/*********************************************************************** FONCTION : ---------- Gestion des light sous OpenGL REMARQUES: ---------- - We can't take in account GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION. - Position des lumieres. Il faut faire le glLight(GL_POSITION) apres la gestion des matrices de transformation (GL_MODELVIEW). - Se mefier de GL_POSITION pour les lumieres directionelle. GL_POSITION indique bien la position ou se trouve la lumiere. Comme on a une direction comme valeur il faut l'inverser. FONCTIONNEMENT: --------------- - La variable lightOn permet d'optimiser le changement d'etat des lumieres. Ceci permet d'eviter d'appeler glIsEnable(GL_LIGHTING). Il faut bien sur que l'on utilise les 2 points d'entree LightOn() et LightOff(). L'init de la variable est faite par call_func_redraw_all_structs (OpenGl_funcs.c) HISTORIQUE DES MODIFICATIONS : -------------------------------- 20-06-97 : PCT ; creation 30-06-96 : FMN ; Integration 18-07-96 : FMN, PCT ; Correction indice, ajout IsLightOn() 25-07-97 : CAL ; Portage NT (include OpenGl_tgl_all.h) 07-10-97 : FMN ; Simplification WNT ************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Constantes */ #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #endif #define NO_PRINT_DEBUG #define GROW_SIZE_WKS 10 #define GROW_SIZE_LIGHT 8 #ifndef M_PI # define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Types definis */ struct TEL_LIGHT_DATA { Tint LightID; TEL_LIGHT light; IMPLEMENT_MEMORY_OPERATORS }; struct TEL_LIGHT_WKS { Tint wks; int lights_count; int lights_size; TEL_LIGHT_DATA *lights; IMPLEMENT_MEMORY_OPERATORS }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Variables statiques */ static TEL_LIGHT_WKS *wks = NULL; static int wks_count = 0; static int wks_size = 0; static GLfloat default_amb[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static GLfloat default_sptdir[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 }; static GLfloat default_sptexpo = 0.0; static GLfloat default_sptcutoff = 180.0; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Fonctions privees */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Set des lumieres */ static void bind_light(TEL_LIGHT *lptr, int *gl_lid) { GLfloat data_amb[4]; GLfloat data_diffu[4]; GLfloat data_pos[4]; GLfloat data_sptdir[3]; GLfloat data_sptexpo; GLfloat data_sptcutoff; GLfloat data_constantattenuation; GLfloat data_linearattenuation; GLint cur_matrix; /* on n'a droit qu'a 8 lights avec OpenGL... */ if (*gl_lid > GL_LIGHT7) return; /* la light est une headlight ? */ if (lptr->HeadLight) { glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &cur_matrix); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); } /* set la light en fonction de son type */ switch (lptr->type) { case TLightAmbient: data_amb[0] = lptr->col.rgb[0]; data_amb[1] = lptr->col.rgb[1]; data_amb[2] = lptr->col.rgb[2]; data_amb[3] = 1.0; /*------------------------- Ambient ---------------------------*/ /* * The GL_AMBIENT parameter refers to RGBA intensity of the ambient * light. */ glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, data_amb); #if DEBUG printf("OpenGL_LightBox::bind_light:LightAmbient \n"); printf("\tGL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT %f %f %f \n", data_amb[0], data_amb[1], data_amb[2]); #endif break; case TLightDirectional: data_diffu[0] = lptr->col.rgb[0]; data_diffu[1] = lptr->col.rgb[1]; data_diffu[2] = lptr->col.rgb[2]; data_diffu[3] = 1.0; /*------------------------- Direction ---------------------------*/ /* From Open GL Programming Rev 1 Guide Chapt 6 : Lighting The Mathematics of Lighting ( p 168 ) Directional Light Source ( Infinite ) : if the last parameter of GL_POSITION , w , is zero, the corresponding light source is a Directional one. GL_SPOT_CUTOFF a 180 signifie que ce n'est pas un spot. To create a realistic effect, set the GL_SPECULAR parameter to the same value as the GL_DIFFUSE. */ data_pos[0] = -lptr->dir[0]; data_pos[1] = -lptr->dir[1]; data_pos[2] = -lptr->dir[2]; data_pos[3] = 0.0; glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_AMBIENT, default_amb); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_DIFFUSE, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPECULAR, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_POSITION, data_pos); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, default_sptdir); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, default_sptexpo); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, default_sptcutoff); #if DEBUG printf("OpenGL_LightBox::bind_light:LightDirection \n"); printf("\tGL_AMBIENT %f %f %f \n", default_amb[0], default_amb[1], default_amb[2]); printf("\tGL_DIFFUSE %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_SPECULAR %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_POSITION %f %f %f \n", data_pos[0], data_pos[1], data_pos[2]); #endif break; case TLightPositional: data_diffu[0] = lptr->col.rgb[0]; data_diffu[1] = lptr->col.rgb[1]; data_diffu[2] = lptr->col.rgb[2]; data_diffu[3] = 1.0; /*------------------------- Position -----------------------------*/ /* From Open GL Programming Rev 1 Guide Chapt 6 : Lighting The Mathematics of Lighting ( p 168 ) Positional Light Source : if the last parameter of GL_POSITION , w , is nonzero, the corresponding light source is a Positional one. GL_SPOT_CUTOFF a 180 signifie que ce n'est pas un spot. To create a realistic effect, set the GL_SPECULAR parameter to the same value as the GL_DIFFUSE. */ data_pos[0] = lptr->pos[0]; data_pos[1] = lptr->pos[1]; data_pos[2] = lptr->pos[2]; data_pos[3] = 1.0; data_constantattenuation = lptr->atten[0]; data_linearattenuation = lptr->atten[1]; glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_AMBIENT, default_amb); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_DIFFUSE, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPECULAR, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_POSITION, data_pos); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, default_sptdir); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, default_sptexpo); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, default_sptcutoff); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, data_constantattenuation); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, data_linearattenuation); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.0); #if DEBUG printf("OpenGL_LightBox::bind_light:LightPosition \n"); printf("\tGL_AMBIENT %f %f %f \n", default_amb[0], default_amb[1], default_amb[2]); printf("\tGL_DIFFUSE %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_SPECULAR %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_POSITION %f %f %f \n", data_pos[0], data_pos[1], data_pos[2]); #endif break; case TLightSpot: data_diffu[0] = lptr->col.rgb[0]; data_diffu[1] = lptr->col.rgb[1]; data_diffu[2] = lptr->col.rgb[2]; data_diffu[3] = 1.0; data_pos[0] = lptr->pos[0]; data_pos[1] = lptr->pos[1]; data_pos[2] = lptr->pos[2]; data_pos[3] = 1.0; data_sptdir[0] = lptr->dir[0]; data_sptdir[1] = lptr->dir[1]; data_sptdir[2] = lptr->dir[2]; data_sptexpo = ( float )lptr->shine * 128.0F; data_sptcutoff = ( float )(lptr->angle * 180.0F)/( float )M_PI; data_constantattenuation = lptr->atten[0]; data_linearattenuation = lptr->atten[1]; glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_AMBIENT, default_amb); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_DIFFUSE, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPECULAR, data_diffu); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_POSITION, data_pos); glLightfv(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, data_sptdir); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, data_sptexpo); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, data_sptcutoff); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, data_constantattenuation); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, data_linearattenuation); glLightf(*gl_lid, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0.0); #if DEBUG printf("OpenGL_LightBox::bind_light:LightSpot \n"); printf("\tGL_AMBIENT %f %f %f \n", default_amb[0], default_amb[1], default_amb[2]); printf("\tGL_DIFFUSE %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_SPECULAR %f %f %f \n", data_diffu[0], data_diffu[1], data_diffu[2]); printf("\tGL_POSITION %f %f %f \n", data_pos[0], data_pos[1], data_pos[2]); printf("\tGL_SPOT_DIRECTION %f %f %f \n", data_sptdir[0], data_sptdir[1], data_sptdir[2]); printf("\tGL_SPOT_EXPONENT %f \n", data_sptexpo); printf("\tGL_SPOT_CUTOFF %f \n", data_sptcutoff); printf("\tGL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION %f \n", data_constantattenuation); printf("\tGL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION %f \n", data_linearattenuation); #endif break; } if (lptr->type != TLightAmbient) { #if DEBUG printf("OpenGL_LightBox::bind_light:glEnable %d \n", *gl_lid); #endif glEnable(*gl_lid); (*gl_lid)++; } /* si la light etait une headlight alors restaure la matrice precedente */ if (lptr->HeadLight) { glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(cur_matrix); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * recherche de la liste de lampe d'une wks, creation d'une liste si non existante */ static int find_wks(Tint WksID, int alloc) { int i; /* recherche la wks dans la liste si elle existe */ for (i=0; i on fait de la place si yen a plus */ if (wks_count == wks_size ) { wks_size += GROW_SIZE_WKS; if (!wks) wks = new TEL_LIGHT_WKS[wks_size]; else #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x530) wks = (TEL_LIGHT_WKS*)realloc(wks, wks_size*sizeof(TEL_LIGHT_WKS)); #else