-- File: MAT_Zone.cdl -- Created: Thu May 27 11:12:20 1993 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class Zone from MAT ---Purpose: -- Definition of Zone of Proximity of a BasicElt : -- ---------------------------------------------- -- A Zone of proximity is the set of the points which are -- more near from the BasicElt than any other. -- inherits TShared from MMgt uses Arc from MAT, Side from MAT, SequenceOfArc from MAT, BasicElt from MAT, Node from MAT is Create returns mutable Zone from MAT; Create(aBasicElt : BasicElt from MAT) --- Purpose: Compute the frontier of the Zone of proximity. returns mutable Zone from MAT; Perform(me : mutable ; aBasicElt : BasicElt from MAT) --- Purpose: Compute the frontier of the Zone of proximity. is static; NumberOfArcs(me) --- Purpose: Return the number Of Arcs On the frontier of . returns Integer is static; ArcOnFrontier (me ; Index : Integer) --- Purpose: Return the Arc number on the frontier. -- of . returns Arc is static; NoEmptyZone (me) --- Purpose: Return TRUE if is not empty . returns Boolean is static; Limited(me) --- Purpose: Return TRUE if is Limited. returns Boolean is static; NodeForTurn(me ; anArc : Arc from MAT ; aBasicElt : BasicElt from MAT ; aSide : Side from MAT ) returns Node from MAT is static private; fields frontier : SequenceOfArc from MAT; limited : Boolean from Standard; end Zone;