-- File: IntWalk.cdl -- Created: Thu Mar 28 11:05:24 1991 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991 package IntWalk ---Purpose: This package defines the "walking" (marching?)algorithmes -- for the intersection between two surfaces. -- One of the surfaces is a parametric one. -- If the other is an implicit one, the "IWalking" class will -- be used. -- If both surfaces are parametric, the "PWalking" class will -- be used. ---Level: Internal -- -- All the methods of the classes of this package are Internal. -- uses Standard, MMgt, TCollection, TColStd, gp, math, StdFail, IntSurf, IntImp is enumeration StatusDeflection is PasTropGrand, PointConfondu, ArretSurPointPrecedent, ArretSurPoint, OK; -- classe definition ressource sur surface biparametree deferred generic class PSurfaceTool; -- classes de definition pour algorithme cheminement sur une -- surface biparametree deferred generic class PathPointTool; deferred generic class LoopPointTool; deferred generic class IWFunction; generic class Iterator; --classes des objets resultat pour cheminement sur surface bi-parametree generic class IWLine; --algorithme cheminement/resolution generic class IWalking, TheIWLine, SequenceOfIWLine; --algorithme/resolution pour un cheminement sur intersection entre -- 2 surfaces biparametrees generic class PWalking, TheInt2S; end IntWalk;