-- File: Law_Linear.cdl -- Created: Thu Jan 12 10:36:44 1995 -- Author: Laurent BOURESCHE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class Linear from Law inherits Function from Law ---Purpose: Describes an linear evolution law. uses Array1OfReal from TColStd, Shape from GeomAbs raises OutOfRange from Standard is Create returns mutable Linear from Law; ---Purpose: Constructs an empty linear evolution law. Set(me: mutable; Pdeb,Valdeb,Pfin,Valfin: Real from Standard) ---Purpose: -- Defines this linear evolution law by assigning both: -- - the bounds Pdeb and Pfin of the parameter, and -- - the values Valdeb and Valfin of the function at these -- two parametric bounds. is static; Continuity(me) returns Shape from GeomAbs ---Purpose: Returns GeomAbs_CN is redefined static; NbIntervals(me; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns 1 is redefined static; Intervals(me; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs) raises OutOfRange from Standard is redefined static; Value(me: mutable; X: Real from Standard) returns Real from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the value of this function at the point of parameter X. D1(me: mutable; X: Real from Standard; F,D: out Real from Standard); ---Purpose: -- Returns the value F and the first derivative D of this -- function at the point of parameter X. D2(me: mutable; X: Real from Standard; F,D, D2: out Real from Standard); ---Purpose: Returns the value, first and second derivatives -- at parameter X. Trim(me; PFirst, PLast, Tol :Real from Standard) returns Function ---Purpose: Returns a law equivalent of between -- parameters and . is used to -- test for 3d points confusion. -- It is usfule to determines the derivatives -- in these values and if -- the Law is not Cn. is redefined static; Bounds(me: mutable; PFirst,PLast: out Real from Standard); ---Purpose: Returns the parametric bounds of the function. fields valdeb : Real from Standard; valfin : Real from Standard; pdeb : Real from Standard; pfin : Real from Standard; end Linear;