// // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Standard_Boolean AdjustPeriodic(const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast, const Standard_Real Period, Standard_Real& UResult); static Standard_Boolean SetEmptyResultRange(const Standard_Real theParameter, IntTools_MarkedRangeSet& theMarkedRange); // static Standard_Boolean TestCoinside(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, // const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface); // Modified by skv - Wed Nov 2 15:21:11 2005 Optimization Begin static Bnd_Box GetSurfaceBox (const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, const Standard_Real theTolerance, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData); static void ComputeGridPoints (const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, const Standard_Real theTolerance, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData); static void BuildBox(const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData, Bnd_Box &theBox); // Modified by skv - Wed Nov 2 15:21:11 2005 Optimization End static void MergeSolutions(const IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample& theListCurveRange, const IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample& theListSurfaceRange, IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample& theListCurveRangeSort, IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample& theListSurfaceRangeSort); static void CheckSampling(const IntTools_CurveRangeSample& theCurveRange, const IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample& theSurfaceRange, const IntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData& theCurveData, const IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData& theSurfaceData, const Standard_Real DiffC, const Standard_Real DiffU, const Standard_Real DiffV, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingC, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingU, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingV); // ================================================================================== // function: IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector // purpose: // ================================================================================== IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector() : myFirstParameter(0.), myLastParameter(0.), myUMinParameter(0.), myUMaxParameter(0.), myVMinParameter(0.), myVMaxParameter(0.), myBeanTolerance(0.), myFaceTolerance(0.), myDeflection(0.01), myIsDone(Standard_False) { myCriteria = Precision::Confusion(); myCurveResolution = Precision::PConfusion(); myContext = NULL; } // ================================================================================== // function: IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector // purpose: // ================================================================================== IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector(const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge, const TopoDS_Face& theFace) : myFirstParameter(0.), myLastParameter(0.), myUMinParameter(0.), myUMaxParameter(0.), myVMinParameter(0.), myVMaxParameter(0.), myBeanTolerance(0.), myFaceTolerance(0.), myDeflection(0.01), myIsDone(Standard_False) { myContext = NULL; Init(theEdge, theFace); } // ================================================================================== // function: IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector // purpose: // ================================================================================== IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface, const Standard_Real theBeanTolerance, const Standard_Real theFaceTolerance) : myFirstParameter(0.), myLastParameter(0.), myUMinParameter(0.), myUMaxParameter(0.), myVMinParameter(0.), myVMaxParameter(0.), myDeflection(0.01), myIsDone(Standard_False) { myContext = NULL; Init(theCurve, theSurface, theBeanTolerance, theFaceTolerance); } // ================================================================================== // function: IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector // purpose: // ================================================================================== IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface, const Standard_Real theFirstParOnCurve, const Standard_Real theLastParOnCurve, const Standard_Real theUMinParameter, const Standard_Real theUMaxParameter, const Standard_Real theVMinParameter, const Standard_Real theVMaxParameter, const Standard_Real theBeanTolerance, const Standard_Real theFaceTolerance) : myFirstParameter(theFirstParOnCurve), myLastParameter(theLastParOnCurve), myUMinParameter(theUMinParameter), myUMaxParameter(theUMaxParameter), myVMinParameter(theVMinParameter), myVMaxParameter(theVMaxParameter), myBeanTolerance(theBeanTolerance), myFaceTolerance(theFaceTolerance), myDeflection(0.01), myIsDone(Standard_False) { myCurve = theCurve; myCriteria = myBeanTolerance + myFaceTolerance; myCurveResolution = myCurve.Resolution(myCriteria); mySurface = theSurface; myTrsfSurface = Handle(Geom_Surface)::DownCast(mySurface.Surface().Surface()->Transformed(mySurface.Trsf())); myContext = NULL; } // ================================================================================== // function: Init // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Init(const TopoDS_Edge& theEdge, const TopoDS_Face& theFace) { myCurve.Initialize(theEdge); mySurface.Initialize(theFace); myTrsfSurface = Handle(Geom_Surface)::DownCast(mySurface.Surface().Surface()->Transformed(mySurface.Trsf())); myBeanTolerance = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(theEdge); myFaceTolerance = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(theFace); myCriteria = myBeanTolerance + myFaceTolerance; myCurveResolution = myCurve.Resolution(myCriteria); SetSurfaceParameters(mySurface.FirstUParameter(), mySurface.LastUParameter(), mySurface.FirstVParameter(), mySurface.LastVParameter()); myResults.Clear(); myContext = NULL; } // ================================================================================== // function: Init // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Init(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface, const Standard_Real theBeanTolerance, const Standard_Real theFaceTolerance) { myCurve = theCurve; mySurface = theSurface; myTrsfSurface = Handle(Geom_Surface)::DownCast(mySurface.Surface().Surface()->Transformed(mySurface.Trsf())); myBeanTolerance = theBeanTolerance; myFaceTolerance = theFaceTolerance; myCriteria = myBeanTolerance + myFaceTolerance; myCurveResolution = myCurve.Resolution(myCriteria); SetSurfaceParameters(mySurface.FirstUParameter(), mySurface.LastUParameter(), mySurface.FirstVParameter(), mySurface.LastVParameter()); myResults.Clear(); myContext = NULL; } // ================================================================================== // function: Init // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Init(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface, const Standard_Real theFirstParOnCurve, const Standard_Real theLastParOnCurve, const Standard_Real theUMinParameter, const Standard_Real theUMaxParameter, const Standard_Real theVMinParameter, const Standard_Real theVMaxParameter, const Standard_Real theBeanTolerance, const Standard_Real theFaceTolerance) { Init(theCurve, theSurface, theBeanTolerance, theFaceTolerance); SetBeanParameters(theFirstParOnCurve, theLastParOnCurve); SetSurfaceParameters(theUMinParameter, theUMaxParameter, theVMinParameter, theVMaxParameter); myContext = NULL; } // ================================================================================== // function: SetContext // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::SetContext(const IntTools_PContext& theContext) { myContext = theContext; } // ================================================================================== // function: SetBeanParameters // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::SetBeanParameters(const Standard_Real theFirstParOnCurve, const Standard_Real theLastParOnCurve) { myFirstParameter = theFirstParOnCurve; myLastParameter = theLastParOnCurve; } // ================================================================================== // function: SetSurfaceParameters // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::SetSurfaceParameters(const Standard_Real theUMinParameter, const Standard_Real theUMaxParameter, const Standard_Real theVMinParameter, const Standard_Real theVMaxParameter) { myUMinParameter = theUMinParameter; myUMaxParameter = theUMaxParameter; myVMinParameter = theVMinParameter; myVMaxParameter = theVMaxParameter; } // ================================================================================== // function: Perform // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Perform() { myIsDone = Standard_False; myResults.Clear(); Standard_Integer aDiscretization = 30; // corresponds to discretization of BSpline usually approximated by 30 points. Standard_Real