelGetHighlightRep( TglActiveWs, 0, &hrep ); colour = hrep.col; } } glColor3fv( colour.rgb ); p = (tel_point)data.pdata; if( key2.data.ldata == TEL_PM_DOT ) { glPointSize( key3.data.fdata ); glBegin( GL_POINTS ); glVertex3fv( p->xyz ); glEnd(); } else { GLint mode; glGetIntegerv( GL_RENDER_MODE, &mode ); if( key2.data.ldata == TEL_PM_USERDEFINED ) { glRasterPos3f( (GLfloat)(p->xyz[0]), (GLfloat)(p->xyz[1]), (GLfloat)(p->xyz[2]) ); glCallList( GetListIndex( (int)key3.data.fdata ) ); } else { str = TelGetStringForPM( key2.data.ldata, key3.data.fdata ); glRasterPos3f( (GLfloat)(p->xyz[0]), (GLfloat)(p->xyz[1]), (GLfloat)(p->xyz[2]) ); glListBase(markerBase); glCallLists(strlen( (char*)str ), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLubyte *) str ); } if( mode==GL_FEEDBACK ) { glBegin( GL_POINTS ); glVertex3f( p->xyz[0], p->xyz[1], p->xyz[2] ); glEnd(); /* it is necessary to indicate end of marker information*/ } } return TSuccess; } static TStatus MarkerDelete( TSM_ELEM_DATA data, Tint n, cmn_key *k ) { if (data.pdata) free(data.pdata); return TSuccess; } static TStatus MarkerPrint( TSM_ELEM_DATA data, Tint n, cmn_key *k ) { tel_point p; p = (tel_point)data.pdata; fprintf( stdout, "TelMarker. Value = %g, %g, %g\n", p->xyz[0], p->xyz[1], p->xyz[2] ); fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); return TSuccess; } static TStatus MarkerInquire( TSM_ELEM_DATA data, Tint n, cmn_key *k ) { Tint i; tel_point d; Tint size_reqd=0; TStatus status = TSuccess; d = (tel_point)data.pdata; size_reqd = sizeof( TEL_POINT ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { switch( k[i]->id ) { case INQ_GET_SIZE_ID: { k[i]->data.ldata = size_reqd; break; } case INQ_GET_CONTENT_ID: { TEL_INQ_CONTENT *c; Teldata *w; c = (tel_inq_content)k[i]->data.pdata; c->act_size = size_reqd; w = c->data; if( c->size >= size_reqd ) { w->pts3 = (tel_point)(c->buf); *(w->pts3) = *d; status = TSuccess; } else status = TFailure; break; } } } return status; }