// File : IntPatch_Intersection.cxx // Created : Wed Jui 7 18:00:00 1993 // Author : Modelization // Copyright : OPEN CASCADE 1993 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG 0 static Standard_Integer NBPOINTSSURALINE = 200; //====================================================================== // function: SequenceOfLine //====================================================================== const IntPatch_SequenceOfLine& IntPatch_Intersection::SequenceOfLine() const { return(slin); } //====================================================================== // function: IntPatch_Intersection //====================================================================== IntPatch_Intersection::IntPatch_Intersection () : done(Standard_False), //empt, tgte, oppo, myTolArc(0.0), myTolTang(0.0), myUVMaxStep(0.0), myFleche(0.0), myIsStartPnt(Standard_False) //myU1Start, myV1Start, myU2Start, myV2Start { } //====================================================================== // function: IntPatch_Intersection //====================================================================== IntPatch_Intersection::IntPatch_Intersection(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D2, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang) : done(Standard_False), //empt, tgte, oppo, myTolArc(TolArc), myTolTang(TolTang), myUVMaxStep(0.0), myFleche(0.0), myIsStartPnt(Standard_False) //myU1Start, myV1Start, myU2Start, myV2Start { if(myTolArc<1e-8) myTolArc=1e-8; if(myTolTang<1e-8) myTolTang=1e-8; if(myTolArc>0.5) myTolArc=0.5; if(myTolTang>0.5) myTolTang=0.5; Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang); } //====================================================================== // function: IntPatch_Intersection //====================================================================== IntPatch_Intersection::IntPatch_Intersection(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang) : done(Standard_False), //empt, tgte, oppo, myTolArc(TolArc), myTolTang(TolTang), myUVMaxStep(0.0), myFleche(0.0), myIsStartPnt(Standard_False) //myU1Start, myV1Start, myU2Start, myV2Start { Perform(S1,D1,TolArc,TolTang); } //====================================================================== // function: SetTolerances //====================================================================== void IntPatch_Intersection::SetTolerances(const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang, const Standard_Real UVMaxStep, const Standard_Real Fleche) { myTolArc = TolArc; myTolTang = TolTang; myUVMaxStep = UVMaxStep; myFleche = Fleche; if(myTolArc<1e-8) myTolArc=1e-8; if(myTolTang<1e-8) myTolTang=1e-8; if(myTolArc>0.5) myTolArc=0.5; if(myTolTang>0.5) myTolTang=0.5; if(myFleche<1.0e-3) myFleche=1e-3; if(myUVMaxStep<1.0e-3) myUVMaxStep=1e-3; if(myFleche>10) myFleche=10; if(myUVMaxStep>0.5) myUVMaxStep=0.5; } //====================================================================== // function: Perform //====================================================================== void IntPatch_Intersection::Perform(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang) { myTolArc = TolArc; myTolTang = TolTang; if(myFleche == 0.0) myFleche = 0.01; if(myUVMaxStep==0.0) myUVMaxStep = 0.01; done = Standard_True; spnt.Clear(); slin.Clear(); empt = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; oppo = Standard_False; switch (S1->GetType()) { case GeomAbs_Plane: case GeomAbs_Cylinder: case GeomAbs_Sphere: case GeomAbs_Cone: case GeomAbs_Torus: break; default: { IntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection interpp; interpp.Perform(S1,D1,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); if (interpp.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; empt = interpp.IsEmpty(); const Standard_Integer nblm = interpp.NbLines(); for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=nblm; i++) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } } break; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These several support functions provide methods which can help basic // // algorithm to intersect infinite surfaces of the following types: // // // // a.) SurfaceOfExtrusion; // // b.) SurfaceOfRevolution; // // c.) OffsetSurface. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //=============================================================== //function: FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt //=============================================================== static void FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt( const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S, gp_Pnt& pMin, gp_Pnt& pMax ) { const Standard_Real DU = 0.25 * Abs(S->LastUParameter() - S->FirstUParameter()); const Standard_Real DV = 0.25 * Abs(S->LastVParameter() - S->FirstVParameter()); Standard_Real tMinXYZ = RealLast(); Standard_Real tMaxXYZ = -tMinXYZ; gp_Pnt PUV, ptMax, ptMin; for(Standard_Real U = S->FirstUParameter(); U <= S->LastUParameter(); U += DU) { for(Standard_Real V = S->FirstVParameter(); V <= S->LastVParameter(); V += DV) { S->D0(U,V,PUV); const Standard_Real cXYZ = PUV.XYZ().Modulus(); if(cXYZ > tMaxXYZ) { tMaxXYZ = cXYZ; ptMax = PUV; } if(cXYZ < tMinXYZ) { tMinXYZ = cXYZ; ptMin = PUV; } } } pMin = ptMin; pMax = ptMax; } //========================================================================== //function: FUN_TrimInfSurf //========================================================================== static void FUN_TrimInfSurf(const gp_Pnt& Pmin, const gp_Pnt& Pmax, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& InfSurf, const Standard_Real& AlternativeTrimPrm, Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& TrimS) { Standard_Real TP = AlternativeTrimPrm; Extrema_ExtPS