aRelativeDeflection = 0.01; myDeflection = aRelativeDeflection; if(myCurve.GetType()==GeomAbs_Line && mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane) { ComputeLinePlane(); return; } if(myCurve.GetType()==GeomAbs_Line) { aDiscretization = 3; myDeflection = Precision::Confusion(); } else { if(myCurve.GetType()==GeomAbs_Circle) { aDiscretization = 23; Standard_Real R = myCurve.Circle().Radius(); myDeflection = aRelativeDeflection * R; } if(myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_Ellipse) { aDiscretization = 23; Standard_Real R = myCurve.Ellipse().MajorRadius(); myDeflection = 2 * aRelativeDeflection * R; } } // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Wed Oct 19 12:15:21 2005 Standard_Boolean bLocalize = Standard_False; if(((mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface) && ((mySurface.UDegree() > 2) || (mySurface.VDegree() > 2)) && //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 25 15:02:00 2009f //((mySurface.NbUKnots() > 2) || (mySurface.NbVKnots() > 2))) || ((mySurface.NbUKnots() > 2) && (mySurface.NbVKnots() > 2))) || //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Feb 25 15:02:13 2009t (mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_BezierSurface) || (mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_OtherSurface)) { bLocalize = Standard_True; } if(bLocalize) { if(Precision::IsInfinite(myUMinParameter) || Precision::IsInfinite(myUMaxParameter) || Precision::IsInfinite(myVMinParameter) || Precision::IsInfinite(myVMaxParameter)) bLocalize = Standard_False; } Standard_Boolean bSuccessLocalize = Standard_False; if( bLocalize) { myRangeManager.SetBoundaries(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 0); Standard_Boolean coinside = TestComputeCoinside(); if(!coinside) bSuccessLocalize = ComputeLocalized(); } if(!bLocalize || !bSuccessLocalize) { // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Wed Oct 19 12:15:26 2005.END IntTools_CArray1OfReal aParams; if(IntTools::PrepareArgs(myCurve, myLastParameter, myFirstParameter, aDiscretization, aRelativeDeflection, aParams)) { return; } myRangeManager.SetRanges(aParams, 0); if(myRangeManager.Length()==0) { return; } if(FastComputeExactIntersection()) { IntTools_Range aRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter); myResults.Append(aRange); myIsDone = Standard_True; return; } // Standard_Boolean coinside = TestCoinside(myCurve,mySurface); Standard_Boolean coinside = TestComputeCoinside(); // if(coinside) { // myRangeManager.InsertRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 2); // } // else { if(!coinside) { ComputeAroundExactIntersection(); ComputeUsingExtremum(); ComputeNearRangeBoundaries(); } } myIsDone = Standard_True; for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myRangeManager.Length(); i++) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(i) == 2) { IntTools_Range aRange = myRangeManager.Range(i); if(myResults.Length() > 0) { const IntTools_Range& aLastRange = myResults.Last(); if(Abs(aRange.First() - aLastRange.Last()) > Precision::PConfusion()) { myResults.Append(aRange); } else { myResults.ChangeValue(myResults.Length()).SetLast(aRange.Last()); } } else { myResults.Append(aRange); } } } } // ================================================================================== // function: Result // purpose: // ================================================================================== const IntTools_SequenceOfRanges& IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Result() const { return myResults; } // ================================================================================== // function: Result // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Result(IntTools_SequenceOfRanges& theResults) const { theResults = myResults; } // ================================================================================== // function: Distance // purpose: // ================================================================================== Standard_Real IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Distance(const Standard_Real theArg) { gp_Pnt aPoint = myCurve.Value(theArg); if(myContext == NULL) { myProjector.Init(aPoint, myTrsfSurface, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, 1.e-10); if(myProjector.IsDone() && myProjector.NbPoints() > 0) { return myProjector.LowerDistance(); } } else { GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf& aProjector = myContext->ProjPS(mySurface.Face()); aProjector.Perform(aPoint); if(aProjector.IsDone() && aProjector.NbPoints() > 0) { return aProjector.LowerDistance(); } } // Standard_Real aDistance = RealLast(); for(Standard_Integer i=0; i < 4; i++) { Standard_Real anIsoParameter = (i==0) ? myUMinParameter : ((i==1) ? myUMaxParameter : ((i==2) ? myVMinParameter : myVMaxParameter)); Standard_Real aMinParameter = (i < 2) ? myVMinParameter : myUMinParameter; Standard_Real aMaxParameter = (i < 2) ? myVMaxParameter : myUMaxParameter; Standard_Real aMidParameter = (aMinParameter + aMaxParameter) * 0.5; gp_Pnt aPointMin = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMinParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMinParameter, anIsoParameter); gp_Pnt aPointMax = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMaxParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMaxParameter, anIsoParameter); gp_Pnt aPointMid = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMidParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMidParameter, anIsoParameter); Standard_Boolean useMinMaxPoints = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean computeisoline = Standard_True; if(aPointMin.IsEqual(aPointMax, myCriteria) && aPointMin.IsEqual(aPointMid, myCriteria) && aPointMax.IsEqual(aPointMid, myCriteria)) { computeisoline = Standard_False; } if(computeisoline) { Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = (i < 2) ? myTrsfSurface->UIso(anIsoParameter) : myTrsfSurface->VIso(anIsoParameter); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProjectorOnCurve(aPoint, aCurve, aMinParameter, aMaxParameter); if(aProjectorOnCurve.NbPoints() > 0) { useMinMaxPoints = Standard_False; if(aDistance > aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistance()) aDistance = aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistance(); } } if(useMinMaxPoints) { Standard_Real aPPDistance = aPoint.Distance(aPointMin); aDistance = (aPPDistance < aDistance) ? aPPDistance : aDistance; aPPDistance = aPoint.Distance(aPointMax); aDistance = (aPPDistance < aDistance) ? aPPDistance : aDistance; } } return aDistance; } // ================================================================================== // function: Distance // purpose: // ================================================================================== Standard_Real IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::Distance(const Standard_Real theArg, Standard_Real& theUParameter, Standard_Real& theVParameter) { gp_Pnt aPoint = myCurve.Value(theArg); theUParameter = myUMinParameter; theVParameter = myVMinParameter; // Standard_Real aDistance = RealLast(); Standard_Boolean projectionfound = Standard_False; if(myContext == NULL) { myProjector.Init(aPoint, myTrsfSurface, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, 1.e-10); if(myProjector.IsDone() && myProjector.NbPoints() > 0) { myProjector.LowerDistanceParameters(theUParameter, theVParameter); aDistance = myProjector.LowerDistance(); projectionfound = Standard_True; } } else { GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf& aProjector = myContext->ProjPS(mySurface.Face()); aProjector.Perform(aPoint); if(aProjector.IsDone() && aProjector.NbPoints() > 0) { aProjector.LowerDistanceParameters(theUParameter, theVParameter); aDistance = aProjector.LowerDistance(); projectionfound = Standard_True; } } if(!projectionfound) { // for(Standard_Integer i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Standard_Real anIsoParameter = (i==0) ? myUMinParameter : ((i==1) ? myUMaxParameter : ((i==2) ? myVMinParameter : myVMaxParameter)); Standard_Real aMinParameter = (i < 2) ? myVMinParameter : myUMinParameter; Standard_Real aMaxParameter = (i < 2) ? myVMaxParameter : myUMaxParameter; Standard_Real aMidParameter = (aMinParameter + aMaxParameter) * 0.5; gp_Pnt aPointMin = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMinParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMinParameter, anIsoParameter); gp_Pnt aPointMax = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMaxParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMaxParameter, anIsoParameter); gp_Pnt aPointMid = (i < 2) ? mySurface.Value(anIsoParameter, aMidParameter) : mySurface.Value(aMidParameter, anIsoParameter); Standard_Boolean useMinMaxPoints = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean computeisoline = Standard_True; if(aPointMin.IsEqual(aPointMax, myCriteria) && aPointMin.IsEqual(aPointMid, myCriteria) && aPointMax.IsEqual(aPointMid, myCriteria)) { computeisoline = Standard_False; } if(computeisoline) { Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = (i < 2) ? myTrsfSurface->UIso(anIsoParameter) : myTrsfSurface->VIso(anIsoParameter); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProjectorOnCurve(aPoint, aCurve, aMinParameter, aMaxParameter); if(aProjectorOnCurve.NbPoints() > 0) { useMinMaxPoints = Standard_False; if(aDistance > aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistance()) { theUParameter = (i<=1) ? anIsoParameter : aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistanceParameter(); theVParameter = (i>=2) ? anIsoParameter : aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistanceParameter(); aDistance = aProjectorOnCurve.LowerDistance(); } } } if(useMinMaxPoints) { Standard_Real aPPDistance = aPoint.Distance(aPointMin); if(aPPDistance < aDistance) { theUParameter = (i<=1) ? anIsoParameter : aMinParameter; theVParameter = (i>=2) ? anIsoParameter : aMinParameter; aDistance = aPPDistance; } aPPDistance = aPoint.Distance(aPointMax); if(aPPDistance < aDistance) { theUParameter = (i<=1) ? anIsoParameter : aMaxParameter; theVParameter = (i>=2) ? anIsoParameter : aMaxParameter; aDistance = aPPDistance; } } } } theUParameter = (myUMinParameter > theUParameter) ? myUMinParameter : theUParameter; theUParameter = (myUMaxParameter < theUParameter) ? myUMaxParameter : theUParameter; theVParameter = (myVMinParameter > theVParameter) ? myVMinParameter : theVParameter; theVParameter = (myVMaxParameter < theVParameter) ? myVMaxParameter : theVParameter; return aDistance; } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeAroundExactIntersection // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeAroundExactIntersection() { IntCurveSurface_HInter anExactIntersector; Handle(BRepAdaptor_HCurve) aCurve = new BRepAdaptor_HCurve(myCurve); Handle(BRepAdaptor_HSurface) aSurface = new BRepAdaptor_HSurface(mySurface); anExactIntersector.Perform(aCurve, aSurface); if(anExactIntersector.IsDone()) { Standard_Integer i = 0; for(i = 1; i <= anExactIntersector.NbPoints(); i++) { const IntCurveSurface_IntersectionPoint& aPoint = anExactIntersector.Point(i); if((aPoint.W() >= myFirstParameter) && (aPoint.W() <= myLastParameter)) { Standard_Boolean UIsNotValid = ((myUMinParameter > aPoint.U()) || (aPoint.U() > myUMaxParameter)); Standard_Boolean VIsNotValid = ((myVMinParameter > aPoint.V()) || (aPoint.V() > myVMaxParameter)); Standard_Boolean solutionIsValid = !UIsNotValid && !VIsNotValid; Standard_Real U = aPoint.U(); Standard_Real V = aPoint.V(); if(UIsNotValid || VIsNotValid) { // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Thu Jun 17 12:50:39 2004 Standard_Boolean bUCorrected = Standard_True; if(UIsNotValid) { // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Thu Jun 17 12:50:37 2004 bUCorrected = Standard_False; solutionIsValid = Standard_False; if(mySurface.IsUPeriodic()) { Standard_Real aNewU = U; if(AdjustPeriodic(U, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, mySurface.UPeriod(), aNewU)) { solutionIsValid = Standard_True; // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Thu Jun 17 12:51:01 2004 bUCorrected = Standard_True; U = aNewU; } } } // modified by NIZHNY-MKK Thu Jun 17 12:51:03 2004 // if(solutionIsValid && VIsNotValid) { if(bUCorrected && VIsNotValid) { solutionIsValid = Standard_False; if(mySurface.IsVPeriodic()) { Standard_Real aNewV = V; if(AdjustPeriodic(V, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, mySurface.VPeriod(), aNewV)) { solutionIsValid = Standard_True; V = aNewV; } } } } if(!solutionIsValid) continue; Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, aPoint.W(), U, V); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, aPoint.W(), U, V); if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(aPoint.W(), myRangeManager); } // end if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) } } for(i = 1; i <= anExactIntersector.NbSegments(); i++) { const IntCurveSurface_IntersectionSegment& aSegment = anExactIntersector.Segment(i); IntCurveSurface_IntersectionPoint aPoint1, aPoint2; aSegment.Values(aPoint1, aPoint2); Standard_Real aFirstParameter = (aPoint1.W() < myFirstParameter) ? myFirstParameter : aPoint1.W(); Standard_Real aLastParameter = (myLastParameter < aPoint2.W()) ? myLastParameter : aPoint2.W(); myRangeManager.InsertRange(aFirstParameter, aLastParameter, 2); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, aPoint1.W(), aPoint1.U(), aPoint1.V()); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, aPoint2.W(), aPoint2.U(), aPoint2.V()); } } } // ================================================================================== // function: FastComputeExactIntersection // purpose: // ================================================================================== Standard_Boolean IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::FastComputeExactIntersection() { Standard_Boolean aresult = Standard_False; if((myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_BezierCurve) || (myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) || (myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_OtherCurve)) { return aresult; } if(mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Plane) { gp_Pln surfPlane = mySurface.Plane(); if(myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) { if((surfPlane.Distance(myCurve.Value(myFirstParameter)) < myCriteria) && (surfPlane.Distance(myCurve.Value(myLastParameter)) < myCriteria)) { myRangeManager.InsertRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 2); aresult = Standard_True; } } else { gp_Dir aDir; switch(myCurve.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Circle: { aDir = myCurve.Circle().Axis().Direction(); break; } case GeomAbs_Ellipse: { aDir = myCurve.Ellipse().Axis().Direction(); break; } case GeomAbs_Hyperbola: { aDir = myCurve.Hyperbola().Axis().Direction(); break; } case GeomAbs_Parabola: { aDir = myCurve.Parabola().Axis().Direction(); break; } default: { return aresult; } } Standard_Real anAngle = aDir.Angle(surfPlane.Axis().Direction()); if(anAngle < Precision::Angular()) { Standard_Boolean insertRange = Standard_False; switch(myCurve.GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Circle: { Standard_Real adist = surfPlane.Distance(myCurve.Circle().Location()) + myCurve.Circle().Radius() * Precision::Angular(); if(adist < myCriteria) { insertRange = Standard_True; } break; } case GeomAbs_Ellipse: { Standard_Real adist = surfPlane.Distance(myCurve.Ellipse().Location()) + myCurve.Ellipse().MajorRadius() * Precision::Angular(); if(adist < myCriteria) { insertRange = Standard_True; } break; } case GeomAbs_Hyperbola: case GeomAbs_Parabola: { Standard_Real aMaxPar = (Abs(myFirstParameter) > Abs(myLastParameter)) ? Abs(myFirstParameter) : Abs(myLastParameter); gp_Pnt aLoc = (myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_Parabola) ? myCurve.Parabola().Location() : myCurve.Hyperbola().Location(); Standard_Real adist = aLoc.Distance(myCurve.Value(aMaxPar)); adist = surfPlane.Distance(aLoc) + adist * Precision::Angular(); if(adist < myCriteria) { insertRange = Standard_True; } break; } default: { break; } } if(insertRange) { myRangeManager.InsertRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 2); aresult = Standard_True; } } } } if(myCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) { gp_Circ aCircle = myCurve.Circle(); if(mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cylinder) { gp_Cylinder aCylinder = mySurface.Cylinder(); gp_Dir aDir1(aCylinder.Axis().Direction()); gp_Dir aDir2(aCircle.Axis().Direction()); Standard_Real anAngle = aDir1.Angle(aDir2); if(anAngle < Precision::Angular()) { gp_Pnt aLoc = aCircle.Location(); gp_Lin anCylAxis(aCylinder.Axis()); Standard_Real alocdist = anCylAxis.Distance(aLoc); Standard_Real adist = alocdist; Standard_Real adiff = aCircle.Radius() - aCylinder.Radius(); adist += Abs(adiff); if(adist < myCriteria) { Standard_Real acylradius = aCylinder.Radius(); Standard_Real atmpvalue = aCircle.Radius() * sin(Precision::Angular()); Standard_Real aprojectedradius = atmpvalue; aprojectedradius = sqrt((aCircle.Radius() * aCircle.Radius()) - (aprojectedradius * aprojectedradius)); adiff = aprojectedradius - acylradius; adist = alocdist + Abs(adiff); if(adist < myCriteria) { // Abs is important function here myRangeManager.InsertRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 2); aresult = Standard_True; } } } } if(mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Sphere) { gp_Pln aCirclePln(aCircle.Location(), aCircle.Axis().Direction()); IntAna_QuadQuadGeo anInter(aCirclePln, mySurface.Sphere()); if(anInter.IsDone()) { if(anInter.TypeInter() == IntAna_Circle) { gp_Circ aCircleToCompare = anInter.Circle(1); Standard_Real adist = aCircleToCompare.Location().Distance(aCircle.Location()); Standard_Real adiff = aCircle.Radius() - aCircleToCompare.Radius(); adist += Abs(adiff); if(adist < myCriteria) { myRangeManager.InsertRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, 2); aresult = Standard_True; } } } } } return aresult; } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeLinePlane // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeLinePlane() { Standard_Real Tolang = 1.e-9; gp_Pln P = mySurface.Plane(); gp_Lin L = myCurve.Line(); myIsDone = Standard_True; Standard_Real A,B,C,D; Standard_Real Al,Bl,Cl; Standard_Real Dis,Direc; P.Coefficients(A,B,C,D); gp_Pnt Orig(L.Location()); L.Direction().Coord(Al,Bl,Cl); Direc=A*Al+B*Bl+C*Cl; Dis = A*Orig.X() + B*Orig.Y() + C*Orig.Z() + D; Standard_Boolean parallel = Standard_False, inplane = Standard_False; if (Abs(Direc) < Tolang) { parallel= Standard_True; if (Abs(Dis) < myCriteria) { inplane=Standard_True; } else { inplane=Standard_False; } } else { gp_Pnt p1 = ElCLib::Value(myFirstParameter, L); gp_Pnt p2 = ElCLib::Value(myLastParameter, L); Standard_Real d1 = A*p1.X() + B*p1.Y() + C*p1.Z() + D; if(d1 < 0) d1 = -d1; Standard_Real d2 = A*p2.X() + B*p2.Y() + C*p2.Z() + D; if(d2 < 0) d2 = -d2; if(d1 <= myCriteria && d2 <= myCriteria) { inplane=Standard_True; } } if(inplane) { IntTools_Range aRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter); myResults.Append(aRange); return; } if(parallel) { return; } Standard_Real t = - Dis/Direc; if(t < myFirstParameter || t > myLastParameter) { return; } gp_Pnt pint(Orig.X()+t*Al, Orig.Y()+t*Bl, Orig.Z()+t*Cl); Standard_Real u, v; ElSLib::Parameters(P, pint, u, v); if(myUMinParameter > u || u > myUMaxParameter || myVMinParameter > v || v > myVMaxParameter) { return; } Standard_Real t1 = Max(myFirstParameter, t-myCriteria); Standard_Real t2 = Min(myLastParameter, t+myCriteria); IntTools_Range aRange(t1, t2); myResults.Append(aRange); return; } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeUsingExtremum // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeUsingExtremum() { Standard_Real Tol, af, al; Tol = Precision::PConfusion(); Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve = BRep_Tool::Curve (myCurve.Edge(), af, al); GeomAdaptor_Surface aGASurface (myTrsfSurface, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter); Bnd_Box FBox; BndLib_AddSurface::Add(mySurface, 0., FBox); FBox.Enlarge(myFaceTolerance); for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myRangeManager.Length(); i++) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(i) > 0) continue; IntTools_Range aParamRange = myRangeManager.Range(i); Standard_Real anarg1 = aParamRange.First(); Standard_Real anarg2 = aParamRange.Last(); if(anarg2 - anarg1 < Precision::PConfusion()) { if(((i > 1) && (myRangeManager.Flag(i-1) == 2)) || ((i < myRangeManager.Length()) && (myRangeManager.Flag(i+1) == 2))) { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); continue; } } // check bounding boxes Bnd_Box EBox; EBox.Add(myCurve.Value(anarg1)); EBox.Add(myCurve.Value(anarg2)); EBox.Enlarge(myBeanTolerance + myDeflection); if(EBox.IsOut(FBox)) { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); continue; } GeomAdaptor_Curve aGACurve(aCurve, anarg1, anarg2); Extrema_ExtCS theExtCS(aGACurve, aGASurface, Tol, Tol); myExtrema = theExtCS; if(myExtrema.IsDone() && (myExtrema.NbExt() || myExtrema.IsParallel())) { Standard_Integer anOldNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); if (myExtrema.IsParallel()) { if(myExtrema.SquareDistance(1) < myCriteria * myCriteria) { Standard_Real U1, V1, U2, V2; Standard_Real adistance1 = Distance(anarg1, U1, V1); Standard_Real adistance2 = Distance(anarg2, U2, V2); Standard_Boolean validdistance1 = (adistance1 < myCriteria); Standard_Boolean validdistance2 = (adistance2 < myCriteria); if (validdistance1 && validdistance2) { myRangeManager.InsertRange(anarg1, anarg2, 2); continue; } else { if(validdistance1) { ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, anarg1, U1, V1); } else { if(validdistance2) { ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, anarg2, U2, V2); } else { Standard_Real a = anarg1; Standard_Real b = anarg2; Standard_Real da = adistance1; Standard_Real db = adistance2; Standard_Real asolution = a; Standard_Boolean found = Standard_False; while(((b - a) > myCurveResolution) && !found) { asolution = (a+b)*0.5; Standard_Real adist = Distance(asolution, U1, V1); if(adist < myCriteria) { found = Standard_True; } else { if(da < db) { b = asolution; db = adist; } else { a = asolution; da = adist; } } } // end while if(found) { ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, asolution, U1, V1); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, asolution, U1, V1); } else { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); } } } } } else { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); } } else { Standard_Boolean solutionfound = Standard_False; for(Standard_Integer j = 1 ; j <= myExtrema.NbExt(); j++) { if(myExtrema.SquareDistance(j) < myCriteria * myCriteria) { Extrema_POnCurv p1; Extrema_POnSurf p2; myExtrema.Points(j, p1, p2); Standard_Real U, V; p2.Parameter(U, V); Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, p1.Parameter(), U, V); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, p1.Parameter(), U, V); solutionfound = Standard_True; if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(p1.Parameter(), myRangeManager); } } } //end for if(!solutionfound) { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); } } Standard_Integer adifference = myRangeManager.Length() - anOldNbRanges; if(adifference > 0) { i+=adifference; } } // end if(myExtrema.IsDone() && (myExtrema.NbExt() || myExtrema.IsParallel())) } } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeNearRangeBoundaries // purpose: // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeNearRangeBoundaries() { Standard_Real U = myUMinParameter; Standard_Real V = myVMinParameter; for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myRangeManager.Length(); i++) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(i) > 0) continue; if((i > 1) && (myRangeManager.Flag(i-1) > 0)) continue; IntTools_Range aParamRange = myRangeManager.Range(i); if(Distance(aParamRange.First(), U, V) < myCriteria) { Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); if(i > 1) { ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, aParamRange.First(), U, V, i-1); } ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, aParamRange.First(), U, V, i + (myRangeManager.Length() - aNbRanges)); if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(aParamRange.First(), myRangeManager); } } } if(myRangeManager.Flag(myRangeManager.Length()) == 0) { IntTools_Range aParamRange = myRangeManager.Range(myRangeManager.Length()); if(Distance(aParamRange.Last(), U, V) < myCriteria) { Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, aParamRange.Last(), U, V, myRangeManager.Length()); if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(aParamRange.Last(), myRangeManager); } } } } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeRangeFromStartPoint // purpose: Compute range using start point according to parameter theParameter, // increasing parameter on curve if ToIncreaseParameter == Standard_True or // decreasing parameter on curve if ToIncreaseParameter == Standard_False // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(const Standard_Boolean ToIncreaseParameter, const Standard_Real theParameter, const Standard_Real theUParameter, const Standard_Real theVParameter) { Standard_Integer aFoundIndex = myRangeManager.GetIndex(theParameter, ToIncreaseParameter); if(aFoundIndex == 0) { return; } ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(ToIncreaseParameter, theParameter, theUParameter, theVParameter, aFoundIndex); } // ================================================================================== // function: ComputeRangeFromStartPoint // purpose: Compute range using start point according to parameter theParameter, // increasing parameter on curve if ToIncreaseParameter == Standard_True or // decreasing parameter on curve if ToIncreaseParameter == Standard_False. // theIndex indicate that theParameter belong the range number theIndex. // ================================================================================== void IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(const Standard_Boolean ToIncreaseParameter, const Standard_Real theParameter, const Standard_Real theUParameter, const Standard_Real theVParameter, const Standard_Integer theIndex) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(theIndex) > 0) return; Standard_Integer aValidIndex = theIndex; Standard_Real aMinDelta = myCurveResolution * 0.5; Standard_Real aDeltaRestrictor = myLastParameter - myFirstParameter; if(aMinDelta > aDeltaRestrictor) aMinDelta = aDeltaRestrictor * 0.5; Standard_Real tenOfMinDelta = aMinDelta * 10.; Standard_Real aDelta = myCurveResolution; Standard_Real aCurPar = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? (theParameter + aDelta) : (theParameter - aDelta); Standard_Real aPrevPar = theParameter; IntTools_Range aCurrentRange = myRangeManager.Range(aValidIndex); Standard_Boolean BoundaryCondition = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? (aCurPar > aCurrentRange.Last()) : (aCurPar < aCurrentRange.First()); if(BoundaryCondition) { aCurPar = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? aCurrentRange.Last() : aCurrentRange.First(); BoundaryCondition = Standard_False; } Standard_Integer loopcounter = 0; // neccesary as infinite loop restricter Standard_Real U = theUParameter; Standard_Real V = theVParameter; Standard_Boolean anotherSolutionFound = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean isboundaryindex = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean isvalidindex = Standard_True; while((aDelta >= aMinDelta) && (loopcounter <= 10)) { Standard_Boolean pointfound = Standard_False; // gp_Pnt aPoint = myCurve.Value(aCurPar); Extrema_GenLocateExtPS anExtrema(aPoint, mySurface, U, V, 1.e-10, 1.e-10); if(anExtrema.IsDone()) { if(anExtrema.SquareDistance() < myCriteria * myCriteria) { Extrema_POnSurf aPOnSurf = anExtrema.Point(); aPOnSurf.Parameter(U, V); pointfound = Standard_True; } } else { pointfound = (Distance(aCurPar) < myCriteria); } if(pointfound) { aPrevPar = aCurPar; anotherSolutionFound = Standard_True; if(BoundaryCondition && (isboundaryindex || !isvalidindex)) break; } else { aDeltaRestrictor = aDelta; } // if point found decide to increase aDelta using derivative of distance function // aDelta = (pointfound) ? (aDelta * 2.) : (aDelta * 0.5); aDelta = (aDelta < aDeltaRestrictor) ? aDelta : aDeltaRestrictor; aCurPar = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? (aPrevPar + aDelta) : (aPrevPar - aDelta); // prevent infinite loop when (aPrevPar +/- aDelta) == aPrevPar == 0. // if( aCurPar == aPrevPar ) break; BoundaryCondition = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? (aCurPar > aCurrentRange.Last()) : (aCurPar < aCurrentRange.First()); isboundaryindex = Standard_False; isvalidindex = Standard_True; if(BoundaryCondition) { isboundaryindex = ((!ToIncreaseParameter && (aValidIndex == 1)) || (ToIncreaseParameter && (aValidIndex == myRangeManager.Length()))); if(!isboundaryindex) { if(pointfound) { Standard_Integer aFlag = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? myRangeManager.Flag(aValidIndex + 1) : myRangeManager.Flag(aValidIndex - 1); if(aFlag==0) { aValidIndex = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? (aValidIndex + 1) : (aValidIndex - 1); aCurrentRange = myRangeManager.Range(aValidIndex); if((ToIncreaseParameter && (aCurPar > aCurrentRange.Last())) || (!ToIncreaseParameter && (aCurPar < aCurrentRange.First()))) { aCurPar = (aCurrentRange.First() + aCurrentRange.Last()) * 0.5; aDelta*=0.5; } } else { isvalidindex = Standard_False; aCurPar = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? aCurrentRange.Last() : aCurrentRange.First(); } } } else { aCurPar = (ToIncreaseParameter) ? aCurrentRange.Last() : aCurrentRange.First(); } if(aDelta < tenOfMinDelta) { loopcounter++; } else { loopcounter = 0; } } // if(BoundaryCondition) } if(anotherSolutionFound) { if(ToIncreaseParameter) myRangeManager.InsertRange(theParameter, aPrevPar, 2); else myRangeManager.InsertRange(aPrevPar, theParameter, 2); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: AdjustPeriodic // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean AdjustPeriodic(const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast, const Standard_Real Period, Standard_Real& UResult) { UResult = U; Standard_Real u = U; Standard_Real Eps = Epsilon(Period); while (Eps < (UFirst-u)) u += Period; while (Eps > (ULast -u)) u -= Period; if ( u < UFirst) return Standard_False; UResult = u; return Standard_True; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: SetEmptyResultRange // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean SetEmptyResultRange(const Standard_Real theParameter, IntTools_MarkedRangeSet& theMarkedRange) { const TColStd_SequenceOfInteger& anIndices = theMarkedRange.GetIndices(theParameter); Standard_Boolean add = (anIndices.Length() > 0); for(Standard_Integer k = 1; k <= anIndices.Length(); k++) { if(theMarkedRange.Flag(anIndices(k)) == 2) { add = Standard_False; break; } } if(add) { theMarkedRange.InsertRange(theParameter, theParameter, 2); } return add; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: TestCoinside // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static Standard_Boolean TestClose(const Extrema_ExtPS & theExt, // const Standard_Real theDist) // { // Standard_Boolean close = Standard_False; // if(!theExt.IsDone() || theExt.NbExt() == 0) // return close; // else { // Standard_Integer ie; // for(ie = 1; ie <= theExt.NbExt(); ie++) { // Standard_Real dist = theExt.Value(ie); // if(dist <= theDist) { // close = Standard_True; // break; // } // } // } // return close; // } // Standard_Boolean TestCoinside(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& theCurve, // const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface) // { // Standard_Real cfp = theCurve.FirstParameter(), clp = theCurve.LastParameter(); // Standard_Real cdp = fabs(clp - cfp) / 23.; // Standard_Integer i = 0; // Standard_Real tolE = theCurve.Tolerance(), tolF = theSurface.Tolerance(); // Standard_Real tolT = tolE + tolF, tolU = 1.e-9, tolV = 1.e-9; // gp_Pnt aP; // theCurve.D0(cfp,aP); // Extrema_ExtPS eps(aP,theSurface,tolU,tolV); // if(!TestClose(eps,tolT)) // return Standard_False; // theCurve.D0(clp,aP); // eps.Perform(aP); // if(!TestClose(eps,tolT)) // return Standard_False; // Standard_Boolean close = Standard_True; // for(i = 1; i <= 22; i++) { // theCurve.D0((cfp+((Standard_Real)i)*cdp),aP); // eps.Perform(aP); // if(!TestClose(eps,tolT)) { // close = Standard_False; // break; // } // } // return close; // } // ====================================================================================================================== // function: LocalizeSolutions // purpose: // ====================================================================================================================== Standard_Boolean IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::LocalizeSolutions(const IntTools_CurveRangeSample& theCurveRange, const Bnd_Box& theBoxCurve, const IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample& theSurfaceRange, const Bnd_Box& theBoxSurface, IntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData& theCurveData, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData& theSurfaceData, IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample& theListCurveRange, IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample& theListSurfaceRange) { Standard_Integer tIt = 0, uIt = 0, vIt = 0; // IntTools_CurveRangeSample aRootRangeC(0); aRootRangeC.SetDepth(0); IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample aRootRangeS(0, 0, 0, 0); Bnd_Box aMainBoxC = theBoxCurve; Bnd_Box aMainBoxS = theBoxSurface; Standard_Boolean bMainBoxFoundS = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean bMainBoxFoundC = Standard_False; // IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample aListCurveRangeFound; IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample aListSurfaceRangeFound; IntTools_Range aRangeC = theCurveRange.GetRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, theCurveData.GetNbSample()); Standard_Real localdiffC = (aRangeC.Last() - aRangeC.First()) / theCurveData.GetNbSample(); Standard_Real aCurPar = aRangeC.First(); Standard_Real aPrevPar = aRangeC.First(); Standard_Integer aCurIndexInit = theCurveRange.GetRangeIndexDeeper(theCurveData.GetNbSample()); TColStd_ListOfInteger aListCToAvoid; Standard_Boolean bGlobalCheckDone = Standard_False; // // Standard_Integer aCurIndexU = theSurfaceRange.GetRangeIndexUDeeper(theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU()); Standard_Integer aCurIndexVInit = theSurfaceRange.GetRangeIndexVDeeper(theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV()); IntTools_Range aRangeV = theSurfaceRange.GetRangeV(myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV()); // IntTools_Range aRangeU = theSurfaceRange.GetRangeU(myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU()); Standard_Real aCurParU = aRangeU.First(); Standard_Real aLocalDiffU = (aRangeU.Last() - aRangeU.First()) / theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU(); Standard_Real aPrevParU = aCurParU; Standard_Real aLocalDiffV = (aRangeV.Last() - aRangeV.First()) / theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV(); // ranges check.begin Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingC = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingU = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingV = Standard_True; // check CheckSampling(theCurveRange, theSurfaceRange, theCurveData, theSurfaceData, localdiffC, aLocalDiffU, aLocalDiffV, bAllowSamplingC, bAllowSamplingU, bAllowSamplingV); // if(!bAllowSamplingC && !bAllowSamplingU && !bAllowSamplingV) { theListCurveRange.Append(theCurveRange); theListSurfaceRange.Append(theSurfaceRange); return Standard_True; } // ranges check.end // init template. begin IntTools_CurveRangeSample aNewRangeCTemplate; if(!bAllowSamplingC) { aNewRangeCTemplate = theCurveRange; aCurIndexInit = theCurveRange.GetRangeIndex(); localdiffC = (aRangeC.Last() - aRangeC.First()); } else { aNewRangeCTemplate.SetDepth(theCurveRange.GetDepth() + 1); aNewRangeCTemplate.SetRangeIndex(aCurIndexInit); } IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample aNewRangeSTemplate = theSurfaceRange; if(bAllowSamplingU) { aNewRangeSTemplate.SetDepthU(theSurfaceRange.GetDepthU() + 1); } else { aCurIndexU = aNewRangeSTemplate.GetIndexU(); aLocalDiffU = aRangeU.Last() - aRangeU.First(); } if(bAllowSamplingV) { aNewRangeSTemplate.SetDepthV(theSurfaceRange.GetDepthV() + 1); } else { aCurIndexVInit = theSurfaceRange.GetIndexV(); aLocalDiffV = aRangeV.Last() - aRangeV.First(); } // init template. end Standard_Boolean bHasOut = Standard_False; const Standard_Integer nbU = (bAllowSamplingU) ? theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU() : 1; const Standard_Integer nbV = (bAllowSamplingV) ? theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV() : 1; const Standard_Integer nbC = (bAllowSamplingC) ? theCurveData.GetNbSample() : 1; for(uIt = 1; uIt <= nbU; uIt++, aCurIndexU++, aPrevParU = aCurParU) { aCurParU += aLocalDiffU; Standard_Real aCurParV = aRangeV.First(); Standard_Real aPrevParV = aCurParV; Standard_Integer aCurIndexV = aCurIndexVInit; Standard_Boolean bHasOutV = Standard_False; // /////// for(vIt = 1; vIt <= nbV; vIt++, aCurIndexV++, aPrevParV = aCurParV) { aCurParV += aLocalDiffV; // ////////////// // IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample aNewRangeS = aNewRangeSTemplate; if(bAllowSamplingU) { aNewRangeS.SetIndexU(aCurIndexU); } if(bAllowSamplingV) { aNewRangeS.SetIndexV(aCurIndexV); } if(theSurfaceData.IsRangeOut(aNewRangeS)) { bHasOutV = Standard_True; continue; } // /////// Bnd_Box aBoxS; if(!theSurfaceData.FindBox(aNewRangeS, aBoxS)) { if(mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface) { // if(Standard_False ) { Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) aSurfBspl = Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface)::DownCast(myTrsfSurface); aBoxS = GetSurfaceBox(aSurfBspl, aPrevParU, aCurParU, aPrevParV, aCurParV, myCriteria, theSurfaceData); } else { BndLib_AddSurface::Add(mySurface, aPrevParU, aCurParU, aPrevParV, aCurParV, myCriteria, aBoxS); } // Bnd_Box aMainBoxC; if(!bMainBoxFoundC && theCurveData.FindBox(aRootRangeC, aMainBoxC)) { bMainBoxFoundC = Standard_True; } if(aBoxS.IsOut(aMainBoxC)) { theSurfaceData.AddOutRange(aNewRangeS); bHasOutV = Standard_True; continue; } // } theSurfaceData.AddBox(aNewRangeS, aBoxS); } if(aBoxS.IsOut(theBoxCurve)) { bHasOutV = Standard_True; continue; } IntTools_ListOfBox aListOfBox; TColStd_ListOfInteger aListOfIndex; Standard_Boolean bHasOutC = Standard_False; Standard_Integer aCurIndex = aCurIndexInit; // //////////////////////////// aCurPar = aRangeC.First(); aPrevPar = aRangeC.First(); IntTools_CurveRangeSample aCurRangeC = aNewRangeCTemplate; for (tIt = 1; tIt <= nbC; tIt++, aCurIndex++, aPrevPar = aCurPar) { aCurPar += localdiffC; // ignore already computed. begin Standard_Boolean bFound = Standard_False; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger anItToAvoid(aListCToAvoid); for(; anItToAvoid.More(); anItToAvoid.Next()) { if(tIt == anItToAvoid.Value()) { bFound = Standard_True; break; } } if(!bFound) { if(bAllowSamplingC) { aCurRangeC.SetRangeIndex(aCurIndex); } bFound = theCurveData.IsRangeOut(aCurRangeC); } if(bFound) { bHasOutC = Standard_True; continue; } // ignore already computed. end // compute Box Bnd_Box aBoxC; if(!theCurveData.FindBox(aCurRangeC, aBoxC)) { BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add(myCurve, aPrevPar, aCurPar, myCriteria, aBoxC); // Bnd_Box aMainBoxS; if(!bMainBoxFoundS && theSurfaceData.FindBox(aRootRangeS, aMainBoxS)) { bMainBoxFoundS = Standard_True; } if(aBoxC.IsOut(aMainBoxS)) { theCurveData.AddOutRange(aCurRangeC); bHasOutC = Standard_True; continue; } // } theCurveData.AddBox(aCurRangeC, aBoxC); } if(!bGlobalCheckDone && aBoxC.IsOut(theBoxSurface)) { aListCToAvoid.Append(tIt); bHasOutC = Standard_True; continue; } if(aBoxC.IsOut(aBoxS)) { bHasOutV = Standard_True; bHasOutC = Standard_True; continue; } // aListOfIndex.Append(tIt); aListOfBox.Append(aBoxC); } // end for(tIt...) bGlobalCheckDone = Standard_True; if(bHasOutC) { bHasOutV = Standard_True; } // ////////////// // IntTools_CurveRangeSample aNewRangeC = aNewRangeCTemplate; aCurIndex = aCurIndexInit; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger anItI(aListOfIndex); IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfBox anItBox(aListOfBox); Standard_Boolean bUseOldC = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean bUseOldS = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean bCheckSize = !bHasOutC; for(; anItI.More() && anItBox.More(); anItI.Next(), anItBox.Next()) { aCurIndex = aCurIndexInit + anItI.Value() - 1; bUseOldS = Standard_False; if(bAllowSamplingC) { aNewRangeC.SetRangeIndex(aCurIndex); } if(bCheckSize) { if((theCurveRange.GetDepth() == 0) || (theSurfaceRange.GetDepthU() == 0) || (theSurfaceRange.GetDepthV() == 0)) { bHasOutC = Standard_True; bHasOutV = Standard_True; } else if((theCurveRange.GetDepth() < 4) && (theSurfaceRange.GetDepthU() < 4) && (theSurfaceRange.GetDepthV() < 4)) { Bnd_Box aBoxC = anItBox.Value(); if(!aBoxC.IsWhole() && !aBoxS.IsWhole()) { Standard_Real aDiagC = aBoxC.SquareExtent(); Standard_Real aDiagS = aBoxS.SquareExtent(); if(aDiagC < aDiagS) { if((aDiagC * 10.) < aDiagS) { bUseOldC = Standard_True; bHasOutC = Standard_True; bHasOutV = Standard_True; break; } } else { if((aDiagS * 10.) < aDiagC) { bUseOldS = Standard_True; bHasOutC = Standard_True; bHasOutV = Standard_True; } } } } } if(!bHasOutC) { aListCurveRangeFound.Append(aNewRangeC); aListSurfaceRangeFound.Append(aNewRangeS); } else { // if(bUseOldS || bAllowSamplingU || bAllowSamplingV) { // theSurfaceData.AddBox(aNewRangeS, aBoxS); // } if(bUseOldS && aNewRangeC.IsEqual(theCurveRange)) { return Standard_False; } if(!LocalizeSolutions(aNewRangeC, anItBox.Value(), ((bUseOldS) ? theSurfaceRange : aNewRangeS), ((bUseOldS) ? theBoxSurface : aBoxS), theCurveData, theSurfaceData, theListCurveRange, theListSurfaceRange)) return Standard_False; } } // end (tIt...) aListOfIndex.Clear(); aListOfBox.Clear(); if(bHasOutV) { // theSurfaceData.AddBox(aNewRangeS, aBoxS); if(bUseOldC && bAllowSamplingC && (bAllowSamplingU || bAllowSamplingV)) { if(!LocalizeSolutions(theCurveRange, theBoxCurve, aNewRangeS, aBoxS, theCurveData, theSurfaceData, theListCurveRange, theListSurfaceRange)) return Standard_False; } } } // end for (vIt...) if(bHasOutV) { bHasOut = Standard_True; } } if(!bHasOut) { theListCurveRange.Append(theCurveRange); theListSurfaceRange.Append(theSurfaceRange); } else { IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRangeSample anIt1(aListCurveRangeFound); IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfSurfaceRangeSample anIt2(aListSurfaceRangeFound); for(; anIt1.More() && anIt2.More(); anIt1.Next(), anIt2.Next()) { theListCurveRange.Append(anIt1.Value()); theListSurfaceRange.Append(anIt2.Value()); } } return Standard_True; } // ====================================================================================================================== // function: ComputeLocalized // purpose: // ====================================================================================================================== Standard_Boolean IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::ComputeLocalized() { Standard_Real Tol = Precision::PConfusion(); IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample aSurfaceRange(0, 0, 0, 0); Standard_Real dMinU = 10. * Precision::PConfusion(); Standard_Real dMinV = dMinU; IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData aSurfaceDataInit(3, 3, dMinU, dMinV); IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData& aSurfaceData = (myContext) ? myContext->SurfaceData(mySurface.Face()) : aSurfaceDataInit; aSurfaceData.RemoveRangeOutAll(); aSurfaceData.ClearGrid(); Bnd_Box FBox; Standard_Boolean bFBoxFound = aSurfaceData.FindBox(aSurfaceRange, FBox); if(mySurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineSurface) { Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) aSurfBspl = Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface)::DownCast(myTrsfSurface); ComputeGridPoints(aSurfBspl, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, myCriteria, aSurfaceData); if(!bFBoxFound) { FBox = GetSurfaceBox(aSurfBspl, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, myCriteria, aSurfaceData); aSurfaceData.AddBox(aSurfaceRange, FBox); } } else if(!bFBoxFound) { BndLib_AddSurface::Add(mySurface, myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, myFaceTolerance, FBox); aSurfaceData.AddBox(aSurfaceRange, FBox); } Bnd_Box EBox; BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add(myCurve.Trim(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, Precision::PConfusion())->Curve(), myBeanTolerance, EBox); if(EBox.IsOut(FBox)) { for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myRangeManager.Length(); i++) { myRangeManager.SetFlag(i, 