// File: LDOM_XmlWriter.cxx // Created: 28.06.01 10:32:53 // Author: Alexander GRIGORIEV // Copyright: OpenCascade 2001 // History: #include #include #include #define chOpenAngle '<' #define chCloseAngle '>' #define chOpenSquare '[' #define chCloseSquare ']' #define chQuestion '?' #define chForwardSlash '/' #define chLF '\n' #define chNull '\0' #define chEqual '=' #define chDash '-' #define chBang '!' #define chSpace ' ' #define chDoubleQuote '\"' #define chZero '0' #define chOne '1' #define chTwo '2' #define chThree '3' #define chFour '4' #define chFive '5' #define chSix '6' #define chSeven '7' #define chEight '8' #define chNine '9' #define chLatin_a 'a' #define chLatin_b 'b' #define chLatin_c 'c' #define chLatin_d 'd' #define chLatin_e 'e' #define chLatin_f 'f' #define chLatin_g 'g' #define chLatin_h 'h' #define chLatin_i 'i' #define chLatin_j 'j' #define chLatin_k 'k' #define chLatin_l 'l' #define chLatin_m 'm' #define chLatin_n 'n' #define chLatin_o 'o' #define chLatin_p 'p' #define chLatin_q 'q' #define chLatin_r 'r' #define chLatin_s 's' #define chLatin_t 't' #define chLatin_u 'u' #define chLatin_v 'v' #define chLatin_w 'w' #define chLatin_x 'x' #define chLatin_y 'y' #define chLatin_z 'z' #define chLatin_A 'A' #define chLatin_B 'B' #define chLatin_C 'C' #define chLatin_D 'D' #define chLatin_E 'E' #define chLatin_F 'F' #define chLatin_G 'G' #define chLatin_H 'H' #define chLatin_I 'I' #define chLatin_J 'J' #define chLatin_K 'K' #define chLatin_L 'L' #define chLatin_M 'M' #define chLatin_N 'N' #define chLatin_O 'O' #define chLatin_P 'P' #define chLatin_Q 'Q' #define chLatin_R 'R' #define chLatin_S 'S' #define chLatin_T 'T' #define chLatin_U 'U' #define chLatin_V 'V' #define chLatin_W 'W' #define chLatin_X 'X' #define chLatin_Y 'Y' #define chLatin_Z 'Z' static const LXMLCh gEndElement[] = { chOpenAngle, chForwardSlash, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gEndElement1[]= { chForwardSlash, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gEndPI[] = { chQuestion, chCloseAngle, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gStartPI[] = { chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gXMLDecl1[] = { chOpenAngle, chQuestion, chLatin_x, chLatin_m, chLatin_l , chSpace, chLatin_v, chLatin_e, chLatin_r, chLatin_s, chLatin_i , chLatin_o, chLatin_n, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gXMLDecl2[] = { chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_e, chLatin_n, chLatin_c , chLatin_o, chLatin_d, chLatin_i, chLatin_n, chLatin_g, chEqual , chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gXMLDecl3[] = { chDoubleQuote, chSpace, chLatin_s, chLatin_t, chLatin_a , chLatin_n, chLatin_d, chLatin_a, chLatin_l, chLatin_o , chLatin_n, chLatin_e, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gXMLDecl4[] = { chDoubleQuote, chQuestion, chCloseAngle , chLF, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gStartCDATA[] = { chOpenAngle, chBang, chOpenSquare, chLatin_C, chLatin_D, chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A, chOpenSquare, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gEndCDATA[] = { chCloseSquare, chCloseSquare, chCloseAngle, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gStartComment[] = { chOpenAngle, chBang, chDash, chDash, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gEndComment[] = { chDash, chDash, chCloseAngle, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gStartDoctype[] = { chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_D, chLatin_O, chLatin_C, chLatin_T, chLatin_Y, chLatin_P, chLatin_E, chSpace, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gPublic[] = { chLatin_P, chLatin_U, chLatin_B, chLatin_L, chLatin_I, chLatin_C, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gSystem[] = { chLatin_S, chLatin_Y, chLatin_S, chLatin_T, chLatin_E, chLatin_M, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gStartEntity[] = { chOpenAngle, chBang, chLatin_E, chLatin_N, chLatin_T, chLatin_I, chLatin_T, chLatin_Y, chSpace, chNull }; static const LXMLCh gNotation[] = { chLatin_N, chLatin_D, chLatin_A, chLatin_T, chLatin_A, chSpace, chDoubleQuote, chNull }; static LXMLCh * getEncodingName (const LXMLCh * theEncodingName) { const LXMLCh * anEncoding = theEncodingName; if (theEncodingName == NULL) { // anEncoding = // US-ASCII // { chLatin_U, chLatin_S, chDash, chLatin_A, chLatin_S, chLatin_C, chLatin_I, // chLatin_I, chNull }; static const LXMLCh anUTFEncoding [] = // UTF-8 { chLatin_U, chLatin_T, chLatin_F, chDash, chEight, chNull }; anEncoding = anUTFEncoding; } Standard_Integer aLen = 0; while (anEncoding[aLen++] != chNull) {} LXMLCh * aResult = new LXMLCh [aLen]; memcpy (aResult, anEncoding, aLen * sizeof (LXMLCh)); return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : LH3D_LXMLWriter() //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= LDOM_XmlWriter::LDOM_XmlWriter (FILE * aFile, const LXMLCh * theEncoding) : myFile (aFile), myEncodingName (::getEncodingName (theEncoding)), myIndent (0), myCurIndent (0), myABuffer (NULL), myABufferLen (0) {} //======================================================================= //function : ~LDOM_XmlWriter //purpose : Destructor //======================================================================= LDOM_XmlWriter::~LDOM_XmlWriter () { delete [] myEncodingName; if (myABuffer != NULL) delete [] myABuffer; } //======================================================================= //function : operator << //purpose : //======================================================================= LDOM_XmlWriter& LDOM_XmlWriter::operator << (const LDOM_Document& aDoc) { const char * anXMLversion = "1.0"; * this << gXMLDecl1 << anXMLversion << gXMLDecl2 << myEncodingName << gXMLDecl4; return (* this << aDoc.getDocumentElement()); } //======================================================================= //function : operator << //purpose : Stream out an LDOMString //======================================================================= inline LDOM_XmlWriter& LDOM_XmlWriter::operator << (const LDOMBasicString& aString) { switch (aString.Type()) { case LDOMBasicString::LDOM_Integer: { Standard_Integer aValue; aString.GetInteger (aValue); fprintf (myFile, "%d", aValue); break; } case LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiHashed: // attr names and element tags case LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiDocClear: { const char * str = aString.GetString(); if (str) { const Standard_Integer aLen = strlen (str); if (aLen > 0) fwrite (str, aLen, 1, myFile); } } break; case LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiFree: case LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiDoc: { const char * str = aString.GetString(); if (str) { Standard_Integer aLen; char * encStr = LDOM_CharReference::Encode(str, aLen, Standard_False); if (aLen > 0) fwrite (encStr, aLen, 1, myFile); if (encStr != str) delete [] encStr; } } default: ; } return * this; } //======================================================================= //function : operator<<() //purpose : Stream out a char *. //======================================================================= inline LDOM_XmlWriter& LDOM_XmlWriter::operator << (const LXMLCh * aString) { unsigned int aLength = strlen (aString); if (aLength > 0) fwrite ((void *) aString, aLength, 1, myFile); return * this; } //======================================================================= //function : operator<<() //purpose : Stream out a character. //======================================================================= inline LDOM_XmlWriter& LDOM_XmlWriter::operator << (const LXMLCh aChar) { fputc (aChar, myFile); return * this; } //======================================================================= //function : WriteAttribute() //purpose : Stream out an XML attribute. //======================================================================= void LDOM_XmlWriter::WriteAttribute (const LDOM_Node& theAtt) { int aLength; const char * aName = theAtt.getNodeName().GetString(); const LDOMString aValueStr = theAtt.getNodeValue(); // Integer attribute value if (aValueStr.Type() == LDOMBasicString::LDOM_Integer) { Standard_Integer