ext1(Pmin, InfSurf->Surface(), 1.e-7, 1.e-7); Extrema_ExtPS ext2(Pmax, InfSurf->Surface(), 1.e-7, 1.e-7); if(ext1.IsDone() || ext2.IsDone()) { Standard_Real Umax = -1.e+100, Umin = 1.e+100, Vmax = -1.e+100, Vmin = 1.e+100, cU, cV; if(ext1.IsDone()) { for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= ext1.NbExt(); i++) { const Extrema_POnSurf & pons = ext1.Point(i); pons.Parameter(cU,cV); if(cU > Umax) Umax = cU; if(cU < Umin) Umin = cU; if(cV > Vmax) Vmax = cV; if(cV < Vmin) Vmin = cV; } } if(ext2.IsDone()) { for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= ext2.NbExt(); i++) { const Extrema_POnSurf & pons = ext2.Point(i); pons.Parameter(cU,cV); if(cU > Umax) Umax = cU; if(cU < Umin) Umin = cU; if(cV > Vmax) Vmax = cV; if(cV < Vmin) Vmin = cV; } } TP = Max(Abs(Umin),Max(Abs(Umax),Max(Abs(Vmin),Abs(Vmax)))); } if(TP == 0.) { TrimS = InfSurf; return; } else { const Standard_Boolean Uinf = Precision::IsNegativeInfinite(InfSurf->FirstUParameter()); const Standard_Boolean Usup = Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(InfSurf->LastUParameter()); const Standard_Boolean Vinf = Precision::IsNegativeInfinite(InfSurf->FirstVParameter()); const Standard_Boolean Vsup = Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(InfSurf->LastVParameter()); Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) TmpSS; Standard_Integer IsTrimed = 0; const Standard_Real tp = 1000.0 * TP; if(Vinf && Vsup) { TrimS = InfSurf->VTrim(-tp, tp, 1.0e-7); IsTrimed = 1; } if(Vinf && !Vsup){ TrimS = InfSurf->VTrim(-tp, InfSurf->LastVParameter(), 1.0e-7); IsTrimed = 1; } if(!Vinf && Vsup){ TrimS = InfSurf->VTrim(InfSurf->FirstVParameter(), tp, 1.0e-7); IsTrimed = 1; } if(IsTrimed) { TmpSS = TrimS; if(Uinf && Usup) TrimS = TmpSS->UTrim(-tp, tp, 1.0e-7); if(Uinf && !Usup) TrimS = TmpSS->UTrim(-tp, InfSurf->LastUParameter(), 1.0e-7); if(!Uinf && Usup) TrimS = TmpSS->UTrim(InfSurf->FirstUParameter(), tp, 1.0e-7); } else { if(Uinf && Usup) TrimS = InfSurf->UTrim(-tp, tp, 1.0e-7); if(Uinf && !Usup) TrimS = InfSurf->UTrim(-tp, InfSurf->LastUParameter(), 1.0e-7); if(!Uinf && Usup) TrimS = InfSurf->UTrim(InfSurf->FirstUParameter(), tp, 1.0e-7); } } } //================================================================================ //function: FUN_GetUiso //================================================================================ static void FUN_GetUiso(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& GS, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T, const Standard_Real& FirstV, const Standard_Real& LastV, const Standard_Boolean& IsVC, const Standard_Boolean& IsVP, const Standard_Real& U, Handle(Geom_Curve)& I) { if(T != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) { Handle(Geom_Curve) gc = GS->UIso(U); if(IsVP && (FirstV == 0.0 && LastV == (2.*PI))) I = gc; else { Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) gtc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(gc,FirstV,LastV); //szv:I = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(gtc); I = gtc; } } else//OffsetSurface { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&GS; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); Handle(Geom_Curve) gcbs = bs->UIso(U); GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(gcbs); const GeomAbs_CurveType GACT = gac.GetType(); if(IsVP || IsVC || GACT == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve || GACT == GeomAbs_BezierCurve || Abs(LastV - FirstV) < 1.e+5) { Handle(Geom_Curve) gc = gos->UIso(U); if(IsVP && (FirstV == 0.0 && LastV == (2*PI))) I = gc; else { Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) gtc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(gc,FirstV,LastV); //szv:I = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(gtc); I = gtc; } } else//Offset Line, Parab, Hyperb { Standard_Real VmTr, VMTr; if(GACT != GeomAbs_Hyperbola) { if(FirstV >= 0. && LastV >= 0.){ VmTr = FirstV; VMTr = ((LastV - FirstV) > 1.e+4) ? (FirstV + 1.e+4) : LastV; } else if(FirstV < 0. && LastV < 0.){ VMTr = LastV; VmTr = ((FirstV - LastV) < -1.e+4) ? (LastV - 1.e+4) : FirstV; } else { VmTr = (FirstV < -1.e+4) ? -1.e+4 : FirstV; VMTr = (LastV > 1.e+4) ? 1.e+4 : LastV; } } else//Hyperbola { if(FirstV >= 0. && LastV >= 0.) { if(FirstV > 4.) return; VmTr = FirstV; VMTr = (LastV > 4.) ? 4. : LastV; } else if(FirstV < 0. && LastV < 0.) { if(LastV < -4.) return; VMTr = LastV; VmTr = (FirstV < -4.) ? -4. : FirstV; } else { VmTr = (FirstV < -4.) ? -4. : FirstV; VMTr = (LastV > 4.) ? 4. : LastV; } } //Make trimmed surface Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) rts = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(gos,VmTr,VMTr,Standard_True); I = rts->UIso(U); } } } //================================================================================ //function: FUN_GetViso //================================================================================ static void FUN_GetViso(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& GS, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T, const Standard_Real& FirstU, const Standard_Real& LastU, const Standard_Boolean& IsUC, const Standard_Boolean& IsUP, const Standard_Real& V, Handle(Geom_Curve)& I) { if(T != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) { Handle(Geom_Curve) gc = GS->VIso(V); if(IsUP && (FirstU == 0.0 && LastU == (2*PI))) I = gc; else { Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) gtc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(gc,FirstU,LastU); //szv:I = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(gtc); I = gtc; } } else//OffsetSurface { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&GS; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); Handle(Geom_Curve) gcbs = bs->VIso(V); GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(gcbs); const GeomAbs_CurveType GACT = gac.GetType(); if(IsUP || IsUC || GACT == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve || GACT == GeomAbs_BezierCurve || Abs(LastU - FirstU) < 1.e+5) { Handle(Geom_Curve) gc = gos->VIso(V); if(IsUP && (FirstU == 0.0 && LastU == (2*PI))) I = gc; else { Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) gtc = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(gc,FirstU,LastU); //szv:I = Handle(Geom_Curve)::DownCast(gtc); I = gtc; } } else//Offset Line, Parab, Hyperb { Standard_Real UmTr, UMTr; if(GACT != GeomAbs_Hyperbola) { if(FirstU >= 0. && LastU >= 0.){ UmTr = FirstU; UMTr = ((LastU - FirstU) > 1.e+4) ? (FirstU + 1.e+4) : LastU; } else if(FirstU < 0. && LastU < 0.){ UMTr = LastU; UmTr = ((FirstU - LastU) < -1.e+4) ? (LastU - 1.e+4) : FirstU; } else { UmTr = (FirstU < -1.e+4) ? -1.e+4 : FirstU; UMTr = (LastU > 1.e+4) ? 1.e+4 : LastU; } } else//Hyperbola { if(FirstU >= 0. && LastU >= 0.) { if(FirstU > 4.) return; UmTr = FirstU; UMTr = (LastU > 4.) ? 4. : LastU; } else if(FirstU < 0. && LastU < 0.) { if(LastU < -4.) return; UMTr = LastU; UmTr = (FirstU < -4.) ? -4. : FirstU; } else { UmTr = (FirstU < -4.) ? -4. : FirstU; UMTr = (LastU > 4.) ? 4. : LastU; } } //Make trimmed surface Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) rts = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(gos,UmTr,UMTr,Standard_True); I = rts->VIso(V); } } } //================================================================================ //function: FUN_PL_Intersection //================================================================================ static void FUN_PL_Intersection(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T2, Standard_Boolean& IsOk, TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& SP, gp_Vec& DV) { IsOk = Standard_False; // 1. Check: both surfaces have U(V)isos - lines. DV = gp_Vec(0.,0.,1.); Standard_Boolean isoS1isLine[2] = {0, 0}; Standard_Boolean isoS2isLine[2] = {0, 0}; Handle(Geom_Curve) C1, C2; const GeomAdaptor_Surface & gas1 = *(GeomAdaptor_Surface*)(&(S1->Surface())); const GeomAdaptor_Surface & gas2 = *(GeomAdaptor_Surface*)(&(S2->Surface())); const Handle(Geom_Surface) gs1 = gas1.Surface(); const Handle(Geom_Surface) gs2 = gas2.Surface(); Standard_Real MS1[2], MS2[2]; MS1[0] = 0.5 * (S1->LastUParameter() + S1->FirstUParameter()); MS1[1] = 0.5 * (S1->LastVParameter() + S1->FirstVParameter()); MS2[0] = 0.5 * (S2->LastUParameter() + S2->FirstUParameter()); MS2[1] = 0.5 * (S2->LastVParameter() + S2->FirstVParameter()); if(T1 == GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion) isoS1isLine[0] = Standard_True; else if(!S1->IsVPeriodic() && !S1->IsVClosed()) { if(T1 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) C1 = gs1->UIso(MS1[0]); else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs1; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); C1 = bs->UIso(MS1[0]); } GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(C1); if(gac.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) isoS1isLine[0] = Standard_True; } if(!S1->IsUPeriodic() && !S1->IsUClosed()) { if(T1 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) C1 = gs1->VIso(MS1[1]); else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs1; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); C1 = bs->VIso(MS1[1]); } GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(C1); if(gac.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) isoS1isLine[1] = Standard_True; } if(T2 == GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion) isoS2isLine[0] = Standard_True; else if(!S2->IsVPeriodic() && !S2->IsVClosed()) { if(T2 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) C2 = gs2->UIso(MS2[0]); else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs2; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); C2 = bs->UIso(MS2[0]); } GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(C2); if(gac.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) isoS2isLine[0] = Standard_True; } if(!S2->IsUPeriodic() && !S2->IsUClosed()) { if(T2 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface) C2 = gs2->VIso(MS2[1]); else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs2; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); C2 = bs->VIso(MS2[1]); } GeomAdaptor_Curve gac(C2); if(gac.GetType() == GeomAbs_Line) isoS2isLine[1] = Standard_True; } Standard_Boolean IsBothLines = ((isoS1isLine[0] || isoS1isLine[1]) && (isoS2isLine[0] || isoS2isLine[1])); if(!IsBothLines){ return; } // 2. Check: Uiso lines of both surfaces are collinear. gp_Pnt puvS1, puvS2; gp_Vec derS1[2], derS2[2]; S1->D1(MS1[0], MS1[1], puvS1, derS1[0], derS1[1]); S2->D1(MS2[0], MS2[1], puvS2, derS2[0], derS2[1]); C1.Nullify(); C2.Nullify(); Standard_Integer iso = 0; if(isoS1isLine[0] && isoS2isLine[0] && derS1[1].IsParallel(derS2[1],Precision::Angular())) { iso = 1; FUN_GetViso(gs1,T1,S1->FirstUParameter(),S1->LastUParameter(), S1->IsUClosed(),S1->IsUPeriodic(),MS1[1],C1); FUN_GetViso(gs2,T2,S2->FirstUParameter(),S2->LastUParameter(), S2->IsUClosed(),S2->IsUPeriodic(),MS2[1],C2); } else if(isoS1isLine[0] && isoS2isLine[1] && derS1[1].IsParallel(derS2[0],Precision::Angular())) { iso = 1; FUN_GetViso(gs1,T1,S1->FirstUParameter(),S1->LastUParameter(), S1->IsUClosed(),S1->IsUPeriodic(),MS1[1],C1); FUN_GetUiso(gs2,T2,S2->FirstVParameter(),S2->LastVParameter(), S2->IsVClosed(),S2->IsVPeriodic(),MS2[0],C2); } else if(isoS1isLine[1] && isoS2isLine[0] && derS1[0].IsParallel(derS2[1],Precision::Angular())) { iso = 