-- File: Segment.cdl -- Created: Tue Apr 14 09:48:28 1992 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 generic class Segment from IntStart (TheVertex as any; TheArc as any; ThePathPoint as any) -- as PathPoint from IntStart (TheVertex,TheArc) ---Purpose: This class defines the intersection between two implicit -- surfaces A and B, when this intersection is a part of an -- arc of restriction . -- It can be bounded or semi infinite; -- the extremities of these curves are vertices(ThepathPoint). raises DomainError from Standard is Create ---Purpose: Empty constructor. returns Segment; SetValue(me: in out; A: TheArc) ---Purpose: Defines the concerned arc. ---C++: inline is static; SetLimitPoint(me: in out; V: ThePathPoint; First: Boolean) ---Purpose: Defines the first point or the last point, -- depending on the value of the boolean First. is static; Curve(me) ---Purpose: Returns the geometric curve on the surface 's domain -- which is solution. returns any TheArc ---C++: return const& ---C++: inline is static; HasFirstPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns True if there is a vertex (ThePathPoint) defining -- the lowest valid parameter on the arc. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; FirstPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns the first point. returns ThePathPoint ---C++: return const& ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard is static; HasLastPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns True if there is a vertex (ThePathPoint) defining -- the greatest valid parameter on the arc. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; LastPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns the last point. returns ThePathPoint ---C++: return const& ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard is static; fields arc : TheArc; hasfp : Boolean from Standard; thefp : ThePathPoint; haslp : Boolean from Standard; thelp : ThePathPoint; end Segment;