-- File: MAT_Arc.cdl -- Created: Fri Apr 30 17:24:12 1993 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class Arc from MAT inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: An Arc is associated to each Bisecting of the mat. uses BasicElt from MAT, Node from MAT, Side from MAT, Address from Standard raises DomainError from Standard is Create ( ArcIndex : Integer; GeomIndex : Integer; FirstElement : BasicElt from MAT; SecondElement : BasicElt from MAT ) --- Purpose : returns mutable Arc; Index (me) --- Purpose : Returns the index of in Graph.theArcs. returns Integer is static; GeomIndex(me) --- Purpose : Returns the index associated of the geometric -- representation of . returns Integer is static; FirstElement(me) --- Purpose : Returns one of the BasicElt equidistant from . returns BasicElt from MAT is static; SecondElement(me) --- Purpose : Returns the other BasicElt equidistant from . returns BasicElt from MAT is static; FirstNode (me) --- Purpose : Returns one Node extremity of . returns mutable Node from MAT is static; SecondNode (me) --- Purpose : Returns the other Node extremity of . returns mutable Node from MAT is static; TheOtherNode (me ; aNode : Node) returns Node from MAT --- Purpose : an Arc has two Node, if egal one -- Returns the other. -- raises DomainError from Standard ---Purpose: if is not oh is static; HasNeighbour(me ; aNode : Node ; aSide : Side) --- Purpose : Returnst True is there is an arc linked to -- the Node located on the side