/*********************************************************************** FONCTION : ---------- File OpenGl_funcs : REMARQUES: ---------- HISTORIQUE DES MODIFICATIONS : -------------------------------- xx-xx-xx : xxx ; Creation. 20-02-96 : FMN ; Suppression code inutile: 11-03-96 : FMN ; Correction warning compilation 01-04-96 : CAL ; Integration MINSK portage WNT 13-06-96 : CAL ; Gestion de la transparence dans redraw_all_structs 09-07-97 : FMN ; Verification calcul matrice orientation et projection. Je n'ai verifie que le mode parallele pas le mode perspective. 18-07-97 : FMN ; Desactivation des lights au demarrage 05-08-97 : PCT ; Support texture mapping 19-08-97 : PCT ; ajout reflexion 23-12-97 : FMN ; Suppression TelBackInteriorStyle, TelBackInteriorStyleIndex et TelBackInteriorShadingMethod 13-01-98 : FMN ; Oublie printf 03-03-98 : FMN ; Suppression variable externe TglWhetherPerspective 13-03-98 : FMN ; Suppression variable externe TglUpdateView0 17-03-98 : FMN ; Ajout mode animation - deplacement TelSetViewIndex de OpenGl_execstruct.c ici. - gestion du mode animation. 29-04-98 : FMN ; Mode animation - ajout TsmPushAttri et TsmPopAttri necessaire pour sauvegarder la point de vue. - ajout init de la var TglActiveWs 08-07-98 : FMN ; Mode animation: ajout print debug 27-11-98 : CAL ; S4062. AJout des layers. 30-11-98 : FMN ; S3819 : Textes toujours visibles 14-12-98 : BGN ; (S3989, Phase "triedre") ajout du reaffichage du triedre . 05-01-99 : CAL ; Warning WNT 22-03-04 : SAN ; OCC4895 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets ************************************************************************/ #define G003 /* EUG 20-09-99 ; Animation management */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef G003 # include #endif /* G003 */ #if defined(WNT) #include #endif #include /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Constantes */ #define NO_PRINT #define NO_DEBUG #define NO_DEBUG_ANIMATION #define EPSI 0.0001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Variables externes */ tsm_trsf_stack trsf_stack = NULL; tsm_trsf_stack cur_trsf_stack = NULL; Tint ForbidSetTextureMapping; /* valid only during traversal */ Tint SecondPassNeeded; /* valid only during traversal */ Tint SecondPassDo; /* valid only during traversal */ #ifdef G003 extern GLboolean g_fUpdateAM; extern GLboolean g_fList; int g_nBackfacing; #endif /* G003 */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Prototypes */ static void call_util_apply_trans2( float ix, float iy, float iz, matrix3 mat, float *ox, float *oy, float *oz ); static void call_util_mat_mul( matrix3 mat_a, matrix3 mat_b, matrix3 mat_c); #ifdef DEBUG static void pr_matrix( matrix3 mat ); #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Fonctions externes */ void call_func_set_text_style(int lid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = lid; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextStyle, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_text_display_type(int lid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = lid; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextDisplayType, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_label(Tint lid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = lid; TsmAddToStructure( TelLabel, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_appl_data(void *ptr) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.pdata = ptr; TsmAddToStructure( TelApplicationData, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_view_ind(Tint vid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = vid; TsmAddToStructure( TelViewIndex, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_local_tran3( Tmatrix3 