-- File: PSurfaceTool.cdl -- Created: Mon May 18 09:24:52 1992 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 deferred generic class PSurfaceTool from IntStart (ThePSurface as any) ---Purpose: Template class for a tool on a bi-parametrised -- surface. -- It is possible to implement this class with an -- instantiation of the SurfaceTool from Adaptor3d. is UIntervalFirst(myclass ; S: ThePSurface) ---Purpose: Returns the first U parameter of the surface. returns Real from Standard; VIntervalFirst(myclass ; S: ThePSurface) ---Purpose: Returns the first V parameter of the surface. returns Real from Standard; UIntervalLast(myclass ; S: ThePSurface) ---Purpose: Returns the last U parameter of the surface. returns Real from Standard; VIntervalLast(myclass ; S: ThePSurface) ---Purpose: Returns the last V parameter of the surface. returns Real from Standard; UResolution(myclass; S : ThePSurface; Tol3d: Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Returns the numerical resolution in the U direction, -- for a given resolution in 3d space. returns Real from Standard; VResolution(myclass; S : ThePSurface; Tol3d: Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Returns the numerical resolution in the V direction, -- for a given resolution in 3d space. returns Real from Standard; end PSurfaceTool;