1); } aSurfaceData.ClearGrid(); return Standard_True; } IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample aListCurveRange; IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample aListSurfaceRange; IntTools_CurveRangeSample aCurveRange(0); aCurveRange.SetDepth(0); Standard_Integer nbSampleC = 3; Standard_Integer nbSampleU = aSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU(); Standard_Integer nbSampleV = aSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV(); Standard_Real dMinC = 10. * myCurveResolution; IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample aListOut; // check Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingC = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingU = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean bAllowSamplingV = Standard_True; IntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData aCurveDataTmp(nbSampleC, dMinC); IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData aSurfaceDataTmp(nbSampleU, nbSampleV, dMinU, dMinV); CheckSampling(aCurveRange, aSurfaceRange, aCurveDataTmp, aSurfaceDataTmp, myLastParameter - myFirstParameter, myUMaxParameter - myUMinParameter, myVMaxParameter - myVMinParameter, bAllowSamplingC, bAllowSamplingU, bAllowSamplingV); { IntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData aCurveData(nbSampleC, dMinC); aCurveData.AddBox(aCurveRange, EBox); if(!LocalizeSolutions(aCurveRange, EBox, aSurfaceRange, FBox, aCurveData, aSurfaceData, aListCurveRange, aListSurfaceRange)) { aSurfaceData.ClearGrid(); return Standard_False; } IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample aListCurveRangeSort; IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample aListSurfaceRangeSort; MergeSolutions(aListCurveRange, aListSurfaceRange, aListCurveRangeSort, aListSurfaceRangeSort); IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRangeSample anItC(aListCurveRangeSort); IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfSurfaceRangeSample anItS(aListSurfaceRangeSort); IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample aRangeSPrev; Extrema_GenExtCS anExtremaGen; for(; anItC.More() && anItS.More(); anItC.Next(), anItS.Next()) { IntTools_Range aRangeC(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter); if(bAllowSamplingC) aRangeC = anItC.Value().GetRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, nbSampleC); IntTools_Range aRangeU(myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter); if(bAllowSamplingU) aRangeU = anItS.Value().GetRangeU(myUMinParameter, myUMaxParameter, nbSampleU); IntTools_Range aRangeV(myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter); if(bAllowSamplingV) aRangeV = anItS.Value().GetRangeV(myVMinParameter, myVMaxParameter, nbSampleV); Standard_Real anarg1 = aRangeC.First(), anarg2 = aRangeC.Last(); Standard_Boolean bFound = Standard_False; Standard_Integer nMinIndex = myRangeManager.Length(); Standard_Integer nMaxIndex = -1; const TColStd_SequenceOfInteger& anInds1 = myRangeManager.GetIndices(anarg1); Standard_Integer indIt = 1; for(indIt = 1 ; indIt <= anInds1.Length(); indIt++) { Standard_Integer nIndex = anInds1.Value(indIt); nMinIndex = (nMinIndex > nIndex) ? nIndex : nMinIndex; nMaxIndex = (nMaxIndex < nIndex) ? nIndex : nMaxIndex; } for(indIt = nMinIndex ; indIt <= nMaxIndex; indIt++) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(indIt) == 2) { bFound = Standard_True; break; } } if(bFound) continue; nMinIndex = (nMaxIndex >= 0) ? nMaxIndex : nMinIndex; const TColStd_SequenceOfInteger& anInds2 = myRangeManager.GetIndices(anarg2); for(indIt = 1 ; indIt <= anInds2.Length(); indIt++) { Standard_Integer nIndex = anInds2.Value(indIt); nMinIndex = (nMinIndex > nIndex) ? nIndex : nMinIndex; nMaxIndex = (nMaxIndex < nIndex) ? nIndex : nMaxIndex; } for(indIt = nMinIndex ; indIt <= nMaxIndex; indIt++) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(indIt) == 2) { bFound = Standard_True; break; } } if(bFound) continue; Standard_Real parUF = aRangeU.First(), parUL = aRangeU.Last(); Standard_Real parVF = aRangeV.First(), parVL = aRangeV.Last(); if(aRangeSPrev.IsEqual(anItS.Value())) { anExtremaGen.Perform(myCurve, 10, anarg1, anarg2, Tol); } else { anExtremaGen.Initialize(mySurface, 10, 10, parUF, parUL, parVF, parVL, Tol); anExtremaGen.Perform(myCurve, 10, anarg1, anarg2, Tol); } if(anExtremaGen.IsDone() && (anExtremaGen.NbExt() > 0)) { for(Standard_Integer j = 1 ; j <= anExtremaGen.NbExt(); j++) { if(anExtremaGen.SquareDistance(j) < myCriteria * myCriteria) { Extrema_POnCurv p1; Extrema_POnSurf p2; p1 = anExtremaGen.PointOnCurve(j); p2 = anExtremaGen.PointOnSurface(j); Standard_Real U, V, T; T = p1.Parameter(); p2.Parameter(U, V); if (myCurve.IsPeriodic()) T = ElCLib::InPeriod(T, anarg1, anarg1 + myCurve.Period()); if (mySurface.IsUPeriodic()) U = ElCLib::InPeriod(U, parUF, parUF + mySurface.UPeriod()); if (mySurface.IsVPeriodic()) V = ElCLib::InPeriod(V, parVF, parVF + mySurface.VPeriod()); //To avoid occasional going out of boundaries because of numerical //problem if(U < myUMinParameter) U = myUMinParameter; if(U > myUMaxParameter) U = myUMaxParameter; if(V < myVMinParameter) V = myVMinParameter; if(V > myVMaxParameter) V = myVMaxParameter; Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, T, U, V); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, T, U, V); if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(T, myRangeManager); } } } //end for } else { myRangeManager.InsertRange(anarg1, anarg2, 0); } aRangeSPrev = anItS.Value(); } // aCurveData.ListRangeOut(aListOut); } // if(bAllowSamplingC) { IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRangeSample anItC(aListOut); for(; anItC.More(); anItC.Next()) { IntTools_Range aRangeC =anItC.Value().GetRange(myFirstParameter, myLastParameter, nbSampleC); myRangeManager.InsertRange(aRangeC.First(), aRangeC.Last(), 1); } } ComputeNearRangeBoundaries(); aSurfaceData.ClearGrid(); return Standard_True; } // ====================================================================================================================== // function: TestComputeCoinside // purpose: // ====================================================================================================================== Standard_Boolean IntTools_BeanFaceIntersector::TestComputeCoinside() { Standard_Real cfp = myFirstParameter, clp = myLastParameter; const Standard_Integer nbSeg = 23; Standard_Real cdp = (clp - cfp) / (Standard_Real )nbSeg; Standard_Integer i = 0; Standard_Real U, V; if(Distance(cfp, U, V) > myCriteria) return Standard_False; // ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, cfp, U, V); // Standard_Integer aFoundIndex = myRangeManager.GetIndex(clp, Standard_False ); if(aFoundIndex != 0) { if(myRangeManager.Flag(aFoundIndex) == 2) return Standard_True; } if(Distance(clp, U, V) > myCriteria) return Standard_False; // ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, clp, U, V); // for(i = 1; i < nbSeg; i++) { Standard_Real aPar = (cfp+((Standard_Real)i)*cdp); if(Distance(aPar, U, V) > myCriteria) return Standard_False; Standard_Integer aNbRanges = myRangeManager.Length(); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_False, aPar, U, V); ComputeRangeFromStartPoint(Standard_True, aPar, U, V); if(aNbRanges == myRangeManager.Length()) { SetEmptyResultRange(aPar, myRangeManager); } } return Standard_True; } // Modified by skv - Wed Nov 2 15:21:11 2005 Optimization Begin // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: GetSurfaceBox // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bnd_Box GetSurfaceBox(const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, const Standard_Real theTolerance, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData) { Bnd_Box aTotalBox; BuildBox(theSurf, theFirstU, theLastU, theFirstV, theLastV, theSurfaceData, aTotalBox); aTotalBox.Enlarge(theTolerance); return aTotalBox; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: ComputeGridPoints // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ComputeGridPoints (const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, const Standard_Real theTolerance, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData) { Standard_Integer i; Standard_Integer j; Standard_Integer k; Standard_Integer aNbSamples[2] = { theSurf->UDegree(), theSurf->VDegree() }; Standard_Integer aNbKnots[2] = { theSurf->NbUKnots(), theSurf->NbVKnots() }; TColStd_Array1OfReal aKnotsU(1, aNbKnots[0]); TColStd_Array1OfReal aKnotsV(1, aNbKnots[1]); theSurf->UKnots(aKnotsU); theSurf->VKnots(aKnotsV); Standard_Integer iLmI; Standard_Integer iMin[2] = { -1, -1 }; Standard_Integer iMax[2] = { -1, -1 }; Standard_Integer aNbGridPnts[2]; Standard_Real aFPar[2] = { theFirstU, theFirstV}; Standard_Real aLPar[2] = { theLastU, theLastV}; Standard_Real aFpTol[2] = { aFPar[0] + theTolerance, aFPar[1] + theTolerance }; Standard_Real aFmTol[2] = { aFPar[0] - theTolerance, aFPar[1] - theTolerance }; Standard_Real