mat, TComposeType mode ) { CMN_KEY key; key.id = mode; key.data.pdata = mat; TsmAddToStructure( TelLocalTran3, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_linewidth( Tfloat lw ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = lw; TsmAddToStructure( TelPolylineWidth, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_linetype( Tint lt ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = lt; TsmAddToStructure( TelPolylineType, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_edge_type( Tint lt ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = lt; TsmAddToStructure( TelEdgeType, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_int_style( Tint is ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = is; TsmAddToStructure( TelInteriorStyle, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_edge_flag( Tint st ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = st; TsmAddToStructure( TelEdgeFlag, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_edgewidth( Tfloat ew ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = ew; TsmAddToStructure( TelEdgeWidth, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_int_style_ind( Tint ind ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = ind; TsmAddToStructure( TelInteriorStyleIndex, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_face_disting_mode( Tint mode ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = mode; TsmAddToStructure( TelFaceDistinguishingMode, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_face_cull_mode( Tint mode ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = mode; TsmAddToStructure( TelFaceCullingMode, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_marker_type( Tint type ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = type; TsmAddToStructure( TelPolymarkerType, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_marker_size( Tfloat size ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = size; TsmAddToStructure( TelPolymarkerSize, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_exec_struct(Tint stid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = stid; TsmAddToStructure( TelExecuteStructure, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_init_tgl() { TelHookOnAllClasses(); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void /* Ignoring priority */ call_func_post_struct( Tint ws, Tint stid, Tfloat priority ) { CMN_KEY_DATA k; k.ldata = stid; TsmSetWSAttri( ws, WSViewStid, &k ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_int_shad_meth(Tint mtd) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = mtd; TsmAddToStructure( TelInteriorShadingMethod, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_refl_eqn( Tint eqn ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = eqn; TsmAddToStructure( TelInteriorReflectanceEquation, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_back_refl_eqn( Tint eqn ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = eqn; TsmAddToStructure( TelBackInteriorReflectanceEquation, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_text_font( Tchar *font ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.pdata = font; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextFont, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_char_space( Tfloat sp ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = sp; TsmAddToStructure( TelCharacterSpacing, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_char_expan( Tfloat exp ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = exp; TsmAddToStructure( TelCharacterExpansionFactor, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_text_zoomable( Tint