anIntValue; aValueStr.GetInteger (anIntValue); aLength = 20 + strlen (aName); if (aLength > myABufferLen) { if (myABuffer != NULL) delete [] myABuffer; myABuffer = new char [aLength+1]; myABufferLen = aLength; } sprintf (myABuffer, "%c%s%c%c%d%c", chSpace, aName, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, anIntValue, chDoubleQuote); aLength = strlen (myABuffer); // String attribute value } else { const char * aValue = aValueStr.GetString(); char * encStr; if (aValueStr.Type() == LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiDocClear) { encStr = (char *) aValue; aLength = 4 + strlen (aValue) + strlen (aName); } else { encStr = LDOM_CharReference::Encode (aValue, aLength, Standard_True); aLength += 4 + strlen (aName); } if (aLength > myABufferLen) { if (myABuffer != NULL) delete [] myABuffer; myABuffer = new char [aLength+1]; myABufferLen = aLength; } sprintf (myABuffer, "%c%s%c%c%s%c", chSpace, aName, chEqual, chDoubleQuote, encStr, chDoubleQuote); if (encStr != aValue) delete [] encStr; } fwrite ((void *) myABuffer, aLength, 1, myFile); } //======================================================================= //function : operator<<() //purpose : Stream out a DOM node, and, recursively, all of its children. // This function is the heart of writing a DOM tree out as XML source. // Give it a document node and it will do the whole thing. //======================================================================= LDOM_XmlWriter& LDOM_XmlWriter::operator<< (const LDOM_Node& theNodeToWrite) { // Get the name and value out for convenience LDOMString aNodeName = theNodeToWrite.getNodeName(); LDOMString aNodeValue = theNodeToWrite.getNodeValue(); // unsigned long dwLent = aNodeValue.length(); switch (theNodeToWrite.getNodeType()) { case LDOM_Node::TEXT_NODE : * this << aNodeValue; break; case LDOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE : { const int aMaxNSpaces = 40; static LXMLCh aSpaces [] = { chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chSpace, chOpenAngle, chNull }; const LXMLCh * anIndentString = &aSpaces [aMaxNSpaces - myCurIndent]; if (anIndentString < &aSpaces[0]) anIndentString = &aSpaces[0]; // Output the element start tag. * this << anIndentString << aNodeName.GetString(); // Output any attributes of this element const LDOM_Element& anElemToWrite = (const LDOM_Element&) theNodeToWrite; LDOM_NodeList aListAtt = anElemToWrite.GetAttributesList (); Standard_Integer aListInd = aListAtt.getLength(); while (aListInd--) { LDOM_Node aChild = aListAtt.item (aListInd); WriteAttribute (aChild); } // Test for the presence of children LDOM_Node aChild = theNodeToWrite.getFirstChild(); if (aChild != 0) { // There are children. Close start-tag, and output children. * this << chCloseAngle; if (aChild.getNodeType() == LDOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE && myIndent > 0) * this << chLF; Standard_Boolean isChildElem = Standard_False; while( aChild != 0) { isChildElem = (aChild.getNodeType() == LDOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE); if (isChildElem) myCurIndent += myIndent; *this << aChild; if (isChildElem) myCurIndent -= myIndent; do aChild = aChild.getNextSibling(); while (aChild.getNodeType() == LDOM_Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE); } // Done with children. Output the end tag. // if (isChildElem) * this << anIndentString << gEndElement1 << aNodeName.GetString() << chCloseAngle; else * this << gEndElement << aNodeName.GetString() << chCloseAngle; } else { // There were no children. Output the short form close of // the element start tag, making it an empty-element tag. * this << chForwardSlash << chCloseAngle; } if (myIndent > 0) * this << chLF; break; } case LDOM_Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: { * this << gStartCDATA << aNodeValue << gEndCDATA; break; } case LDOM_Node::COMMENT_NODE: { * this << gStartComment << aNodeValue << gEndComment; break; } default: #ifndef WNT cerr << "Unrecognized node type = " << (long)theNodeToWrite.getNodeType() << endl #endif ; } return *this; }