;# ;# Liste des toolkits WOK sous forme de full path ;# proc ApplicationFramework:toolkits { } { return [list \ PTKernel \ TKPShape \ TKCDF \ TKLCAF \ TKCAF \ TKBinL \ TKXmlL \ TKShapeSchema \ TKPLCAF \ TKBin \ TKXml \ TKPCAF \ FWOSPlugin \ TKStdLSchema \ TKStdSchema \ TKTObj \ TKBinTObj \ TKXmlTObj \ ] } ;# ;# Autres UDs a prendre. ;# proc ApplicationFramework:ressources { } { return [list \ [list both r StdResource {}] \ [list both r XmlOcafResource {}] \ ] } ;# ;# Nom du module ;# proc ApplicationFramework:name { } { return ApplicationFramework } ;# ;# Short Nom du module ( 3 lettres ) ;# proc ApplicationFramework:alias { } { return CAF } proc ApplicationFramework:depends { } { return [list Visualization] } ;# ;# Pre-requis pour la compilation ( -I ... ) ;# Returns a list of directory that should be used in -I directives ;# while compiling c or c++ files. ;# proc ApplicationFramework:CompileWith { } { set l {} switch -- [OS:os] { HP-UX { } Linux { lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include" lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/linux" lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include" lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]" } SunOS { lappend l "/usr/openwin/include" lappend l "/usr/dt/include" lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_CXX_INCLUDE] 0]" lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include" lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/solaris" lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include" } IRIX { lappend l "/usr/include/CC" } } return $l } ;# ;# Pre-requis pour la compilation ( -L ... ) ;# Returns a list of directory that should be used in -L directives ;# while creating shareable. ;# proc ApplicationFramework:LinksoWith { } { set l {} switch -- [OS:os] { HP-UX { } Linux { lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib } SunOS { lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl" lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltk" } IRIX { lappend l /usr/lib32 } } return $l } ;# ;# Returns a list of exported features. ;# source : Source files ;# runtime: Shareables ;# wokadm : WOK admin files ;# api : Public include files ;# proc ApplicationFramework:Export { } { return [list source runtime wokadm api] }