flag ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = flag; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextZoomable, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_text_angle( Tfloat angl ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = (Tint)angl; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextAngle, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_text_fontaspect( OSD_FontAspect fontaspect ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = fontaspect; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextFontAspect, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OCC4895 SAN 22/03/04 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets */ void call_func_set_polygon_offset_params( Tint mode, Tfloat factor, Tfloat units ) { CMN_KEY key; TEL_POFFSET_PARAM param; param.mode = mode; param.factor = factor; param.units = units; key.data.pdata = ¶m; TsmAddToStructure( TelPolygonOffset, 1, &key ); } /* OCC4895 SAN 22/03/04 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_pick_id(Tint pid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = pid; TsmAddToStructure( TelPickId, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void redraw_all_structs( Tint wsid, Tint vstid ) { CMN_KEY_DATA k; GLint blend_dst, blend_src; GLboolean blend_state; GLint zbuff_f; GLboolean zbuff_state, zbuff_w; /* Est-il necessaire de faire de la transparence ? */ TsmGetWSAttri( wsid, WSTransparency, &k ); TelSetTransparency( k.ldata ); /* ajout PCT pour gestion des textures */ TsmGetWSAttri(wsid, WSSurfaceDetail, &k); switch (k.ldata) { /* TOD_NONE */ case 0: ForbidSetTextureMapping = 1; SecondPassNeeded = 0; SecondPassDo = 0; DisableTexture(); TsmDisplayStructure( vstid, wsid ); break; /* TOD_ENVIRONMENT */ case 1: ForbidSetTextureMapping = 1; SecondPassNeeded = 0; SecondPassDo = 0; TsmGetWSAttri(wsid, WSTextureEnv, &k); SetCurrentTexture(k.ldata); EnableTexture(); TsmDisplayStructure( vstid, wsid ); DisableTexture(); break; /* TOD_ALL */ case 2: /* premiere passe */ ForbidSetTextureMapping = 0; SecondPassNeeded = 0; SecondPassDo = 0; TsmDisplayStructure( vstid, wsid ); DisableTexture(); /* deuxieme passe */ if (SecondPassNeeded) { SecondPassDo = 1; TsmGetWSAttri(wsid, WSTextureEnv, &k); SetCurrentTexture(k.ldata); EnableTexture(); /* sauvegarde de quelques parametres OpenGL */ glGetBooleanv(GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, &zbuff_w); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_FUNC, &zbuff_f); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_DST, &blend_dst); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_SRC, &blend_src); zbuff_state = glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST); blend_state = glIsEnabled(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDepthFunc(GL_EQUAL); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); ForbidSetTextureMapping = 1; TsmDisplayStructure(vstid, wsid ); DisableTexture(); /* restauration des parametres OpenGL */ glBlendFunc(blend_src, blend_dst); if (!blend_state) glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDepthFunc(zbuff_f); glDepthMask(zbuff_w); if (!zbuff_state) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_FUNC); } break; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_redraw_all_structs( Tint wsid, Tint swap ) { call_func_redraw_all_structs_begin (wsid); call_func_redraw_all_structs_proc (wsid); call_func_redraw_all_structs_end (wsid, swap); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_anno_char_ht( Tfloat h ) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.fdata = h; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextHeight, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void /* unimplemented */ call_func_set_anno_char_up_vec( Tfloat path[2] ) { return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void /* unimplemented */ call_func_set_anno_path( Tint path ) { return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void /* unimplemented */ call_func_set_anno_align( Tint hor, Tint ver ) { /*OCC7456 abd 14.12.2004 Text alingnment attributes */ CMN_KEY k; TEL_ALIGN_DATA data; data.Hmode = hor; data.Vmode = ver; k.data.pdata = &data; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextAlign, 1, &k ); /*OCC7456 abd 14.12.2004 Text alingnment attributes */ return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_anno_text_rel3( tel_point pt, Techar *str ) { CMN_KEY k[2]; k[0].id = TEXT_ATTACH_PT_ID; k[0].data.pdata = pt; k[1].id = TEXT_STRING_ID; k[1].data.pdata = str; TsmAddToStructure( TelText, 2, &k[0], &k[1] ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_dcue_ind(Tint dcid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = dcid; TsmAddToStructure( TelDepthCueIndex, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_texture_id(Tint dcid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = dcid; TsmAddToStructure( TelTextureId, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_set_do_texturemap(Tint dcid) { CMN_KEY key; key.data.ldata = dcid; TsmAddToStructure( TelDoTextureMap, 1, &key ); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EPSI 0.0001 #ifdef DEBUG static void pr_matrix( matrix3 mat ) { printf( "%1.12f %1.12f %1.12f %1.12f\n", mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2], mat[0][3] ); printf( "%1.12f %1.12f %1.12f %1.12f\n", mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2], mat[1][3] ); printf( "%1.12f %1.12f %1.12f %1.12f\n", mat[2][0], mat[2][1], mat[2][2], mat[2][3] ); printf( "%1.12f %1.12f %1.12f %1.12f\n", mat[3][0], mat[3][1], mat[3][2], mat[3][3] ); printf( "\n" ); return; } #endif /* * Evaluates orientation matrix. */ /* OCC18942: obsolete in OCCT6.3, might be removed in further versions! */ void call_func_eval_ori_matrix3 ( point3 *vrp, /* view reference point */ vec3 *vpn, /* view plane normal */ vec3 *vup, /* view up vector */ int *err_ind, float mout[4][4]) /* OUT view orientation matrix */ { /* Translate to VRP then change the basis. * The old basis is: e1 = < 1, 0, 0>, e2 = < 0, 1, 0>, e3 = < 0, 0, 1>. * The new basis is: ("x" means cross product) * e3' = VPN / |VPN| * e1' = VUP x VPN / |VUP x VPN| * e2' = e3' x e1' * Therefore the transform from old to new is x' = TAx, where: * * | e1'x e2'x e3'x 0 | | 1 0 0 0 | * A = | e1'y e2'y e3'y 0 |, T = | 0 1 0 0 | * | e1'z e2'z e3'z 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | * | 0 0 0 1 | | -vrp.x -vrp.y -vrp.z 1 | * */ /* * These ei's are really ei primes. */ register float (*m)[4][4]; point3 e1, e2, e3, e4; double s, v; /* * e1' = VUP x VPN / |VUP x VPN|, but do the division later. */ e1.x = vup->delta_y * vpn->delta_z - vup->delta_z * vpn->delta_y; e1.y = vup->delta_z * vpn->delta_x - vup->delta_x * vpn->delta_z; e1.z = vup->delta_x * vpn->delta_y - vup->delta_y * vpn->delta_x; s = sqrt( e1.x * e1.x + e1.y * e1.y + e1.z * e1.z); e3.x = vpn->delta_x; e3.y = vpn->delta_y; e3.z = vpn->delta_z; v = sqrt( e3.x * e3.x + e3.y * e3.y + e3.z * e3.z); /* * Check for vup and vpn colinear (zero dot product). */ if ((s > -EPSI) && (s < EPSI)) *err_ind = 2; else /* * Check for a normal vector not null. */ if ((v > -EPSI) && (v < EPSI)) *err_ind = 3; else { /* * Normalize e1 */ e1.x /= ( float )s; e1.y /= ( float )s; e1.z /= ( float )s; /* * e3 = VPN / |VPN| */ e3.x /= ( float )v; e3.y /= ( float )v; e3.z /= ( float )v; /* * e2 = e3 x e1 */ e2.x = e3.y * e1.z - e3.z * e1.y; e2.y = e3.z * e1.x - e3.x * e1.z; e2.z = e3.x * e1.y - e3.y * e1.x; /* * Add the translation */ e4.x = -( e1.x * vrp->x + e1.y * vrp->y + e1.z * vrp->z); e4.y = -( e2.x * vrp->x + e2.y * vrp->y + e2.z * vrp->z); e4.z = -( e3.x * vrp->x + e3.y * vrp->y + e3.z * vrp->z); /* * Homogeneous entries * * | e1.x e2.x e3.x 0.0 | | 1 0 0 0 | * | e1.y e2.y e3.y 0.0 | * | 0 1 0 0 | * | e1.z e2.z e3.z 0.0 | | a b 1 c | * | e4.x e4.y e4.z 1.0 | | 0 0 0 1 | */ m = (float (*)[4][4])mout; (*m)[0][0] = e1.x; (*m)[0][1] = e2.x; (*m)[0][2] = e3.x; (*m)[0][3] = ( float )0.0; (*m)[1][0] = e1.y; (*m)[1][1] = e2.y; (*m)[1][2] = e3.y; (*m)[1][3] = ( float )0.0; (*m)[2][0] = e1.z; (*m)[2][1] = e2.z; (*m)[2][2] = e3.z; (*m)[2][3] = ( float )0.0; (*m)[3][0] = e4.x; (*m)[3][1] = e4.y; (*m)[3][2] = e4.z; (*m)[3][3] = ( float )1.0; *err_ind = 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "\n->call_func_eval_ori_matrix3 \n" ); printf( "orientation_matrix :\n" ); pr_matrix(mout); #endif } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Evaluates mapping matrix. */ /* OCC18942: obsolete in OCCT6.3, might be removed in further versions! */ void call_func_eval_map_matrix3( view_map3 *Map, int *err_ind, matrix3 mat) { int i, j; matrix3 Tpar, Spar; matrix3 Tper, Sper; matrix3 Shear; matrix3 Scale; matrix3 Tprp; matrix3 aux_mat1, aux_mat2, aux_mat3; point3 Prp; *err_ind = 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) Spar[i][j] = Sper[i][j] = aux_mat1[i][j] = aux_mat2[i][j] = aux_mat3[i][j] = Tper[i][j] = Tpar[i][j] = Tprp[i][j] = Shear[i][j] = Scale[i][j] = ( float )(i == j); Prp.x = Map->proj_ref_point.x; Prp.y = Map->proj_ref_point.y; Prp.z = Map->proj_ref_point.z; /* * Type Parallele */ if (Map->proj_type == TYPE_PARAL) { float umid, vmid; point3 temp; #ifdef FMN float cx, cy, gx, gy, xsf, ysf, zsf; float fpd, bpd; float dopx, dopy, dopz; matrix3 tmat = { { ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0 } }; matrix3 smat = { { ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0 } }; matrix3 shmat = { { ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0 } }; matrix3 tshmat = { { ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0 }, { ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0 } }; /* centers */ cx = Map->win.x_min + Map->win.x_max, cx /= ( float )2.0; cy = Map->win.y_min + Map->win.y_max, cy /= ( float )2.0; gx = 2.0/ (Map->win.x_max - Map->win.x_min); gy = 2.0/ (Map->win.y_max - Map->win.y_min); tmat[0][3] = -cx; tmat[1][3] = -cy; tmat[2][3] = (Map->front_plane + Map->back_plane)/(Map->front_plane - Map->back_plane); smat[0][0] = gx; smat[1][1] = gy; smat[2][2] = -2./(Map->front_plane - Map->back_plane); /* scale factors */ dopx = cx - Prp.x; dopy = cy - Prp.y; dopz = - Prp.z; /* map matrix */ shmat[0][2] = -(dopx/dopz); shmat[1][2] = -(dopy/dopz); /* multiply to obtain mapping matrix */ call_util_mat_mul( tmat, shmat, tshmat ); call_util_mat_mul( smat, tshmat, mat ); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "\n->call_func_eval_map_matrix3 FMN\n" ); printf("prp %f %f %f \n", Prp.x, Prp.y, Prp.z); printf("vpd fpd bpd %f %f %f \n", Map->view_plane, Map->front_plane, Map->back_plane); printf("window limits %f %f %f %f\n", Map->win.x_min, Map->win.x_max, Map->win.y_min, Map->win.y_max); printf( "mapping_matrix :\n" ); pr_matrix(mat); #endif return; #endif /* CAL */ Map->proj_vp.z_min = ( float )0.0; Map->proj_vp.z_max = ( float )1.0; /* CAL */ /* Shear matrix calculation */ umid = ( float )(Map->win.x_min+Map->win.x_max)/( float )2.0; vmid = ( float )(Map->win.y_min+Map->win.y_max)/( float )2.0; if(Prp.z == Map->view_plane){ /* Projection reference point is on the