// File: MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder.cxx // Created: Wed Nov 12 2003 // Author: Alexander SOLOVYOV // Copyright: Open CASCADE 2003 #define _POLYGONES_ // if define _POLYGONES_ ColorPrsBuilder use ArrayOfPolygons for drawing faces #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Class : MeshVS_ImageTexture2D Description : Texture for nodal presentation */ class MeshVS_ImageTexture2D : public Graphic3d_Texture2D { public: MeshVS_ImageTexture2D( Handle(Graphic3d_StructureManager) theSM, const Handle(AlienImage_AlienImage)& theImg ); virtual ~MeshVS_ImageTexture2D(); public: DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(MeshVS_ImageTexture2D) }; DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(MeshVS_ImageTexture2D,Graphic3d_Texture2D) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE(MeshVS_ImageTexture2D,Graphic3d_Texture2D) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(MeshVS_ImageTexture2D, Graphic3d_Texture2D) MeshVS_ImageTexture2D::MeshVS_ImageTexture2D (Handle(Graphic3d_StructureManager) theSM, const Handle(AlienImage_AlienImage)& theImg) : Graphic3d_Texture2D( theSM, "", Graphic3d_TOT_2D ) { MyCInitTexture.doModulate = 1; MyCInitTexture.doRepeat = 0; MyCInitTexture.Mode = (int)Graphic3d_TOTM_MANUAL; MyCInitTexture.doLinear = 1; MyCInitTexture.sx = 1.0F; MyCInitTexture.sy = 1.0F; MyCInitTexture.tx = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.ty = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.angle = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.sparams[0] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.sparams[1] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.sparams[2] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.sparams[3] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.tparams[0] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.tparams[1] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.tparams[2] = 0.0F; MyCInitTexture.tparams[3] = 0.0F; Update(); LoadTexture(theImg); } MeshVS_ImageTexture2D::~MeshVS_ImageTexture2D() { } //================================================================ // Function : getNearestPow2 // Purpose : Returns the nearest power of two greater than the // argument value //================================================================ static inline Standard_Integer getNearestPow2( Standard_Integer theValue ) { // Precaution against overflow Standard_Integer aHalfMax = IntegerLast() >> 1, aRes = 1; if ( theValue > aHalfMax ) theValue = aHalfMax; while ( aRes < theValue ) aRes <<= 1; return aRes; } /* Class : MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder Description : This class provides methods to create presentation of nodes with assigned color (See hxx for more description ) */ //================================================================ // Function : Constructor MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder // Purpose : //================================================================ MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder ( const Handle(MeshVS_Mesh)& Parent, const MeshVS_DisplayModeFlags& Flags, const Handle (MeshVS_DataSource)& DS, const Standard_Integer Id, const MeshVS_BuilderPriority& Priority ) : MeshVS_PrsBuilder ( Parent, Flags, DS, Id, Priority ), myUseTexture( Standard_False ), myInvalidColor( Quantity_NOC_GRAY ) { SetExcluding ( Standard_True ); } //================================================================ // Function : Build // Purpose : //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::Build ( const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& Prs, const TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger& IDs, TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger& IDsToExclude, const Standard_Boolean IsElement, const Standard_Integer DisplayMode) const { Handle (MeshVS_DataSource) aSource = GetDataSource(); Handle (MeshVS_Drawer) aDrawer = GetDrawer(); if ( aSource.IsNull() || aDrawer.IsNull() ) return; Standard_Integer aMaxFaceNodes; if ( !aDrawer->GetInteger ( MeshVS_DA_MaxFaceNodes, aMaxFaceNodes ) || aMaxFaceNodes <= 0 ) return; MeshVS_Buffer aCoordsBuf (3*aMaxFaceNodes*sizeof(Standard_Real)); TColStd_Array1OfReal aCoords ( aCoordsBuf, 1, 3 * aMaxFaceNodes ); Standard_Integer NbNodes; MeshVS_EntityType aType; if ( !