-- File: MAT2d.cdl -- Created: Tue Jul 6 12:14:54 1993 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 package MAT2d ---Purpose : Package of computation of Bisector locus on a -- Set of geometrys from Geom2d. uses MMgt, gp, Geom2d, TColStd, TCollection, TColgp, TColGeom2d, MAT, Bisector is deferred class SketchExplorer; ---Purpose: SletchExplorer contains an iterator on a set of geometrys -- from Geom2d. It's use by BisectingLocus. generic class BisectingLocus; ---Purpose: Constuction of the map of the bisector locus on a -- set of geometrys from Geom2d. class Tool2d; ---Purpose: Tool2d contains the geometrys of the map. Tool2d -- contains the set of the geometric's methode used for -- the map's computation. class Mat2d instantiates Mat from MAT (Tool2d); class Connexion; ---Purpose: a Connexion links two lines. class MiniPath; ---Purpose: MiniPath computes one minimum path to link all the -- lines of a set. class Circuit; ---Purpose: EquiCircuit gives a Circuit passing by all the lines -- in a set and all the connexions of the minipath associated. class CutCurve; ---Purpose: Cuts a curve at the extremas of curvature -- and at the inflections. Constructs a trimmed -- Curve for each interval. class SequenceOfConnexion instantiates Sequence from TCollection (Connexion from MAT2d); class DataMapOfIntegerSequenceOfConnexion instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Integer from Standard, SequenceOfConnexion from MAT2d, MapIntegerHasher from TColStd); class Array2OfConnexion instantiates Array2 from TCollection (Connexion from MAT2d); class DataMapOfIntegerBisec instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Integer from Standard, Bisec from Bisector, MapIntegerHasher from TColStd); class DataMapOfIntegerPnt2d instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Integer from Standard, Pnt2d from gp, MapIntegerHasher from TColStd); class DataMapOfIntegerVec2d instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Integer from Standard, Vec2d from gp, MapIntegerHasher from TColStd); class SequenceOfSequenceOfCurve instantiates Sequence from TCollection (SequenceOfCurve from TColGeom2d); class SequenceOfSequenceOfGeometry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (SequenceOfGeometry from TColGeom2d); class DataMapOfIntegerConnexion instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Integer from Standard, Connexion from MAT2d, MapIntegerHasher from TColStd); class BiInt; class MapBiIntHasher; class DataMapOfBiIntSequenceOfInteger instantiates DataMap from TCollection (BiInt from MAT2d, SequenceOfInteger from TColStd, MapBiIntHasher from MAT2d); class DataMapOfBiIntInteger instantiates DataMap from TCollection (BiInt from MAT2d, Integer from Standard, MapBiIntHasher from MAT2d); end MAT2d;