0; FUN_GetUiso(gs1,T1,S1->FirstVParameter(),S1->LastVParameter(), S1->IsVClosed(),S1->IsVPeriodic(),MS1[0],C1); FUN_GetViso(gs2,T2,S2->FirstUParameter(),S2->LastUParameter(), S2->IsUClosed(),S2->IsUPeriodic(),MS2[1],C2); } else if(isoS1isLine[1] && isoS2isLine[1] && derS1[0].IsParallel(derS2[0],Precision::Angular())) { iso = 0; FUN_GetUiso(gs1,T1,S1->FirstVParameter(),S1->LastVParameter(), S1->IsVClosed(),S1->IsVPeriodic(),MS1[0],C1); FUN_GetUiso(gs2,T2,S2->FirstVParameter(),S2->LastVParameter(), S2->IsVClosed(),S2->IsVPeriodic(),MS2[0],C2); } else { IsOk = Standard_False; return; } IsOk = Standard_True; // 3. Make intersections of V(U)isos if(C1.IsNull() || C2.IsNull()) return; DV = derS1[iso]; Handle(Geom_Plane) GPln = new Geom_Plane(gp_Pln(puvS1,gp_Dir(DV))); Handle(Geom_Curve) C1Prj = GeomProjLib::ProjectOnPlane(C1,GPln,gp_Dir(DV),Standard_True); Handle(Geom_Curve) C2Prj = GeomProjLib::ProjectOnPlane(C2,GPln,gp_Dir(DV),Standard_True); if(C1Prj.IsNull() || C2Prj.IsNull()) return; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C1Prj2d = GeomProjLib::Curve2d(C1Prj,*(Handle_Geom_Surface *)&GPln); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2Prj2d = GeomProjLib::Curve2d(C2Prj,*(Handle_Geom_Surface *)&GPln); Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve ICC(C1Prj2d,C2Prj2d,1.0e-7); if(ICC.NbPoints() > 0 ) { for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= ICC.NbPoints(); ip++) { gp_Pnt2d P = ICC.Point(ip); gp_Pnt P3d = ElCLib::To3d(gp_Ax2(puvS1,gp_Dir(DV)),P); SP.Append(P3d); } } } //================================================================================ //function: FUN_NewFirstLast //================================================================================ static void FUN_NewFirstLast(const GeomAbs_CurveType& ga_ct, const Standard_Real& Fst, const Standard_Real& Lst, const Standard_Real& TrVal, Standard_Real& NewFst, Standard_Real& NewLst, Standard_Boolean& NeedTr) { NewFst = Fst; NewLst = Lst; NeedTr = Standard_False; switch (ga_ct) { case GeomAbs_Line: case GeomAbs_Parabola: { if(Abs(Lst - Fst) > TrVal) { if(Fst >= 0. && Lst >= 0.) { NewFst = Fst; NewLst = ((Fst + TrVal) < Lst) ? (Fst + TrVal) : Lst; } if(Fst < 0. && Lst < 0.) { NewLst = Lst; NewFst = ((Lst - TrVal) > Fst) ? (Lst - TrVal) : Fst; } else { NewFst = (Fst < -TrVal) ? -TrVal : Fst; NewLst = (Lst > TrVal) ? TrVal : Lst; } NeedTr = Standard_True; } break; } case GeomAbs_Hyperbola: { if(Abs(Lst - Fst) > 10.) { if(Fst >= 0. && Lst >= 0.) { if(Fst > 4.) return; NewFst = Fst; NewLst = (Lst > 4.) ? 4. : Lst; } if(Fst < 0. && Lst < 0.) { if(Lst < -4.) return; NewLst = Lst; NewFst = (Fst < -4.) ? -4. : Fst; } else { NewFst = (Fst < -4.) ? -4. : Fst; NewLst = (Lst > 4.) ? 4. : Lst; } NeedTr = Standard_True; } break; } default: /* Do nothing */ break; } } //================================================================================ //function: FUN_TrimBothSurf //================================================================================ static void FUN_TrimBothSurf(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const GeomAbs_SurfaceType& T2, const Standard_Real& TV, Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& NS1, Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& NS2) { const GeomAdaptor_Surface & gas1 = *(GeomAdaptor_Surface*)(&(S1->Surface())); const GeomAdaptor_Surface & gas2 = *(GeomAdaptor_Surface*)(&(S2->Surface())); const Handle(Geom_Surface) gs1 = gas1.Surface(); const Handle(Geom_Surface) gs2 = gas2.Surface(); const Standard_Real UM1 = 0.5 * (S1->LastUParameter() + S1->FirstUParameter()); const Standard_Real UM2 = 0.5 * (S2->LastUParameter() + S2->FirstUParameter()); const Standard_Real VM1 = 0.5 * (S1->LastVParameter() + S1->FirstVParameter()); const Standard_Real VM2 = 0.5 * (S2->LastVParameter() + S2->FirstVParameter()); Handle(Geom_Curve) visoS1, visoS2, uisoS1, uisoS2; if(T1 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface){ visoS1 = gs1->VIso(VM1); uisoS1 = gs1->UIso(UM1); } else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs1; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); visoS1 = bs->VIso(VM1); uisoS1 = bs->UIso(UM1); } if(T2 != GeomAbs_OffsetSurface){ visoS2 = gs2->VIso(VM2); uisoS2 = gs2->UIso(UM2); } else { const Handle(Geom_OffsetSurface) gos = *(Handle_Geom_OffsetSurface*)&gs2; const Handle(Geom_Surface) bs = gos->BasisSurface(); visoS2 = bs->VIso(VM2); uisoS2 = bs->UIso(UM2); } if(uisoS1.IsNull() || uisoS2.IsNull() || visoS1.IsNull() || visoS2.IsNull()){ NS1 = S1; NS2 = S2; return; } GeomAdaptor_Curve gau1(uisoS1); GeomAdaptor_Curve gav1(visoS1); GeomAdaptor_Curve gau2(uisoS2); GeomAdaptor_Curve gav2(visoS2); GeomAbs_CurveType GA_U1 = gau1.GetType(); GeomAbs_CurveType GA_V1 = gav1.GetType(); GeomAbs_CurveType GA_U2 = gau2.GetType(); GeomAbs_CurveType GA_V2 = gav2.GetType(); Standard_Boolean TrmU1 = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean TrmV1 = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean TrmU2 = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean TrmV2 = Standard_False; Standard_Real V1S1,V2S1,U1S1,U2S1, V1S2,V2S2,U1S2,U2S2; FUN_NewFirstLast(GA_U1,S1->FirstVParameter(),S1->LastVParameter(),TV,V1S1,V2S1,TrmV1); FUN_NewFirstLast(GA_V1,S1->FirstUParameter(),S1->LastUParameter(),TV,U1S1,U2S1,TrmU1); FUN_NewFirstLast(GA_U2,S2->FirstVParameter(),S2->LastVParameter(),TV,V1S2,V2S2,TrmV2); FUN_NewFirstLast(GA_V2,S2->FirstUParameter(),S2->LastUParameter(),TV,U1S2,U2S2,TrmU2); if(TrmV1) NS1 = S1->VTrim(V1S1, V2S1, 1.0e-7); if(TrmV2) NS2 = S2->VTrim(V1S2, V2S2, 1.0e-7); if(TrmU1) { if(TrmV1) { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) TS = NS1; NS1 = TS->UTrim(U1S1, U2S1, 1.0e-7); } else NS1 = S1->UTrim(U1S1, U2S1, 1.0e-7); } if(TrmU2) { if(TrmV2) { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) TS = NS2; NS2 = TS->UTrim(U1S2, U2S2, 1.0e-7); } else NS2 = S2->UTrim(U1S2, U2S2, 1.0e-7); } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : //======================================================================= void IntPatch_Intersection::Perform(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D2, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang) { myTolArc = TolArc; myTolTang = TolTang; if(myFleche == 0.0) myFleche = 0.01; if(myUVMaxStep == 0.0) myUVMaxStep = 0.01; done = Standard_False; spnt.Clear(); slin.Clear(); empt = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; oppo = Standard_False; Standard_Integer i; GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs1 = S1->GetType(); GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs2 = S2->GetType(); Standard_Boolean TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; if(typs1 == GeomAbs_Cone) { Standard_Real a1 = S1->Cone().SemiAngle(); if(a1<0.0) a1=-a1; if(a1<2.e-2 || a1>1.55) { if(typs2==GeomAbs_Plane) { if(a1<2e-2) { const gp_Dir axec = S1->Cone().Axis().Direction(); const gp_Dir axep = S2->Plane().Axis().Direction(); Standard_Real ps=axec.Dot(axep); if(ps<0.0) { ps=-ps; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:14:29 2010f //if(ps<0.1) { if(ps<0.015) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:14:35 2010t TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } else TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } if(typs2 == GeomAbs_Cone) { gp_Cone Con2 = S2->Cone(); Standard_Real a2 = Con2.SemiAngle(); if(a2<0.0) a2=-a2; if(a2<2.e-2 || a2>1.55) { if(typs1==GeomAbs_Plane) { if(a2<2e-2) { const gp_Dir axec = S2->Cone().Axis().Direction(); const gp_Dir axep = S1->Plane().Axis().Direction(); Standard_Real ps=axec.Dot(axep); if(ps<0.0) { ps=-ps; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:15:04 2010f //if(ps<0.1){ if(ps<0.015){ //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:15:08 2010t TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } else TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } //// modified by jgv, 15.12.02 for OCC565 //// if (typs1 == GeomAbs_Cone) { gp_Cone Con1 = S1->Cone(); Standard_Real a1 = Con1.SemiAngle(); if (a1 < 0.0) a1 = -a1; if (a1 < 2.e-2 && a2 < 2.e-2) {//quasi-cylinders: if same domain, treat as canonic gp_Ax1 A1 = Con1.Axis(), A2 = Con2.Axis(); if (A1.IsParallel(A2,Precision::Angular())) { gp_Lin L1(A1); if (L1.Distance( A2.Location() ) <= Precision::Confusion()){ TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; } } } else if (a1 > 1.55 && a2 > 1.55) {//quasi-planes: if same domain, treat as canonic gp_Ax1 A1 = Con1.Axis(), A2 = Con2.Axis(); if (A1.IsParallel(A2,Precision::Angular())) { gp_Pnt Apex1 = Con1.Apex(), Apex2 = Con2.Apex(); gp_Pln Plan1( Apex1, A1.Direction() ); if (Plan1.Distance( Apex2 ) <= Precision::Confusion()){ TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// } // if(D1->DomainIsInfinite() || D2->DomainIsInfinite()) TreatAsBiParametric= Standard_False; // Modified by skv - Mon Sep 26 14:58:30 2005 Begin // if(TreatAsBiParametric) { typs1 = typs2 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; } if(TreatAsBiParametric) { if (typs1 == GeomAbs_Cone && typs2 == GeomAbs_Plane) typs1 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; // Using Imp-Prm Intersector else if (typs1 == GeomAbs_Plane && typs2 == GeomAbs_Cone) typs2 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; // Using Imp-Prm Intersector else { // Using Prm-Prm Intersector typs1 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; typs2 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; } } // Modified by skv - Mon Sep 26 14:58:30 2005 End // Surface type definition Standard_Integer ts1 = 0; switch (typs1) { case GeomAbs_Plane: case GeomAbs_Cylinder: case GeomAbs_Sphere: case GeomAbs_Cone: ts1 = 1; break; default: break; } Standard_Integer ts2 = 0; switch (typs2) { case GeomAbs_Plane: case GeomAbs_Cylinder: case GeomAbs_Sphere: case GeomAbs_Cone: ts2 = 1; break; default: break; } // Possible intersection types: 1. ts1 == ts2 == 1 // 2. ts1 != ts2 // 3. ts1 == ts2 == 0 // Geom - Geom if(ts1 == ts2 && ts1 == 1) { IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection interii(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang); if (interii.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; empt = interii.IsEmpty(); if (!empt) { tgte = interii.TangentFaces(); if (tgte) oppo = interii.OppositeFaces(); for (i = 1; i <= interii.NbLines(); i++) { const Handle_IntPatch_Line& line = interii.Line(i); if (line->ArcType() == IntPatch_Analytic) { const GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs1 = S1->GetType(); const GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs2 = S2->GetType(); IntSurf_Quadric Quad1,Quad2; switch(typs1) { case GeomAbs_Plane: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Plane()); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Cylinder()); break; case GeomAbs_Sphere: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Sphere()); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Cone()); break; default: break; } switch(typs2) { case GeomAbs_Plane: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Plane()); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Cylinder()); break; case GeomAbs_Sphere: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Sphere()); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Cone()); break; default: break; } IntPatch_ALineToWLine AToW(Quad1,Quad2,0.01,0.05,NBPOINTSSURALINE); Handle(IntPatch_Line) wlin=AToW.MakeWLine((*((Handle_IntPatch_ALine *)(&line)))); slin.Append(wlin); } else slin.Append(interii.Line(i)); } for (i = 1; i <= interii.NbPnts(); i++) spnt.Append(interii.Point(i)); } } else goto prm; } // Geom - Param if(ts1 != ts2) { //cout << "IP" << endl; IntPatch_ImpPrmIntersection interip; if (myIsStartPnt) { if (ts1 == 0) interip.SetStartPoint(myU1Start,myV1Start); else interip.SetStartPoint(myU2Start,myV2Start); } if(D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) { Standard_Boolean IsPLInt = Standard_False; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt sop; gp_Vec v; FUN_PL_Intersection(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,IsPLInt,sop,v); if(IsPLInt) { if(sop.Length() > 0) { for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= sop.Length(); ip++) { gp_Lin lin(sop.Value(ip),gp_Dir(v)); Handle(IntPatch_GLine) gl = new IntPatch_GLine(lin,Standard_False); slin.Append(*(Handle_IntPatch_Line *)&gl); } done = Standard_True; } else done = Standard_False; return; } else { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS1 = S1; Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS2 = S2; FUN_TrimBothSurf(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,1.e+5,nS1,nS2); interip.Perform(nS1,D1,nS2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } } else interip.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); // IntPatch_ImpPrmIntersection interip(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); if (interip.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; empt = interip.IsEmpty(); if (!empt) { for(i = 1; i <= interip.NbLines(); i++) { if(interip.Line(i)->ArcType() != IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interip.Line(i)); } for(i = 1; i <= interip.NbLines(); i++) { if(interip.Line(i)->ArcType() == IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interip.Line(i)); } for (i = 1; i <= interip.NbPnts(); i++) spnt.Append(interip.Point(i)); } } } // Param - Param if(ts1 == ts2 && ts1 == 0) { //cout << "PP" << endl; prm:; // this algorithm was modified last by OFV [29-Oct-2001] -> [2-Nov-2001] IntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection interpp; if(!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) { interpp.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); goto met; } else if( (!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) || (D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) ) { gp_Pnt pMaxXYZ, pMinXYZ; if(D1->DomainIsInfinite()) { FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt( S2, pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ ); const Standard_Real MU = Max(Abs(S2->FirstUParameter()),Abs(S2->LastUParameter())); const Standard_Real MV = Max(Abs(S2->FirstVParameter()),Abs(S2->LastVParameter())); const Standard_Real AP = Max(MU, MV); Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) SS; FUN_TrimInfSurf(pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ, S1, AP, SS); interpp.Perform(SS,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } else { FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt( S1, pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ ); const Standard_Real MU = Max(Abs(S1->FirstUParameter()),Abs(S1->LastUParameter())); const Standard_Real MV = Max(Abs(S1->FirstVParameter()),Abs(S1->LastVParameter())); const Standard_Real AP = Max(MU, MV); Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) SS; FUN_TrimInfSurf(pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ, S2, AP, SS); interpp.Perform(S1,D1,SS,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } goto met; }//(!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) || (D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) else { if(typs1 == GeomAbs_OtherSurface || typs2 == GeomAbs_OtherSurface){ done = Standard_False; return; } Standard_Boolean IsPLInt = Standard_False; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt sop; gp_Vec v; FUN_PL_Intersection(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,IsPLInt,sop,v); if(IsPLInt) { if(sop.Length() > 0) { for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= sop.Length(); ip++) { gp_Lin lin(sop.Value(ip),gp_Dir(v)); Handle(IntPatch_GLine) gl = new IntPatch_GLine(lin,Standard_False); slin.Append(*(Handle_IntPatch_Line *)&gl); } done = Standard_True; } else done = Standard_False; return; } // 'COLLINEAR LINES' else { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS1 = S1; Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS2 = S2; FUN_TrimBothSurf(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,1.e+8,nS1,nS2); interpp.Perform(nS1,D1,nS2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); goto met; }// 'NON - COLLINEAR LINES' }// both domains are infinite met:if (interpp.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; empt = interpp.IsEmpty(); for(i=1; i <= interpp.NbLines(); i++) { if(interpp.Line(i)->ArcType() != IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } for(i=1; i <= interpp.NbLines(); i++) { if(interpp.Line(i)->ArcType() == IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : //======================================================================= void IntPatch_Intersection::Perform(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D2, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang, IntSurf_ListOfPntOn2S& ListOfPnts, const Standard_Boolean RestrictLine) { myTolArc = TolArc; myTolTang = TolTang; if(myFleche == 0.0) myFleche = 0.01; if(myUVMaxStep == 0.0) myUVMaxStep = 0.01; done = Standard_False; spnt.Clear(); slin.Clear(); empt = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; oppo = Standard_False; Standard_Integer i; GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs1 = S1->GetType(); GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs2 = S2->GetType(); Standard_Boolean TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; if(typs1 == GeomAbs_Cone) { Standard_Real a1 = S1->Cone().SemiAngle(); if(a1<0.0) a1=-a1; if(a1<2e-2 || a1>1.55) { if(typs2==GeomAbs_Plane) { if(a1<2e-2) { gp_Dir axec = S1->Cone().Axis().Direction(); gp_Dir axep = S2->Plane().Axis().Direction(); Standard_Real ps=axec.Dot(axep); if(ps<0.0) { ps=-ps; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:17:56 2010f //if(ps<0.1) { if(ps<0.015) { //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:18:09 2010t TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } else { TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } if(typs2 == GeomAbs_Cone) { Standard_Real a2 = S2->Cone().SemiAngle(); if(a2<0.0) a2=-a2; if(a2<2.e-2 || a2>1.55) { if(typs1==GeomAbs_Plane) { if(a2<2e-2) { const gp_Dir axec = S2->Cone().Axis().Direction(); const gp_Dir axep = S1->Plane().Axis().Direction(); Standard_Real ps=axec.Dot(axep); if(ps<0.0){ ps=-ps; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:17:44 2010f //if(ps<0.1){ if(ps<0.015){ //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Jul 01 12:17:48 2010t TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } else { TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_True; } } } //// modified by jgv, 15.12.02 for OCC565 //// if (typs1 == GeomAbs_Cone && typs2 == GeomAbs_Cone) { gp_Cone Con1 = S1->Cone(); gp_Cone Con2 = S2->Cone(); Standard_Real a1 = Con1.SemiAngle(); if (a1 < 0.0) a1 = -a1; Standard_Real a2 = Con2.SemiAngle(); if (a2 < 0.0) a2 = -a2; if (a1 < 2e-2 && a2 < 2e-2) //quasi-cylinders: if same domain, treat as canonic { gp_Ax1 A1 = Con1.Axis(), A2 = Con2.Axis(); if (A1.IsParallel(A2,Precision::Angular())) { gp_Lin L1(A1); if (L1.Distance( A2.Location() ) <= Precision::Confusion()) TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; } } else if (a1 > 1.55 && a2 > 1.55) //quasi-planes: if same domain, treat as canonic { gp_Ax1 A1 = Con1.Axis(), A2 = Con2.Axis(); if (A1.IsParallel(A2,Precision::Angular())) { gp_Pnt Apex1 = Con1.Apex(), Apex2 = Con2.Apex(); gp_Pln Plan1( Apex1, A1.Direction() ); if (Plan1.Distance( Apex2 ) <= Precision::Confusion()) TreatAsBiParametric = Standard_False; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// if(D1->DomainIsInfinite() || D2->DomainIsInfinite()) TreatAsBiParametric= Standard_False; if(TreatAsBiParametric) { typs1 = typs2 = GeomAbs_BezierSurface; } // Surface type definition Standard_Integer ts1 = 0; switch (typs1) { case GeomAbs_Plane: case GeomAbs_Cylinder: case GeomAbs_Sphere: case GeomAbs_Cone: ts1 = 1; break; default: break; } Standard_Integer ts2 = 0; switch (typs2) { case GeomAbs_Plane: case GeomAbs_Cylinder: case GeomAbs_Sphere: case GeomAbs_Cone: ts2 = 1; break; default: break; } // Possible intersection types: 1. ts1 == ts2 == 1 // 2. ts1 != ts2 // 3. ts1 == ts2 == 0 // Geom - Geom if(ts1 == ts2 && ts1 == 1) { IntPatch_ImpImpIntersection interii(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang); if (interii.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; empt = interii.IsEmpty(); if (!empt) { tgte = interii.TangentFaces(); if (tgte) oppo = interii.OppositeFaces(); for (i = 1; i <= interii.NbLines(); i++) { const Handle_IntPatch_Line& line = interii.Line(i); if (line->ArcType() == IntPatch_Analytic) { const GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs1 = S1->GetType(); const GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs2 = S2->GetType(); IntSurf_Quadric Quad1,Quad2; switch(typs1) { case GeomAbs_Plane: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Plane()); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Cylinder()); break; case GeomAbs_Sphere: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Sphere()); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: Quad1.SetValue(S1->Cone()); break; default: break; } switch(typs2) { case GeomAbs_Plane: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Plane()); break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Cylinder()); break; case GeomAbs_Sphere: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Sphere()); break; case GeomAbs_Cone: Quad2.SetValue(S2->Cone()); break; default: break; } IntPatch_ALineToWLine AToW(Quad1,Quad2,0.01,0.05,NBPOINTSSURALINE); Handle(IntPatch_Line) wlin=AToW.MakeWLine((*((Handle_IntPatch_ALine *)(&line)))); slin.Append(wlin); } else slin.Append(interii.Line(i)); } for (i = 1; i <= interii.NbPnts(); i++) spnt.Append(interii.Point(i)); } } else goto prm; } // Geom - Param if(ts1 != ts2) { //cout << "IP" << endl; IntPatch_ImpPrmIntersection interip; if (myIsStartPnt) { if (ts1 == 0) interip.SetStartPoint(myU1Start,myV1Start); else interip.SetStartPoint(myU2Start,myV2Start); } if(D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) { Standard_Boolean IsPLInt = Standard_False; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt sop; gp_Vec v; FUN_PL_Intersection(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,IsPLInt,sop,v); if(IsPLInt) { if(sop.Length() > 0) { for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= sop.Length(); ip++) { gp_Lin lin(sop.Value(ip),gp_Dir(v)); Handle(IntPatch_GLine) gl = new IntPatch_GLine(lin,Standard_False); slin.Append(*(Handle_IntPatch_Line *)&gl); } done = Standard_True; } else done = Standard_False; return; } else { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS1 = S1; Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS2 = S2; FUN_TrimBothSurf(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,1.e+5,nS1,nS2); interip.Perform(nS1,D1,nS2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } } else interip.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); // IntPatch_ImpPrmIntersection interip(S1,D1,S2,D2,myTolArc,myTolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); if (interip.