-- File: CLProps.cdl -- Created: Mon Mar 25 16:30:42 1991 -- Author: Michel CHAUVAT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 generic class CLProps from LProp (Curve as any; Vec as any; -- as Vec or Vec2d Pnt as any; -- as Pnt or Pnt2d Dir as any; -- as Dir or Dir2d Tool as any) -- as ToolCurve(Curve, Pnt, Vec) ---Purpose: Computation of Curve Local Properties: -- - point, -- - derivatives, -- - tangent, -- - normal plane, -- - curvature, -- - normal, -- - centre of curvature, uses Status from LProp raises BadContinuity from LProp, DomainError from Standard, OutOfRange from Standard, NotDefined from LProp is Create(C: Curve; N: Integer; Resolution: Real) ---Purpose: Initializes the local properties of the curve -- The current point and the derivatives are -- computed at the same time, which allows an -- optimization of the computation time. -- indicates the maximum number of derivations to -- be done (0, 1, 2 or 3). For example, to compute -- only the tangent, N should be equal to 1. -- is the linear tolerance (it is used to test -- if a vector is null). returns CLProps raises OutOfRange; -- if N < 0 or N > 3. Create(C: Curve; U : Real; N: Integer; Resolution: Real) --- Purpose : Same as previous constructor but here the parameter is -- set to the value . -- All the computations done will be related to and . returns CLProps raises OutOfRange; -- if N < 0 or N > 3. Create(N : Integer;Resolution:Real) --- Purpose : Same as previous constructor but here the parameter is -- set to the value and the curve is set -- with SetCurve. -- the curve can have a empty constructor -- All the computations done will be related to and -- when the functions "set" will be done. returns CLProps raises OutOfRange; SetParameter(me: in out; U : Real) ---Purpose: Initializes the local properties of the curve -- for the parameter value . is static; SetCurve(me: in out; C : Curve) ---Purpose: Initializes the local properties of the curve -- for the new curve. is static; Value(me) returns Pnt is static; ---Purpose: Returns the Point. ---C++: return const & D1(me: in out) returns Vec is static; ---Purpose: Returns the first derivative. -- The derivative is computed if it has not been yet. ---C++: return const & D2(me: in out) returns Vec is static; ---Purpose: Returns the second derivative. -- The derivative is computed if it has not been yet. ---C++: return const & D3(me: in out) returns Vec is static; ---Purpose: Returns the third derivative. -- The derivative is computed if it has not been yet. ---C++: return const & IsTangentDefined(me: in out) returns Boolean is static; ---Purpose: Returns True if the tangent is defined. -- For example, the tangent is not defined if the -- three first derivatives are all null. Tangent(me: in out; D : out Dir) ---Purpose: output the tangent direction raises NotDefined -- if IsTangentDefined(me)=False. is static; Curvature(me: in out) ---Purpose: Returns the curvature. returns Real raises NotDefined -- if IsTangentDefined(me) == False. is static; Normal(me: in out; N : out Dir) ---Purpose: Returns the normal direction . raises NotDefined -- if Curvature(me) < Resolution is static; CentreOfCurvature(me: in out; P : out Pnt) ---Purpose: Returns the centre of curvature

. raises NotDefined -- if Curvature(me) < Resolution is static; fields myCurve : Curve; -- the Curve on which thw calculus are done u : Real; -- the current value of the parameter level : Integer; -- the order of derivation cn : Real; -- the order of continuity of the Curve linTol : Real; -- the tolerance for null Vector pnt : Pnt; -- the current point value d : Vec[3]; -- the current first, second and third derivative -- value tangent : Dir; -- the tangent value curvature : Real; -- the curvature value tangentStatus : Status from LProp; -- the status of the tangent direction significantFirstDerivativeOrder : Integer; -- the order of the first non null derivative -- end CLProps;