view plane */ *err_ind = 1; return; } Shear[2][0] = ( float )(-1.0) * ((Prp.x-umid)/(Prp.z-Map->view_plane)); Shear[2][1] = ( float )(-1.0) * ((Prp.y-vmid)/(Prp.z-Map->view_plane)); /* * Calculate the lower left coordinate of the view plane * after the Shearing Transformation. */ call_util_apply_trans2(Map->win.x_min, Map->win.y_min, Map->view_plane, Shear, &(temp.x), &(temp.y), &(temp.z)); /* Translate the back plane to the origin */ Tpar[3][0] = ( float )(-1.0) * temp.x; Tpar[3][1] = ( float )(-1.0) * temp.y; Tpar[3][2] = ( float )(-1.0) * Map->back_plane; call_util_mat_mul(Shear, Tpar, aux_mat1); /* Calculation of Scaling transformation */ Spar[0][0] = ( float )1.0 / (Map->win.x_max - Map->win.x_min); Spar[1][1] = ( float )1.0 / (Map->win.y_max - Map->win.y_min); Spar[2][2] = ( float )1.0 / (Map->front_plane - Map->back_plane ); call_util_mat_mul (aux_mat1, Spar, aux_mat2); /* Atlast we transformed view volume to NPC */ /* Translate and scale the view plane to projection view port */ if(Map->proj_vp.x_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.y_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.z_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.x_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.y_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.z_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.x_min > Map->proj_vp.x_max || Map->proj_vp.y_min > Map->proj_vp.y_max || Map->proj_vp.z_min > Map->proj_vp.z_max){ *err_ind = 1; return; } for(i=0; i<4; i++) for(j=0; j<4; j++) aux_mat1[i][j] = (float)(i==j); aux_mat1[0][0] = Map->proj_vp.x_max-Map->proj_vp.x_min; aux_mat1[1][1] = Map->proj_vp.y_max-Map->proj_vp.y_min; aux_mat1[2][2] = Map->proj_vp.z_max-Map->proj_vp.z_min; aux_mat1[3][0] = Map->proj_vp.x_min; aux_mat1[3][1] = Map->proj_vp.y_min; aux_mat1[3][2] = Map->proj_vp.z_min; call_util_mat_mul (aux_mat2, aux_mat1, mat); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "\n->call_func_eval_map_matrix3 - ORTHOGRAPHIC projection\n" ); printf("prp %f %f %f \n", Prp.x, Prp.y, Prp.z); printf("vpd fpd bpd %f %f %f \n", Map->view_plane, Map->front_plane, Map->back_plane); printf("window limits %f %f %f %f\n", Map->win.x_min, Map->win.x_max, Map->win.y_min, Map->win.y_max); printf( "mapping_matrix :\n" ); pr_matrix(mat); #endif return; } /* * Type Perspective */ else if (Map->proj_type == TYPE_PERSPECT) { float umid, vmid; float B, F, V; float Zvmin; /* CAL */ Map->proj_vp.z_min = ( float )0.0; Map->proj_vp.z_max = ( float )1.0; /* CAL */ B = Map->back_plane; F = Map->front_plane; V = Map->view_plane; if(Prp.z == Map->view_plane){ /* Centre of Projection is on the view plane */ *err_ind = 1; return; } if(Map->proj_vp.x_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.y_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.z_min < 0.0 || Map->proj_vp.x_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.y_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.z_max > 1.0 || Map->proj_vp.x_min > Map->proj_vp.x_max || Map->proj_vp.y_min > Map->proj_vp.y_max || Map->proj_vp.z_min > Map->proj_vp.z_max || F < B){ *err_ind = 1; return; } /* This is the transformation to move VRC to Center Of Projection */ Tprp[3][0] = ( float )(-1.0)*Prp.x; Tprp[3][1] = ( float )(-1.0)*Prp.y; Tprp[3][2] = ( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z; /* Calculation of Shear matrix */ umid = ( float )(Map->win.x_min+Map->win.x_max)/( float )2.0-Prp.x; vmid = ( float )(Map->win.y_min+Map->win.y_max)/( float )2.0-Prp.y; Shear[2][0] = ( float )(-1.0)*umid/(Map->view_plane-Prp.z); Shear[2][1] = ( float )(-1.0)*vmid/(Map->view_plane-Prp.z); call_util_mat_mul(Tprp, Shear, aux_mat3); /* Scale the view volume to