--Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992,1993 -- File: OSD_Printer.cdl -- Created: Tue 18 1992 -- Author: Stephan GARNAUD (ARM) -- class Printer from OSD ---Purpose: Selects a printer. uses Error, AsciiString from TCollection raises ConstructionError, NullObject, OSDError is Create (Name : AsciiString) returns Printer ---Purpose: Initializes printer to use with its name. -- The string must contain only ASCII characters -- between ' ' and '~'; this means no control character -- and no extended ASCII code. If it is not the case the -- exception ConstructionError is raised. ---Level: Advanced raises ConstructionError; SetName (me : in out; Name : AsciiString) ---Purpose: Changes name of printer to use. ---Level: Advanced raises ConstructionError, NullObject is static; Name (me ;Name : out AsciiString) is static; ---Purpose: Returns name of current printer ---Level: Advanced Failed (me) returns Boolean is static; ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if an error occurs ---Level: Advanced Reset (me : in out) is static; ---Purpose: Resets error counter to zero ---Level: Advanced Perror (me : in out) ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: Raises OSD_Error raises OSDError is static; Error (me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: Returns error number if 'Failed' is TRUE. ---Level: Advanced fields myName : AsciiString; myError : Error; end Printer from OSD;