-- File: LProp_NumericCurInf.cdl -- Created: Fri Sep 2 15:56:00 1994 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 generic class NumericCurInf from LProp (Curve as any; Vec as any; -- as Vec or Vec2d Pnt as any; -- as Pnt or Pnt2d Dir as any; -- as Dir or Dir2d Vec Tool as any) -- as Tool(Curve, Pnt, Vec) ---Purpose: Computes the locals extremas of curvature and the -- inflections of a bounded curve in 2d. uses CurAndInf from LProp private class FCurExt instantiates FuncCurExt from LProp (Curve,Vec,Pnt,Dir,Tool); private class FCurNul instantiates FuncCurNul from LProp (Curve,Vec,Pnt,Dir,Tool); is Create; PerformCurExt (me : in out; C : Curve; Result : in out CurAndInf) ---Purpose: Computes the locals extremas of curvature. is static; PerformInf (me : in out; C : Curve; Result : in out CurAndInf) ---Purpose: Computes the inflections. is static; PerformCurExt (me : in out; C : Curve ; UMin : Real; UMax : Real; Result : in out CurAndInf) ---Purpose: Computes the locals extremas of curvature. -- in the interval of parmeters [UMin,UMax]. is static; PerformInf (me : in out; C : Curve ; UMin : Real; UMax : Real; Result : in out CurAndInf) ---Purpose: Computes the inflections in the interval of -- parmeters [UMin,UMax]. is static; IsDone (me) returns Boolean ---Purpose: True if the solutions are found. is static; fields isDone : Boolean from Standard; end NumericCurInf;