// File: LDOM_MemManager.cxx // Created: 26.06.01 11:42:23 // Author: Alexander GRIGORIEV // Copyright: OpenCascade 2001 // History: #include #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE (LDOM_MemManager, MMgt_TShared) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (LDOM_MemManager, MMgt_TShared) #define HASH_MASK 255 #define MINIMAL_ROOM 3 typedef unsigned char LDOM_HashValue; // allocating HASH_MASK integer inline Standard_Integer convertBlockSize (const Standard_Integer aBlockSize) { return ((aBlockSize - 1) / sizeof(Standard_Integer)) + 1; } inline Standard_Boolean compareStrings (char * const str, const char * theString, const Standard_Integer theLength) { // ** This is a bit dangerous (can override the boundary of allocated memory) // return (str[theLength] == '\0' && // memcmp (str, theString, theLength) == 0); // ** This is a more stable (less performant) solution if (memcmp (str, theString, theLength)) return Standard_False; return (str[theLength] == '\0'); } //======================================================================= //function : MemBlock::MemBlock //purpose : //======================================================================= inline LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::MemBlock (const Standard_Integer aSize, LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock * aFirst) : mySize (aSize), myNext (aFirst) { myFreeSpace = myBlock = new Standard_Integer [aSize]; myEndBlock = myBlock + aSize; } //======================================================================= //function : MemBlock::Allocate //purpose : //======================================================================= inline void * LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::Allocate (const Standard_Integer aSize) { void * aResult = NULL; if (aSize <= myEndBlock - myFreeSpace) { aResult = myFreeSpace; myFreeSpace += aSize; } return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : MemBlock::AllocateAndCheck //purpose : //======================================================================= void * LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::AllocateAndCheck (const Standard_Integer aSize, const LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock *& aFirstWithoutRoom) { void * aResult = NULL; Standard_Integer aRoom = myEndBlock - myFreeSpace; if (aSize <= aRoom) { aResult = myFreeSpace; myFreeSpace += aSize; } if (aRoom < MINIMAL_ROOM) { if (aFirstWithoutRoom == NULL) aFirstWithoutRoom = this; } else aFirstWithoutRoom = NULL; return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : ~MemBlock //purpose : Destructor //======================================================================= LDOM_MemManager::MemBlock::~MemBlock () { delete [] myBlock; delete myNext; } //======================================================================= //function : HashTable //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::HashTable (/* const Standard_Integer aMask, */ LDOM_MemManager& aMemManager) : myManager (aMemManager) { Standard_Integer m, nKeys = HASH_MASK + 1; /* Standard_Integer m = aMask; Standard_Integer nKeys = 1; while (m) { nKeys *= 2; m /= 2; } myMask = nKeys - 1; */ myTable = (TableItem *) myManager.Allocate (sizeof(TableItem) * nKeys); for (m = 0; m < nKeys; m += 2) { myTable[m].str = NULL; myTable[m].next = NULL; myTable[m+1].str = NULL; myTable[m+1].next = NULL; } } //======================================================================= //function : Hash //purpose : CRC-16 hash function //======================================================================= Standard_Integer LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::Hash (const char * aString, const Standard_Integer aLen) { static const unsigned int wCRC16a[16] = { 0000000, 0140301, 0140601, 0000500, 0141401, 0001700, 0001200, 0141101, 0143001, 0003300, 0003600, 0143501, 0002400, 0142701, 0142201, 0002100, }; static const unsigned int wCRC16b[16] = { 0000000, 0146001, 0154001, 0012000, 0170001, 0036000, 0024000, 0162001, 0120001, 0066000, 0074000, 0132001, 0050000, 0116001, 0104001, 0043000, }; unsigned int aCRC = 0; const unsigned char * aPtr = (const unsigned char *) aString; for (Standard_Integer i = aLen; i > 0; i--) { const unsigned int bTmp = aCRC ^ (const unsigned int) (* aPtr++); aCRC = ((aCRC >> 8) ^ wCRC16a[bTmp & 0x0F]) ^ wCRC16b[(bTmp >> 4) & 0x0F]; } return Standard_Integer (aCRC & HASH_MASK /* myMask */); } //======================================================================= //function : AddString //purpose : Add or find a string in the hash table //======================================================================= const char * LDOM_MemManager::HashTable::AddString (const char * theString, const Standard_Integer theLen, Standard_Integer& theHashIndex) { const char * aResult = NULL; if (theString == NULL) return NULL; Standard_Integer aHashIndex = Hash (theString, theLen); TableItem * aNode = &myTable[aHashIndex]; if (aNode -> str == NULL) { LDOM_HashValue * anAlloc = (LDOM_HashValue *) myManager.Allocate (theLen + 1 + sizeof(LDOM_HashValue)); anAlloc[0] = LDOM_HashValue (aHashIndex); aNode -> str = (char *) &anAlloc[1]; memcpy (aNode -> str, theString, theLen); aNode -> str [theLen] = '\0'; aResult = aNode -> str; }else{ if (compareStrings (aNode -> str, theString, theLen)) aResult = aNode -> str; else while (aNode -> next) { aNode = aNode -> next; if (compareStrings (aNode -> str, theString, theLen)) { aResult = aNode -> str; break; } } if (aResult == NULL) { // Attention!!! We can make this allocation in a separate pool // improving performance aNode -> next = (TableItem *) myManager.Allocate (sizeof(TableItem)); aNode = aNode -> next; LDOM_HashValue * anAlloc = (LDOM_HashValue *) myManager.Allocate (theLen + 1 + sizeof(LDOM_HashValue)); anAlloc[0] = LDOM_HashValue (aHashIndex); aNode -> str = (char *) &anAlloc[1]; memcpy (aNode -> str, theString, theLen); aNode -> str [theLen] = '\0'; aResult = aNode -> str; aNode -> next = NULL; } } theHashIndex = aHashIndex; return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : LDOM_MemManager //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= LDOM_MemManager::LDOM_MemManager (const Standard_Integer aBlockSize) : myRootElement (NULL), myFirstBlock (NULL), myFirstWithoutRoom (NULL), myBlockSize (convertBlockSize(aBlockSize)), myHashTable (NULL) {} //======================================================================= //function : ~LDOM_MemManager //purpose : Destructor //======================================================================= LDOM_MemManager::~LDOM_MemManager () { #ifdef DEB Standard_Integer aSomme = 0, aCount = 0; MemBlock * aBlock = myFirstBlock; //FILE * out = fopen ("/tmp/dump","w"); while (aBlock) { aCount ++; aSomme += aBlock -> mySize; // for (const Standard_Integer * aPtr = aBlock -> myBlock; // aPtr < aBlock -> myEndBlock; ) { // const char * aStr = (const char *) aPtr; // Standard_Integer aLen = strlen (aStr) + 1; // if (aLen > 1) fprintf (out, "%s\n", aStr); // aPtr += convertBlockSize (aLen); // } aBlock = aBlock -> Next(); } if (aCount > 1) cout << ".. Destroying " << aCount << " LDOM memory allocations: " << aSomme / 256 << " kB" << endl; //fclose (out); #endif delete myFirstBlock; if (myHashTable) delete myHashTable; } //======================================================================= //function : Allocate //purpose : //======================================================================= void * LDOM_MemManager::Allocate (const Standard_Integer theSize) { void * aResult = NULL; Standard_Integer aSize = convertBlockSize (theSize); if (aSize >= myBlockSize) { myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (aSize, myFirstBlock); aResult = myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize); }else{ MemBlock * aBlock = myFirstBlock; if (aBlock == NULL) { myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (myBlockSize, myFirstBlock); return myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize); } aResult = aBlock -> Allocate (aSize); if (aResult) return aResult; aBlock = aBlock -> Next(); const MemBlock * aFirstWithoutRoom = NULL; while (aBlock != myFirstWithoutRoom) { aResult = aBlock -> AllocateAndCheck (aSize, aFirstWithoutRoom); if (aResult) break; aBlock = aBlock -> Next(); } myFirstWithoutRoom = (MemBlock *&)aFirstWithoutRoom; if (aResult == NULL) { myFirstBlock = new MemBlock (myBlockSize, myFirstBlock); aResult = myFirstBlock -> Allocate (aSize); } } return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : HashedAllocate //purpose : Memory allocation with access via hash table. No new allocation // if already present //======================================================================= const char * LDOM_MemManager::HashedAllocate (const char * theString, const Standard_Integer theLen, Standard_Integer& theHash) { if (myHashTable == NULL) myHashTable = new HashTable (* this); return myHashTable -> AddString (theString, theLen, theHash); } //======================================================================= //function : HashedAllocate //purpose : Memory allocation with access via hash table. No new allocation // if already present //======================================================================= void LDOM_MemManager::HashedAllocate (const char * aString, const Standard_Integer theLen, LDOMBasicString& theResult) { theResult.myType = LDOMBasicString::LDOM_AsciiHashed; Standard_Integer aDummy; const char * aHashedString = HashedAllocate (aString, theLen, aDummy); if (aHashedString != NULL) theResult.myVal.ptr = (void *) aHashedString; } //======================================================================= //function : CompareStrings //purpose : Compare //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean LDOM_MemManager::CompareStrings (const char * theString, const Standard_Integer theHashValue, const char * theHashedStr) { if (((LDOM_HashValue *)theHashedStr)[-1] == LDOM_HashValue(theHashValue)) if (!strcmp (theString, theHashedStr)) return Standard_True; return Standard_False; }