-- Copyright: OpenCASCADE -- File: OSD_SystemFont.cdl -- Created: 20.01.2008 -- Author: Alexander A. BORODIN -- Updated: class SystemFont from OSD inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: Structure for store of Font System Information uses FontAspect, HAsciiString from TCollection is Create returns SystemFont; ---Purpose: Creates empty font object ---Level: Public Create ( FontName : HAsciiString; Aspect : FontAspect; FilePath : HAsciiString ) returns SystemFont; ---Purpose: Creates Font object initialized with as name --- .... TODO ---Level: Public Create ( XLFD : HAsciiString; FilePath : HAsciiString ) returns SystemFont; ---Purpose: TODO ---Level: Public FontName (me) returns HAsciiString; --- Purpose: Returns font family name ---Level: Public FontPath (me) returns HAsciiString; --- Purpose: Returns font file path --- Level: Public FontAspect (me) returns FontAspect from OSD; --- Purpose: Returns font aspect --- Level: Public FontHeight (me) returns Integer from Standard; --- Purpose: Returns font height --- If returned value is equal -1 it means that font is resizable --- Level: Public IsValid( me ) returns Boolean; fields MyFontName: HAsciiString; --Font family name MyFontAspect: FontAspect; MyFaceSize: Integer; --height of font MyFilePath: HAsciiString; --absolute path to font file MyVerification: Boolean; --indicator of font initialization errors. False if initialization is failed. end SystemFont;