wks = cmn_resizemem(wks, wks_size); #endif if (!wks) return -1; } wks[wks_count].wks = WksID; wks[wks_count].lights = NULL; wks[wks_count].lights_size = 0; wks[wks_count].lights_count = 0; return wks_count++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * recherche une lampe d'une wks, creation d'une lampe si elle n'existe pas */ static int find_light(int WksIdx, Tint LightID, int alloc) { int i; TEL_LIGHT_DATA *lights; /* recherche la light dans la liste de la wks */ lights = wks[WksIdx].lights; for (i=0; i on cree une lampe */ if (wks[WksIdx].lights_count == wks[WksIdx].lights_size) { wks[WksIdx].lights_size += GROW_SIZE_LIGHT; if (!wks[WksIdx].lights) wks[WksIdx].lights = new TEL_LIGHT_DATA[wks[WksIdx].lights_size]; else wks[WksIdx].lights = #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x530) (TEL_LIGHT_DATA*)realloc( wks[WksIdx].lights, wks[WksIdx].lights_size*sizeof(TEL_LIGHT_DATA) ); #else cmn_resizemem( wks[WksIdx].lights, wks[WksIdx].lights_size ); #endif if (!wks[WksIdx].lights) return -1; } return wks[WksIdx].lights_count++; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Fonctions publiques */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Ajout d'une lumiere dans la Wks */ TStatus AddLight(Tint WksID, Tint LightID, tel_light light) { int wks_entry; int light_entry; #if DEBUG printf("AddLight %d dans wks %d [wds_count=%d]\n", LightID, WksID, wks_count); #endif /* obtient le numero de la liste de lights de la wks */ wks_entry = find_wks(WksID, 1); if (wks_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* recherche le numero de la lampe si elle existe */ light_entry = find_light(wks_entry, LightID, 1); if (light_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* met a jour la light */ wks[wks_entry].lights[light_entry].LightID = LightID; wks[wks_entry].lights[light_entry].light = *light; #if DEBUG printf("ajout ok\n"); #endif return TSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Maj des lumieres de la Wks */ TStatus UpdateLight(Tint WksID) { int wks_entry; int i; int gl_lid; #if DEBUG printf("UpdateLight %d\n", WksID); #endif /* vire toutes les lights des le depart avant une re-init complete */ for (i=GL_LIGHT0; i<=GL_LIGHT7; i++) glDisable(i); glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, default_amb); /* recherche la liste de light de la wks */ wks_entry = find_wks(WksID, 0); if (wks_entry == -1) return TFailure; #if DEBUG printf("*** Update: nb = %d\n", wks[wks_entry].lights_count); #endif /* set les lights */ gl_lid = GL_LIGHT0; for (i=0; i 0) LightOn(); #if DEBUG printf("update ok\n"); #endif return TSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Remove une lumiere de la Wks */ TStatus RemoveLight(Tint WksID, Tint LightID) { int wks_entry; int light_entry; /* recherche de la wks */ wks_entry = find_wks(WksID, 0); if (wks_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* recherche de la light */ light_entry = find_light(wks_entry, LightID, 0); if (light_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* retire la light */ memcpy(&wks[wks_entry].lights[light_entry], &wks[wks_entry].lights[light_entry+1], (wks[wks_entry].lights_count - light_entry - 1)*sizeof(TEL_LIGHT_DATA)); wks[wks_entry].lights_count--; #if DEBUG printf("RemoveLight %d dans wks %d [wds_count=%d]\n", LightID, WksID, wks_count); #endif return TSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Remove des lumieres de la Wks */ TStatus RemoveWksLight(Tint WksID) { int wks_entry; /* recherche de la wks */ wks_entry = find_wks(WksID, 0); if (wks_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* destruction de toute la wks */ free(wks[wks_entry].lights); memcpy(&wks[wks_entry], &wks[wks_entry+1], (wks_count - wks_entry - 1)*sizeof(TEL_LIGHT_WKS)); wks_count--; return TSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Reset de toutes les lights d'une Wks */ TStatus ResetWksLight(Tint WksID) { int wks_entry; /* recherche de la wks */ wks_entry = find_wks(WksID, 0); if (wks_entry == -1) return TFailure; /* destruction de toutes les lights */ wks[wks_entry].lights_count = 0; return TSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Enable des lights */ void LightOn(void) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG if(IsLightOn()) printf("LightOn(): lighting already enabled!"); else printf("LightOn() succeeded"); #endif glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Disable des lights */ void LightOff(void) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG if(!IsLightOn()) printf("LightOff(): lighting already disabled!"); else printf("LightOff() succeeded"); #endif glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * IsEnable des lights */ GLboolean IsLightOn(void) { return glIsEnabled(GL_LIGHTING); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/