-- File: Materials_MaterialsDictionary.cdl -- Created: Mon Jan 18 10:55:43 1993 -- Author: Gilles DEBARBOUILLE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class MaterialsDictionary from Materials ---Purpose: This class creates a dictionary of materials. inherits Transient uses OStream from Standard, HAsciiString from TCollection, MaterialsSequence from Materials, Material from Materials raises NoSuchObject from Standard is Create returns mutable MaterialsDictionary from Materials; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns a MaterialsDictionary object which contains -- the sequence of all the materials the user wants to -- consider. Material(me ; amaterial : CString from Standard) returns Material from Materials raises NoSuchObject from Standard ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Retrieves from the dictionary the object material with -- as name. If does not exist in -- the dictionary an exeption is raised. is static; ExistMaterial(me ; aName : CString from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: True if the materialofname aName exists ... NumberOfMaterials(me) returns Integer from Standard ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns the number of materials previously stored in -- the dictionary. is static; Material(me ; anindex : Integer from Standard) returns Material from Materials ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: This method used with the previous one, allow the -- exploration of all the dictionary. It returns a -- Material instance. is static; UpToDate(me) returns Boolean from Standard ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns true if there has been no modification of the -- file Materials.dat since the creation of the dictionary -- object, false otherwise. is static; Dump(me ; astream : in out OStream from Standard ) ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Useful for debugging. is static; fields thefilename : HAsciiString from TCollection; thetime : Time from Standard; thematerialssequence : MaterialsSequence from Materials; end MaterialsDictionary;