-- File: MPrsStd.cdl -- Created: Tue Aug 26 17:17:00 1997 -- Author: SMO -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1997 package MPrsStd ---Purpose: Storage and Retrieval drivers for graphic -- attributes. Transient attributes are defined in -- package TPrsStd and persistent one are defined in -- package PPrsStd uses TDF, PDF, MDF, CDM is ---Purpose: Storage drivers for graphic attributes from -- TPrsStd ---Category: StorageDriver class AISPresentationStorageDriver; class PositionStorageDriver; ---Purpose: Retrieval drivers for graphic attributes from -- PPrsStd ---Category: RetrievalDriver class AISPresentationRetrievalDriver; class AISPresentationRetrievalDriver_1; class PositionRetrievalDriver; AddStorageDrivers(aDriverTable : ASDriverHSequence from MDF;theMessageDriver : MessageDriver from CDM); ---Purpose: Adds the attribute storage drivers to . ---Category: StorageDriversTable AddRetrievalDrivers(aDriverTable : ARDriverHSequence from MDF;theMessageDriver : MessageDriver from CDM); ---Purpose: Adds the attribute retrieval drivers to . ---Category: RetrievalDriversTable end MPrsStd;