( DisplayMode & GetFlags() ) || !IsElement ) return; if ( ( myUseTexture && ( !myTextureCoords.Extent() || !myTextureColorMap.Length() ) ) || ( !myUseTexture && !myNodeColorMap.Extent() ) ) return; // subtract the hidden elements and ids to exclude (to minimise allocated memory) TColStd_PackedMapOfInteger anIDs; anIDs.Assign( IDs ); Handle(TColStd_HPackedMapOfInteger) aHiddenElems = myParentMesh->GetHiddenElems(); if ( !aHiddenElems.IsNull() ) anIDs.Subtract( aHiddenElems->Map() ); anIDs.Subtract( IDsToExclude ); Standard_Boolean IsReflect = Standard_False, IsMeshSmoothShading = Standard_False; aDrawer->GetBoolean( MeshVS_DA_ColorReflection, IsReflect ); aDrawer->GetBoolean( MeshVS_DA_SmoothShading, IsMeshSmoothShading ); // Following parameter are used for texture presentation only int nbColors = 0; // Number of colors from color map int nbTextureColors = 0; // Number of colors in texture (it will be pow of 2) if ( myUseTexture ) { nbColors = myTextureColorMap.Length(); nbTextureColors = getNearestPow2( nbColors ); } Standard_Integer aSize = anIDs.Extent(); // Calculate maximum possible number of vertices and bounds Handle( MeshVS_HArray1OfSequenceOfInteger ) aTopo; Standard_Integer PolygonVerticesFor3D = 0, PolygonBoundsFor3D = 0; TColStd_MapIteratorOfPackedMapOfInteger it (anIDs); for( ; it.More(); it.Next() ) { Standard_Integer aKey = it.Key(); if ( aSource->Get3DGeom( aKey, NbNodes, aTopo ) ) MeshVS_MeshPrsBuilder::HowManyPrimitives ( aTopo, Standard_True, Standard_False, NbNodes, PolygonVerticesFor3D, PolygonBoundsFor3D ); } // Draw faces with nodal color // OCC20644 Use "plastic" material as it is "non-physic" and so it is easier // to get the required colors (see TelUpdateMaterial() function in OpenGl_attri.c) Graphic3d_MaterialAspect aMaterial[ 2 ]; aMaterial[ 0 ] = Graphic3d_MaterialAspect( Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC ); aMaterial[ 1 ] = Graphic3d_MaterialAspect( Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC ); Standard_Integer i; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( !IsReflect ) { aMaterial[ i ].SetReflectionModeOff( Graphic3d_TOR_SPECULAR ); aMaterial[ i ].SetReflectionModeOff( Graphic3d_TOR_AMBIENT ); aMaterial[ i ].SetReflectionModeOff( Graphic3d_TOR_DIFFUSE ); aMaterial[ i ].SetReflectionModeOff( Graphic3d_TOR_EMISSION ); } else{ // OCC20644 Using the material with reflection properties same as in // ElementalColorPrsBuilder, to get the same colors. // Additionally, ambient and diffuse coefficients are used below to scale incoming colors, // to simulate TelUpdateMaterial() function from OpenGl_attri.c. // This is mandatory, as these "scaled" colors are then passed directly to OpenGL // as ambient and diffuse colors of the current material using glColorMaterial(). // In ElementalColorPrsBuilder we do not need to do scale the colors, as this // is done by TelUpdateMaterial(). // 0.5 is used to have the colors in 3D maximally similar to those in the color scale. // This is possible when the sum of all coefficient is equal to 1. aMaterial[i].SetAmbient( .5 ); aMaterial[i].SetDiffuse( .5 ); aMaterial[i].SetSpecular( 0. ); aMaterial[i].SetEmissive( 0. ); } } // Create array of polygons for interior presentation of faces and volumes Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolygons) aCPolyArr = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolygons ( aMaxFaceNodes * aSize + PolygonVerticesFor3D, aSize + PolygonBoundsFor3D, 0, myUseTexture || IsReflect, !myUseTexture, Standard_False, myUseTexture ); // Create array of polylines for presentation of edges // (used for optimization insted of SetEdgeOn method call) Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines) aPolyL = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines ( ( aMaxFaceNodes + 1 ) * aSize + PolygonVerticesFor3D, aSize + PolygonBoundsFor3D ); gp_Pnt P, Start; Standard_Real aMin = gp::Resolution() * gp::Resolution(); gp_Dir aDefNorm( 0., 0., 1. ); // Prepare for scaling the incoming colors Standard_Real anColorRatio = aMaterial[0].Ambient(); for( it.Reset(); it.More(); it.Next() ) { Standard_Integer aKey = it.Key(); if ( aSource->GetGeom ( aKey, Standard_True, aCoords, NbNodes, aType ) ) { MeshVS_Buffer aNodesBuf (NbNodes*sizeof(Standard_Integer)); TColStd_Array1OfInteger aNodes(aNodesBuf, 1, NbNodes); if ( !aSource->GetNodesByElement ( aKey, aNodes, NbNodes ) ) continue; Quantity_Color aNColor; Standard_Boolean isValid = Standard_True; Standard_Integer i; if ( myUseTexture ) { for ( i = 1; i <= NbNodes && isValid; i++ ) isValid = myTextureCoords.IsBound( aNodes( i ) ); } else { for ( i = 1; i <= NbNodes && isValid; i++ ) isValid = GetColor ( aNodes( i ), aNColor ); } if ( !isValid ) continue; // Preparing normal(s) to show reflections if requested Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aNormals; Standard_Boolean hasNormals = ( IsReflect && aSource->GetNormalsByElement( aKey, IsMeshSmoothShading, aMaxFaceNodes, aNormals ) ); if ( aType == MeshVS_ET_Face ) { aCPolyArr->AddBound ( NbNodes ); aPolyL->AddBound ( NbNodes + 1 ); for ( i = 1; i <= NbNodes; i++) { P = gp_Pnt( aCoords( 3 * i - 2 ), aCoords( 3 * i - 1 ), aCoords( 3 * i ) ); if ( myUseTexture ) { int anId = aNodes( i ); double aTexCoord = myTextureCoords( anId ); // transform texture coordinate in accordance with number of colors specified // by upper level and real size of Gl texture // The Gl texture has border colors interpolated with the colors from the color map, // thats why we need to shrink texture coordinates around the middle point to // exclude areas where the map colors are interpolated with the borders color double aWrapCoord = 1.0 / (2.0 * nbTextureColors) + aTexCoord * (nbColors - 1.0) / nbTextureColors; if ( hasNormals ) { gp_Vec aNorm(aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 2 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 1 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i )); // There are two "rows" of colors: user's invalid color at the top // of texture and line of map colors at the bottom of the texture. // Since the texture has borders, which are interpolated with the "rows" of colors // we should specify the 0.25 offset to get the correct texture color aNorm.SquareMagnitude() > aMin ? aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, gp_Dir( aNorm ), gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ) : aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, aDefNorm, gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aDefNorm, gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ); } else { GetColor ( aNodes( i ), aNColor ); if ( IsReflect ) { // Simulating TelUpdateMaterial() from OpenGl_attri.c // to get the same colors in elemental and nodal color prs builders aNColor.SetValues(anColorRatio * aNColor.Red(), anColorRatio * aNColor.Green(), anColorRatio * aNColor.Blue(), Quantity_TOC_RGB); if ( hasNormals ) { gp_Vec aNorm(aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 2 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 1 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i )); aNorm.SquareMagnitude() > aMin ? aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, gp_Dir( aNorm ), aNColor ) : aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, aDefNorm , aNColor ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, aDefNorm, aNColor ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aNColor ); } aPolyL->AddVertex ( P ); if ( i == 1 ) Start = P; } aPolyL->AddVertex ( Start ); // if IsExcludingOn then presentation must not be built by other builders if ( IsExcludingOn() ) IDsToExclude.Add( aKey ); } else if ( aType == MeshVS_ET_Volume ) { if ( !aSource->Get3DGeom( aKey, NbNodes, aTopo ) ) continue; // iterate through faces of volume for ( Standard_Integer k = aTopo->Lower(), last = aTopo->Upper(), normIndex = 1; k <= last; k++, normIndex++ ) { const TColStd_SequenceOfInteger& aSeq = aTopo->Value( k ); Standard_Integer m = aSeq.Length(), ind; // build polygon & polylines for current face aCPolyArr->AddBound( m ); aPolyL->AddBound( m + 1 ); for ( Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= m; j++ ) { ind = aSeq.Value( j ); P = gp_Pnt( aCoords( 3 * ind + 1 ), aCoords( 3 * ind + 2 ), aCoords( 3 * ind + 3 ) ); if ( myUseTexture ) { Standard_Integer anId = aNodes( ind + 1 ); Standard_Real aTexCoord = myTextureCoords( anId ); // transform texture coordinate in accordance with number of colors specified // by upper level and real size of Gl texture // The Gl texture has border colors interpolated with the colors from the color map, // thats why we need to shrink texture coordinates around the middle point to // exclude areas where the map colors are interpolated with the borders color double aWrapCoord = 1.0 / (2.0 * nbTextureColors) + aTexCoord * (nbColors - 1.0) / nbTextureColors; if ( hasNormals ) { gp_Vec aNorm(aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 2 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i - 1 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * i )); // There are two "rows" of colors: user's invalid color at the top // of texture and line of map colors at the bottom of the texture. // Since the texture has borders, which are interpolated with the "rows" of colors // we should specify the 0.25 offset to get the correct texture color aNorm.SquareMagnitude() > aMin ? aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, gp_Dir( aNorm ), gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ) : aCPolyArr->AddVertex(P, aDefNorm, gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aDefNorm, gp_Pnt2d( aWrapCoord, aTexCoord >= 0 && aTexCoord <= 1 ? 0.75 : 0.25 ) ); } else { GetColor( aNodes( ind + 1 ), aNColor ); if ( IsReflect ) { // Simulating TelUpdateMaterial() from OpenGl_attri.c // to get the same colors in elemental and nodal color prs builders aNColor.SetValues(anColorRatio * aNColor.Red(), anColorRatio * aNColor.Green(), anColorRatio * aNColor.Blue(), Quantity_TOC_RGB); if ( hasNormals ) { gp_Vec aNorm(aNormals->Value( 3 * normIndex - 2 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * normIndex - 1 ), aNormals->Value( 3 * normIndex )); aNorm.SquareMagnitude() > aMin ? aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, gp_Dir( aNorm ), aNColor ) : aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aDefNorm , aNColor ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aDefNorm, aNColor ); } else aCPolyArr->AddVertex( P, aNColor ); } aPolyL->AddVertex ( P ); if ( j == 1 ) Start = P; } aPolyL->AddVertex ( Start ); } // if IsExcludingOn then presentation must not be built by other builders if ( IsExcludingOn() ) IDsToExclude.Add( aKey ); } } } // for ( ... Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) anAsp; // Aspect_InteriorStyle aStyle; // Standard_Integer aStyleInt; Aspect_TypeOfLine anEdgeType = Aspect_TOL_SOLID; Standard_Integer anEdgeInt; Standard_Real anEdgeWidth; Quantity_Color anInteriorColor; Quantity_Color anEdgeColor, aLineColor; Standard_Boolean aShowEdges = Standard_True; aDrawer->GetColor ( MeshVS_DA_InteriorColor, anInteriorColor ); aDrawer->GetColor ( MeshVS_DA_EdgeColor, anEdgeColor ); aDrawer->GetColor ( MeshVS_DA_BeamColor, aLineColor ); aDrawer->GetDouble ( MeshVS_DA_EdgeWidth, anEdgeWidth ); aDrawer->GetBoolean( MeshVS_DA_ShowEdges, aShowEdges ); if ( aDrawer->GetInteger ( MeshVS_DA_EdgeType, anEdgeInt ) ) anEdgeType = (Aspect_TypeOfLine) anEdgeInt; if ( myUseTexture ) { Handle(AIS_Drawer) anAISDrawer = myParentMesh->Attributes(); if ( anAISDrawer.IsNull() ) return; anAISDrawer->SetShadingAspect( new Prs3d_ShadingAspect() ); anAsp = anAISDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect(); if ( anAsp.IsNull() ) return; anAsp->SetFrontMaterial( aMaterial[ 0 ] ); anAsp->SetBackMaterial( aMaterial[ 1 ] ); Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D) aTexture = CreateTexture(); if ( aTexture.IsNull() ) return; anAsp->SetTextureMapOn(); anAsp->SetTextureMap( aTexture ); anAsp->SetInteriorColor( Quantity_NOC_WHITE ); } else { // if ( aDrawer->GetInteger ( MeshVS_DA_InteriorStyle, aStyleInt ) ) // aStyle = (Aspect_InteriorStyle)aStyleInt; anAsp = new Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d ( Aspect_IS_SOLID, Quantity_NOC_GRAY, anEdgeColor, anEdgeType, anEdgeWidth, aMaterial[ 0 ], aMaterial[ 1 ] ); } anAsp->SetDistinguishOff(); anAsp->SetEdgeOff(); Handle(Graphic3d_AspectLine3d) anLAsp = new Graphic3d_AspectLine3d( anEdgeColor, anEdgeType, anEdgeWidth ); Prs3d_Root::NewGroup ( Prs ); Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aGroup1 = Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup ( Prs ); aGroup1->SetPrimitivesAspect( anAsp ); aGroup1->BeginPrimitives(); aGroup1->AddPrimitiveArray( aCPolyArr ); aGroup1->EndPrimitives(); if (aShowEdges) { Prs3d_Root::NewGroup ( Prs ); Handle(Graphic3d_Group) aGroup2 = Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup ( Prs ); anAsp->SetEdgeOff(); anAsp->SetTextureMapOff(); aGroup2->SetPrimitivesAspect( anAsp ); aGroup2->SetPrimitivesAspect( anLAsp ); aGroup2->BeginPrimitives(); aGroup2->AddPrimitiveArray( aPolyL ); aGroup2->EndPrimitives(); anAsp->SetEdgeOn(); } } //================================================================ // Function : SetColors // Purpose : //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetColors ( const MeshVS_DataMapOfIntegerColor& theColorMap ) { myNodeColorMap = theColorMap; } //================================================================ // Function : GetColors // Purpose : //================================================================ const MeshVS_DataMapOfIntegerColor& MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetColors() const { return myNodeColorMap; } //================================================================ // Function : HasColors // Purpose : //================================================================ Standard_Boolean MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::HasColors () const { return ( myNodeColorMap.Extent() >0 ); } //================================================================ // Function : GetColor // Purpose : //================================================================ Standard_Boolean MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetColor ( const Standard_Integer ID, Quantity_Color& theColor ) const { Standard_Boolean aRes = myNodeColorMap.IsBound ( ID ); if ( aRes ) theColor = myNodeColorMap.Find ( ID ); return aRes; } //================================================================ // Function : SetColor // Purpose : //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetColor ( const Standard_Integer theID, const Quantity_Color& theCol ) { Standard_Boolean aRes = myNodeColorMap.IsBound ( theID ); if ( aRes ) myNodeColorMap.ChangeFind ( theID ) = theCol; else myNodeColorMap.Bind ( theID, theCol ); } //================================================================ // Function : UseTexture // Purpose : Specify whether texture must be used to build presentation //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::UseTexture( const Standard_Boolean theToUse ) { myUseTexture = theToUse; if ( myUseTexture ) myNodeColorMap.Clear(); else myTextureColorMap.Clear(); } //================================================================ // Function : IsUseTexture // Purpose : Verify whether texture is used to build presentation //================================================================ Standard_Boolean MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::IsUseTexture() const { return myUseTexture; } //================================================================ // Function : SetColorMap // Purpose : Set colors to be used for texrture presentation. // Generate texture in accordance with given parameters //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetColorMap( const Aspect_SequenceOfColor& theColors ) { myTextureColorMap = theColors; } //================================================================ // Function : GetColorMap // Purpose : Return colors used for texrture presentation //================================================================ const Aspect_SequenceOfColor& MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetColorMap() const { return myTextureColorMap; } //================================================================ // Function : SetInvalidColor // Purpose : Set color representing invalid texture coordinate // (laying outside range [0, 1]) //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetInvalidColor( const Quantity_Color& theInvalidColor ) { myInvalidColor = theInvalidColor; } //================================================================ // Function : GetInvalidColor // Purpose : Return color representing invalid texture coordinate // (laying outside range [0, 1]) //================================================================ Quantity_Color MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetInvalidColor() const { return myInvalidColor; } //================================================================ // Function : SetTextureCoords // Purpose : Specify correspondence between node IDs and texture // coordinates (range [0, 1]) //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetTextureCoords ( const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal& theMap ) { myTextureCoords = theMap; } //================================================================ // Function : GetTextureCoords // Purpose : Get correspondence between node IDs and texture // coordinates (range [0, 1]) //================================================================ const TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerReal& MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetTextureCoords() const { return myTextureCoords; } //================================================================ // Function : SetTextureCoord // Purpose : Specify correspondence between node ID and texture // coordinate (range [0, 1]) //================================================================ void MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::SetTextureCoord( const Standard_Integer theID, const Standard_Real theCoord ) { myTextureCoords.Bind( theID, theCoord ); } //================================================================ // Function : GetTextureCoord // Purpose : Return correspondence between node IDs and texture // coordinate (range [0, 1]) //================================================================ Standard_Real MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::GetTextureCoord( const Standard_Integer theID ) { return myTextureCoords.IsBound( theID ) ? myTextureCoords( theID ) : -1; } //================================================================ // Function : CreateTexture // Purpose : Create texture in accordance with myTextureColorMap //================================================================ Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D) MeshVS_NodalColorPrsBuilder::CreateTexture() const { Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D) aTexture; int nbColors = myTextureColorMap.Length(); if ( nbColors == 0 ) return aTexture; Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d) aPrsMgr = GetPresentationManager(); if ( aPrsMgr.IsNull() ) return aTexture; int nbTextureColors = getNearestPow2( nbColors ); // Create and fill image with colors Handle(Image_ColorImage) aCImage = new Image_ColorImage( 0, 0, nbTextureColors, 2 ); if ( nbColors > 0 ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < nbColors; i++ ) { aCImage->SetPixel( i, 0, Aspect_ColorPixel( myTextureColorMap( i + 1 ) ) ); aCImage->SetPixel( i, 1, Aspect_ColorPixel( myInvalidColor ) ); } Quantity_Color aLastColor = myTextureColorMap( nbColors ); for ( i = nbColors; i < nbTextureColors; i++ ) { aCImage->SetPixel( i, 0, aLastColor ); aCImage->SetPixel( i, 1, Aspect_ColorPixel( myInvalidColor ) ); } } // Convert image to bmp Handle(AlienImage_BMPAlienImage) aTextureImage = new AlienImage_BMPAlienImage(); aTextureImage->FromImage( aCImage ); // Create texture aTexture = new MeshVS_ImageTexture2D( aPrsMgr->StructureManager(), aTextureImage ); return aTexture; }