canonical view volume * Centre of projection at origin. * 0 <= N <= -1, -0.5 <= U <= 0.5, -0.5 <= V <= 0.5 */ Scale[0][0] = (( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z+V)/ ((Map->win.x_max-Map->win.x_min)*(( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z+B)); Scale[1][1] = (( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z+V)/ ((Map->win.y_max-Map->win.y_min)*(( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z+B)); Scale[2][2] = ( float )(-1.0) / (( float )(-1.0)*Prp.z+B); call_util_mat_mul(aux_mat3, Scale, aux_mat1); /* * Transform the Perspective view volume into * Parallel view volume. * Lower left coordinate: (-0.5,-0.5, -1) * Upper right coordinate: (0.5, 0.5, 1.0) */ Zvmin = ( float )(-1.0*(-1.0*Prp.z+F)/(-1.0*Prp.z+B)); aux_mat2[2][2] = ( float )1.0/(( float )1.0+Zvmin); aux_mat2[2][3] = ( float )(-1.0); aux_mat2[3][2] = ( float )(-1.0)*Zvmin*aux_mat2[2][2]; aux_mat2[3][3] = ( float )0.0; call_util_mat_mul(aux_mat1, aux_mat2, Shear); for(i=0; i<4; i++) for(j=0; j<4; j++) aux_mat1[i][j] = aux_mat2[i][j] = (float)(i==j); /* Translate and scale the view plane to projection view port */ aux_mat2[0][0] = (Map->proj_vp.x_max-Map->proj_vp.x_min); aux_mat2[1][1] = (Map->proj_vp.y_max-Map->proj_vp.y_min); aux_mat2[2][2] = (Map->proj_vp.z_max-Map->proj_vp.z_min); aux_mat2[3][0] = aux_mat2[0][0]/( float )2.0+Map->proj_vp.x_min; aux_mat2[3][1] = aux_mat2[1][1]/( float )2.0+Map->proj_vp.y_min; aux_mat2[3][2] = aux_mat2[2][2]+Map->proj_vp.z_min; call_util_mat_mul (Shear, aux_mat2, mat); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "\n->call_func_eval_map_matrix3 - PERSPECTIVE projection\n" ); printf("prp %f %f %f \n", Prp.x, Prp.y, Prp.z); printf("vpd fpd bpd %f %f %f \n", Map->view_plane, Map->front_plane, Map->back_plane); printf("window limits %f %f %f %f\n", Map->win.x_min, Map->win.x_max, Map->win.y_min, Map->win.y_max); printf("viewport limits %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", Map->proj_vp.x_min, Map->proj_vp.x_max, Map->proj_vp.y_min, Map->proj_vp.y_max, Map->proj_vp.z_min, Map->proj_vp.z_max); printf( "mapping_matrix :\n" ); pr_matrix(mat); #endif return; } else *err_ind = 1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void call_util_apply_trans2( float ix, float iy, float iz, matrix3 mat, float *ox, float *oy, float *oz ) { float temp; *ox = ix*mat[0][0]+iy*mat[1][0]+iz*mat[2][0]+mat[3][0]; *oy = ix*mat[0][1]+iy*mat[1][1]+iz*mat[2][1]+mat[3][1]; *oz = ix*mat[0][2]+iy*mat[1][2]+iz*mat[2][2]+mat[3][2]; temp = ix * mat[0][3]+iy * mat[1][3]+iz * mat[2][3]+mat[3][3]; *ox /= temp; *oy /= temp; *oz /= temp; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void call_util_mat_mul( matrix3 mat_a, matrix3 mat_b, matrix3 mat_c) { int i, j, k; for (i=0; i<4; i++) for (j=0; j<4; j++) for (mat_c[i][j] = ( float )0.0,k=0; k<4; k++) mat_c[i][j] += mat_a[i][k] * mat_b[k][j]; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_redraw_all_structs_begin( Tint wsid ) { static Tmatrix3 identity = { {( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0}, {( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0}, {( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0, ( float )0.0}, {( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )0.0, ( float )1.0} }; /* * Gestion de la pile des transformations pour les structures * connectees dans la vue */ if (trsf_stack == NULL) { trsf_stack = (tsm_trsf_stack) malloc (sizeof (TSM_TRSF_STACK)); trsf_stack->next = NULL; trsf_stack->prev = NULL; matcpy (trsf_stack->LocalTran3, identity); cur_trsf_stack = trsf_stack; } TelClearViews(wsid); /* Par defaut on desactive les lumieres */ LightOff(); return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_redraw_all_structs_proc( Tint wsid ) { CMN_KEY kk; CMN_KEY_DATA k; #ifdef G003 CMN_KEY_DATA kbf; #endif /* G003 */ Tint vstid; TsmGetWSAttri( wsid, WSViewStid, &k ); #ifdef G003 TsmGetWSAttri ( wsid, WSBackfacing, &kbf ); g_nBackfacing = kbf.ldata; if ( g_nBackfacing > 0 ) glDisable ( GL_CULL_FACE ); else if ( g_nBackfacing < 0 ) { glEnable ( GL_CULL_FACE ); glCullFace ( GL_BACK ); } /* end if */ #endif /* G003 */ vstid = k.ldata; if( vstid != -1 ) { #ifdef PRINT printf("OpenGl_funcs::call_func_redraw_all_structs:TsmPushAttri \n"); #endif TsmPushAttri(); /* save previous graphics context */ TglActiveWs = wsid; /* Indispensable precedemment dans TsmDisplayStructure */ /* Avec le mode Ajout cette init n'etait plus faite */ /* mise en place des matrices de projection et de mapping */ kk.id = TelViewIndex; kk.data.ldata = vstid; TsmSetAttri( 1, &kk ); TelSetViewIndex (wsid, vstid); #ifdef G003 if ( g_fUpdateAM ) goto forceRedraw; #endif /* G003 */ /* Mode animation */ if (animationFlag) { if ((listIndexFlag) && (listIndexView == vstid)) { #ifdef DEBUG_ANIMATION printf("call_func_redraw_all_structs::glCallList1 \n"); #endif glCallList(listIndex); } else { #ifdef G003 if ( !g_fList ) { g_fList = GL_TRUE; goto forceRedraw; } /* end if */ #endif /* G003 */ #ifdef DEBUG_ANIMATION printf("call_func_redraw_all_structs::glNewList \n"); #endif glNewList(listIndex, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE); redraw_all_structs( wsid, vstid ); #ifdef DEBUG_ANIMATION printf("call_func_redraw_all_structs::glEndList \n"); #endif glEndList(); listIndexFlag = GL_TRUE; listIndexView = vstid; } } /* Mode normal */ else { /* Optimisation si displaylist est toujours valable */ if ((listIndexFlag) && (listIndexView == vstid)) { #ifdef DEBUG_ANIMATION printf("call_func_redraw_all_structs::glCallList2 \n"); #endif glCallList(listIndex); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ANIMATION printf("call_func_redraw_all_structs::redraw_all_structs \n"); #endif #ifdef G003 forceRedraw: #endif /* G003 */ redraw_all_structs( wsid, vstid ); } } /* Mode Animation */ #ifdef PRINT printf("OpenGl_funcs::call_func_redraw_all_structs:TsmPopAttri \n"); #endif /* restore previous graphics context; before update lights */ TsmPopAttri(); /* affichage de Triedre Non Zoomable de la vue s'il existe */ #ifdef PRINT printf("call_func_redraw_all_structS => CALL_TRIEDRON... \n"); #endif call_triedron_redraw_from_wsid (wsid); call_graduatedtrihedron_redraw(wsid); } /* Test vue valide */ return; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void call_func_redraw_all_structs_end( Tint wsid, Tint swap ) { /* CMN_KEY kk;*/ CMN_KEY_DATA k; Tint vstid; TsmGetWSAttri( wsid, WSViewStid, &k ); vstid = k.ldata; if( vstid != -1 ) { /* On swap les buffers */ TsmGetWSAttri( wsid, WSDbuff, &k ); if( (k.ldata == TOn) && (swap) ) TelSwapBuffers( wsid ); else TelFlush(0); } /* Test vue valide */ /* * Mise a jour de l'update_state */ k.ldata = TDone; TsmSetWSAttri( wsid, WSUpdateState, &k ); return; } #ifdef G003 void call_func_set_degenerate_model ( Tint model, Tfloat skipRatio ) { CMN_KEY key; DEGENERATION deg; deg.mode = model; deg.skipRatio = skipRatio; key.data.pdata = ° TsmAddToStructure ( TelDegenerationMode, 1, &key ); } /* end call_func_set_degenerate_model */ #endif /* G003 */ void call_func_set_transform_persistence( Tint mode, Tfloat x, Tfloat y, Tfloat z ) { CMN_KEY key; TEL_TRANSFORM_PERSISTENCE pers; pers.mode = mode; pers.pointX = x; pers.pointY = y; pers.pointZ = z; key.data.pdata = &pers; TsmAddToStructure( TelTransformPersistence, 1, &key ); return; } /* ABD 29/10/04 Transform Persistence of Presentation( pan, zoom, rotate ) */