-- File: MAT2d_BisectingLocus.cdl -- Created: Tue Jul 6 12:24:44 1993 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 generic class BisectingLocus from MAT2d (Explorer as any) -- as SketchExplorer from MAT2d ---Purpose : BisectingLocus generates and contains the Bisecting_Locus -- of a set of lines from Geom2d, defined by . -- -- If the set of lines contains closed lines: -- ------------------------------------------ -- These lines cut the plane in areas. -- One map can be computed for each area. -- -- Bisecting locus computes a map in an area. -- The area is defined by a side (MAT_Left,MAT_Right) -- on one of the closed lines. -- -- If the set of lines contains only open lines: -- -------------------------------------------- -- the map recovers all the plane. -- -- Warning: Assume the orientation of the closed lines are -- compatible. -- -- Assume the explo contains only lines located in the -- area where the bisecting locus will be computed. -- -- Assume a line don't cross itself or an other line. -- -- Remark: -- the curves coming from the explorer can be -- decomposed in different parts. It the case for the -- curves other than circles or lines. -- -- The map of bisecting locus is described by a graph. -- - The BasicsElements correspond to elements on -- the figure described by the Explorer. -- - The Arcs correspond to the bisectors. -- - The Nodes are the extremities of the arcs. uses Graph from MAT, Arc from MAT, BasicElt from MAT, Node from MAT, Side from MAT, DataMapOfIntegerBasicElt from MAT, DataMapOfBiIntInteger from MAT2d, Bisec from Bisector, Geometry from Geom2d, Pnt2d from gp, Tool2d from MAT2d is Create returns BisectingLocus from MAT2d; ---Category: Construction. Compute (me : in out ; anExplo : in out Explorer; LineIndex : Integer = 1; aSide : Side from MAT = MAT_Left ) --- Purpose : Computation of the Bisector_Locus in a set of Lines -- defined in . -- The bisecting locus are computed on the side