aLpTol[2] = { aLPar[0] + theTolerance, aLPar[1] + theTolerance }; Standard_Real aLmTol[2] = { aLPar[0] - theTolerance, aLPar[1] - theTolerance }; // Compute number of U and V grid points. for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { const TColStd_Array1OfReal &aKnots = (j == 0) ? aKnotsU : aKnotsV; for (i = 1; i <= aNbKnots[j] && (iMin[j] == -1 || iMax[j] == -1); i++) { if (iMin[j] == -1 && aFpTol[j] < aKnots.Value(i)) iMin[j] = i - 1; iLmI = aNbKnots[j] - i + 1; if (iMax[j] == -1 && aLmTol[j] > aKnots.Value(iLmI)) iMax[j] = iLmI + 1; } // If indices are not found, return. //if (iMin[j] == -1 || iMax[j] == -1) //return; if(iMin[j] == -1) iMin[j] = 1; if (iMax[j] == -1) iMax[j] = aNbKnots[j]; if (iMin[j] == 0) iMin[j] = 1; if (iMax[j] > aNbKnots[j]) iMax[j] = aNbKnots[j]; if (iMax[j] < iMin[j]) return; if (iMax[j] == iMin[j]) { iMax[j]++; iMin[j]--; if (iMin[j] == 0) iMin[j] = 1; if (iMax[j] > aNbKnots[j]) iMax[j] = aNbKnots[j]; } aNbGridPnts[j] = (iMax[j] - iMin[j])*aNbSamples[j] + 1; // Setting the number of grid points. if (j == 0) theSurfaceData.SetRangeUGrid(aNbGridPnts[j]); else // j == 1 theSurfaceData.SetRangeVGrid(aNbGridPnts[j]); // Setting the first and last parameters. Standard_Integer iAbs = 1; Standard_Real aMinPar; Standard_Real aMaxPar = (j == 0) ? theLastU : theLastV; for (i = iMin[j]; i < iMax[j]; i++) { // Get the first parameter. if (i == iMin[j]) { // The first knot. if (aFmTol[j] > aKnots.Value(iMin[j])) aMinPar = aFPar[j]; else aMinPar = aKnots.Value(iMin[j]); } else { aMinPar = aKnots.Value(i); } // Get the last parameter. if (i == iMax[j] - 1) { // The last knot. if (aLpTol[j] < aKnots.Value(iMax[j])) aMaxPar = aLPar[j]; else aMaxPar = aKnots.Value(iMax[j]); } else { aMaxPar = aKnots.Value(i + 1); } // Compute grid parameters. Standard_Real aDelta = (aMaxPar - aMinPar)/aNbSamples[j]; for (k = 0; k < aNbSamples[j]; k++, aMinPar += aDelta) { if (j == 0) theSurfaceData.SetUParam(iAbs++, aMinPar); else theSurfaceData.SetVParam(iAbs++, aMinPar); } } // Add the last parameter if (j == 0) theSurfaceData.SetUParam(iAbs++, aMaxPar); else theSurfaceData.SetVParam(iAbs++, aMaxPar); } // Compute of grid points. gp_Pnt aPnt; Standard_Real aParU; Standard_Real aParV; for (i = 1; i <= aNbGridPnts[0]; i++) { aParU = theSurfaceData.GetUParam(i); for (j = 1; j <= aNbGridPnts[1]; j++) { aParV = theSurfaceData.GetVParam(j); theSurf->D0(aParU, aParV, aPnt); theSurfaceData.SetGridPoint(i, j, aPnt); } } // Compute deflection. Standard_Real aDef = 0.; // Standard_Real aDefLin; // Standard_Real aParMid; // Standard_Real aParConst; // Standard_Real aDistPP; // gp_Pnt aPntMid; // gp_Vec aVec; // gp_XYZ aCoord; // // Compute DU deflection. // for (i = 1; i < aNbGridPnts[0]; i++) { // aParMid = 0.5*(theSurfaceData.GetUParam(i + 1) + // theSurfaceData.GetUParam(i)); // for (j = 1; j <= aNbGridPnts[1]; j++) { // const gp_Pnt &thePnt1 = theSurfaceData.GetGridPoint(i, j); // const gp_Pnt &thePnt2 = theSurfaceData.GetGridPoint(i + 1, j); // aVec.SetXYZ(thePnt2.XYZ().Subtracted(thePnt1.XYZ())); // aDistPP = aVec.Magnitude(); // if (aDistPP > theTolerance) { // // Computation of a distance of a middle point from the line P1 - P2. // aParConst = theSurfaceData.GetVParam(j); // theSurf->D0(aParMid, aParConst, aPntMid); // aCoord = aPntMid.XYZ(); // aCoord.Subtract(thePnt1.XYZ()); // aCoord.Cross (aVec.XYZ()); // aCoord.Divide(aDistPP); // aDefLin = aCoord.Modulus(); // if (aDefLin > aDef) // aDef = aDefLin; // } // } // } // // Compute DV deflection. // for (j = 1; j < aNbGridPnts[1]; j++) { // aParMid = 0.5*(theSurfaceData.GetVParam(j + 1) + // theSurfaceData.GetVParam(j)); // for (i = 1; i <= aNbGridPnts[0]; i++) { // const gp_Pnt &thePnt1 = theSurfaceData.GetGridPoint(i, j); // const gp_Pnt &thePnt2 = theSurfaceData.GetGridPoint(i, j + 1); // aVec.SetXYZ(thePnt2.XYZ().Subtracted(thePnt1.XYZ())); // aDistPP = aVec.Magnitude(); // if (aDistPP > theTolerance) { // // Computation of a distance of a middle point from the line P1 - P2. // aParConst = theSurfaceData.GetUParam(i); // theSurf->D0(aParConst, aParMid, aPntMid); // aCoord = aPntMid.XYZ(); // aCoord.Subtract(thePnt1.XYZ()); // aCoord.Cross (aVec.XYZ()); // aCoord.Divide(aDistPP); // aDefLin = aCoord.Modulus(); // if (aDefLin > aDef) // aDef = aDefLin; // } // } // } if (theTolerance > aDef) aDef = theTolerance; aDef *= 2.; theSurfaceData.SetGridDeflection(aDef); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: BuildBox // purpose: Compute bounding box. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BuildBox(const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) &theSurf, const Standard_Real theFirstU, const Standard_Real theLastU, const Standard_Real theFirstV, const Standard_Real theLastV, IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData &theSurfaceData, Bnd_Box &theBox) { Standard_Integer i; Standard_Integer j; Standard_Integer aNbUPnts; Standard_Integer aNbVPnts; Standard_Real aParam; gp_Pnt aPnt; theSurfaceData.SetFrame(theFirstU, theLastU, theFirstV, theLastV); aNbUPnts = theSurfaceData.GetNBUPointsInFrame(); aNbVPnts = theSurfaceData.GetNBVPointsInFrame(); // Add corner points. theSurf->D0(theFirstU, theFirstV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); theSurf->D0(theLastU, theFirstV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); theSurf->D0(theFirstU, theLastV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); theSurf->D0(theLastU, theLastV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); for (i = 1; i <= aNbUPnts; i++) { // Add top and bottom points. aParam = theSurfaceData.GetUParamInFrame(i); theSurf->D0(aParam, theFirstV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); theSurf->D0(aParam, theLastV, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); // Add internal points. for (j = 1; j <= aNbVPnts; j++) { const gp_Pnt &aGridPnt = theSurfaceData.GetPointInFrame(i, j); theBox.Add(aGridPnt); } } // Add left and right points. for (j = 1; j <= aNbVPnts; j++) { aParam = theSurfaceData.GetVParamInFrame(j); theSurf->D0(theFirstU, aParam, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); theSurf->D0(theLastU, aParam, aPnt); theBox.Add(aPnt); } theBox.Enlarge(theSurfaceData.GetGridDeflection()); } // Modified by skv - Wed Nov 2 15:21:11 2005 Optimization End // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: MergeSolutions // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void MergeSolutions(const IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample& theListCurveRange, const IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample& theListSurfaceRange, IntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample& theListCurveRangeSort, IntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample& theListSurfaceRangeSort) { IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRangeSample anItC2; IntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfSurfaceRangeSample anItS1(theListSurfaceRange), anItS2; IntTools_MapOfSurfaceSample aMapToAvoid; for(; anItS1.More(); anItS1.Next()) { const IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample& aRangeS = anItS1.Value(); if(aMapToAvoid.Contains(aRangeS)) continue; aMapToAvoid.Add(aRangeS); anItC2.Initialize(theListCurveRange); anItS2.Initialize(theListSurfaceRange); for(; anItS2.More() && anItC2.More(); anItS2.Next(), anItC2.Next()) { if(aRangeS.IsEqual(anItS2.Value())) { theListCurveRangeSort.Append(anItC2.Value()); theListSurfaceRangeSort.Append(anItS2.Value()); } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static function: CheckSampling // purpose: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CheckSampling(const IntTools_CurveRangeSample& theCurveRange, const IntTools_SurfaceRangeSample& theSurfaceRange, const IntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData& theCurveData, const IntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData& theSurfaceData, const Standard_Real DiffC, const Standard_Real DiffU, const Standard_Real DiffV, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingC, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingU, Standard_Boolean& bAllowSamplingV) { const Standard_Real dLimit = 1000; bAllowSamplingC = Standard_True; bAllowSamplingU = Standard_True; bAllowSamplingV = Standard_True; // check if((pow((Standard_Real)theCurveData.GetNbSample(), (Standard_Real )(theCurveRange.GetDepth() + 1)) > dLimit) || ((DiffC / theCurveData.GetNbSample()) < theCurveData.GetMinRange())) { bAllowSamplingC = Standard_False; } if((pow((Standard_Real )theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU(), (Standard_Real )(theSurfaceRange.GetDepthU() + 1)) > dLimit) || ((DiffU / theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleU()) < theSurfaceData.GetMinRangeU())) { bAllowSamplingU = Standard_False; } if((pow((Standard_Real )theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV(), (Standard_Real )(theSurfaceRange.GetDepthV() + 1)) > dLimit) || ((DiffV / theSurfaceData.GetNbSampleV()) < theSurfaceData.GetMinRangeV())) { bAllowSamplingV = Standard_False; } }