-- File: Line.cdl -- Created: Wed May 6 15:54:48 1992 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 deferred class Line from IntPatch inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: Definition of an intersection line between two -- surfaces. -- A line may be either geometric : line, circle, ellipse, -- parabola, hyperbola, as defined in the class GLine, -- or analytic, as defined in the class ALine, or defined -- by a set of points (coming from a walking algorithm) as -- defined in the class WLine. uses TypeTrans from IntSurf, Situation from IntSurf, IType from IntPatch, Lin from gp, Circ from gp, Parab from gp, Elips from gp, Hypr from gp, Pnt from gp, Vec from gp raises DomainError from Standard, OutOfRange from Standard is Initialize(Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf); ---Purpose: To initialize the fields, when the transitions -- are In or Out. Initialize(Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf); ---Purpose: To initialize the fields, when the transitions -- are Touch. Initialize(Tang: Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: To initialize the fields, when the transitions -- are Undecided. SetValue(me: mutable; Uiso1,Viso1,Uiso2,Viso2: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: To set the values returned by IsUIsoS1,.... -- The default values are False. ---C++: inline is static; ArcType (me) ---Purpose: Returns the type of geometry 3d (Line, Circle, Parabola, -- Hyperbola, Ellipse, Analytic, Walking, Restriction) returns IType from IntPatch ---C++: inline is static; IsTangent(me) ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the intersection is a line of tangency -- between the 2 patches. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; TransitionOnS1(me) ---Purpose: Returns the type of the transition of the line -- for the first surface. The transition is "constant" -- along the line. -- The transition is IN if the line is oriented in such -- a way that the system of vector (N1,N2,T) is right-handed, -- where N1 is the normal to the first surface at a point P, -- N2 is the normal to the second surface at a point P, -- T is the tangent to the intersection line at P. -- If the system of vector is left-handed, the transition -- is OUT. -- When N1 and N2 are colinear all along the intersection -- line, the transition will be -- - TOUCH, if it is possible to use the 2nd derivatives -- to determine the position of one surafce compared -- to the other (see Situation) -- - UNDECIDED otherwise. -- -- If one of the transition is TOUCH or UNDECIDED, the other -- one has got the same value. returns TypeTrans from IntSurf ---C++: inline is static; TransitionOnS2(me) ---Purpose: Returns the type of the transition of the line -- for the second surface. The transition is "constant" -- along the line. returns TypeTrans from IntSurf ---C++: inline is static; SituationS1(me) ---Purpose: Returns the situation (INSIDE/OUTSIDE/UNKNOWN) of -- the first patch compared to the second one, when -- TransitionOnS1 or TransitionOnS2 returns TOUCH. -- Otherwise, an exception is raised. returns Situation from IntSurf ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard is static; SituationS2(me) ---Purpose: Returns the situation (INSIDE/OUTSIDE/UNKNOWN) of -- the second patch compared to the first one, when -- TransitionOnS1 or TransitionOnS2 returns TOUCH. -- Otherwise, an exception is raised. returns Situation from IntSurf ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard is static; IsUIsoOnS1(me) ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the intersection is a U isoparametric curve -- on the first patch. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; IsVIsoOnS1(me) ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the intersection is a V isoparametric curve -- on the first patch. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; IsUIsoOnS2(me) ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the intersection is a U isoparametric curve -- on the second patch. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; IsVIsoOnS2(me) ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the intersection is a V isoparametric curve -- on the second patch. returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; fields typ : IType from IntPatch is protected; tg : Boolean from Standard; tS1 : TypeTrans from IntSurf; tS2 : TypeTrans from IntSurf; sit1 : Situation from IntSurf; sit2 : Situation from IntSurf; uS1 : Boolean from Standard; vS1 : Boolean from Standard; uS2 : Boolean from Standard; vS2 : Boolean from Standard; end Line;