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; empt = interip.IsEmpty(); if (!empt) { for(i = 1; i <= interip.NbLines(); i++) { if(interip.Line(i)->ArcType() != IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interip.Line(i)); } for(i = 1; i <= interip.NbLines(); i++) { if(interip.Line(i)->ArcType() == IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interip.Line(i)); } for (i = 1; i <= interip.NbPnts(); i++) spnt.Append(interip.Point(i)); } } } // Param - Param if(ts1 == ts2 && ts1 == 0) { //cout << "PP" << endl; prm:; // this algorithm was modified last by OFV [29-Oct-2001] -> [2-Nov-2001] IntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection interpp; if(!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) { // modified by NIZHNY-AMV Tue Oct 18 12:37:02 2005.BEGIN Standard_Boolean ClearFlag = Standard_True; if(!ListOfPnts.IsEmpty()){ interpp.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep, ListOfPnts, RestrictLine); ClearFlag = Standard_False; } // modified by NIZHNY-AMV Tue Oct 18 12:37:02 2005.END interpp.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep,ClearFlag); goto met; } else if( (!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) || (D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) ) { gp_Pnt pMaxXYZ, pMinXYZ; if(D1->DomainIsInfinite()) { FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt( S2, pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ ); const Standard_Real MU = Max(Abs(S2->FirstUParameter()),Abs(S2->LastUParameter())); const Standard_Real MV = Max(Abs(S2->FirstVParameter()),Abs(S2->LastVParameter())); const Standard_Real AP = Max(MU, MV); Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) SS; FUN_TrimInfSurf(pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ, S1, AP, SS); interpp.Perform(SS,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } else { FUN_GetMinMaxXYZPnt( S1, pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ ); const Standard_Real MU = Max(Abs(S1->FirstUParameter()),Abs(S1->LastUParameter())); const Standard_Real MV = Max(Abs(S1->FirstVParameter()),Abs(S1->LastVParameter())); const Standard_Real AP = Max(MU, MV); Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) SS; FUN_TrimInfSurf(pMinXYZ, pMaxXYZ, S2, AP, SS); interpp.Perform(S1,D1,SS,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); } goto met; }//(!D1->DomainIsInfinite() && D2->DomainIsInfinite()) || (D1->DomainIsInfinite() && !D2->DomainIsInfinite()) else { if(typs1 == GeomAbs_OtherSurface || typs2 == GeomAbs_OtherSurface){ done = Standard_False; return; } Standard_Boolean IsPLInt = Standard_False; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt sop; gp_Vec v; FUN_PL_Intersection(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,IsPLInt,sop,v); if(IsPLInt) { if(sop.Length() > 0) { for(Standard_Integer ip = 1; ip <= sop.Length(); ip++) { gp_Lin lin(sop.Value(ip),gp_Dir(v)); Handle(IntPatch_GLine) gl = new IntPatch_GLine(lin,Standard_False); slin.Append(*(Handle_IntPatch_Line *)&gl); } done = Standard_True; } else done = Standard_False; return; } // 'COLLINEAR LINES' else { Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS1 = S1; Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface) nS2 = S2; FUN_TrimBothSurf(S1,typs1,S2,typs2,1.e+8,nS1,nS2); interpp.Perform(nS1,D1,nS2,D2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); goto met; }// 'NON - COLLINEAR LINES' }// both domains are infinite met: if (interpp.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; empt = interpp.IsEmpty(); for(i=1; i <= interpp.NbLines(); i++) { if(interpp.Line(i)->ArcType() != IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } for (i=1; i <= interpp.NbLines(); i++) { if(interpp.Line(i)->ArcType() == IntPatch_Walking) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } } } } void IntPatch_Intersection::Perform(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D1, const Handle(Adaptor3d_HSurface)& S2, const Handle(Adaptor3d_TopolTool)& D2, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real V1, const Standard_Real U2, const Standard_Real V2, const Standard_Real TolArc, const Standard_Real TolTang) { myTolArc = TolArc; myTolTang = TolTang; if(myFleche == 0.0) { #if DEBUG //cout<<" -- IntPatch_Intersection::myFleche fixe par defaut a 0.01 --"<GetType(); const GeomAbs_SurfaceType typs2 = S2->GetType(); if( typs1==GeomAbs_Plane || typs1==GeomAbs_Cylinder || typs1==GeomAbs_Sphere || typs1==GeomAbs_Cone || typs2==GeomAbs_Plane || typs2==GeomAbs_Cylinder || typs2==GeomAbs_Sphere || typs2==GeomAbs_Cone) { myIsStartPnt = Standard_True; myU1Start = U1; myV1Start = V1; myU2Start = U2; myV2Start = V2; Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,TolArc,TolTang); myIsStartPnt = Standard_False; } else { IntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection interpp; interpp.Perform(S1,D1,S2,D2,U1,V1,U2,V2,TolArc,TolTang,myFleche,myUVMaxStep); if (interpp.IsDone()) { done = Standard_True; tgte = Standard_False; empt = interpp.IsEmpty(); const Standard_Integer nblm = interpp.NbLines(); Standard_Integer i = 1; for (; i<=nblm; i++) slin.Append(interpp.Line(i)); } } } //====================================================================== #include #include #include #define MAXR 200 //void IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d *R1, // Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d *R2, // int *NR1, // int *NR2, // Standard_Integer nbR1, // Standard_Integer nbR2, // const IntPatch_Point& VTX) void IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d *, Handle_Adaptor2d_HCurve2d *, int *, int *, Standard_Integer , Standard_Integer , const IntPatch_Point& ) { /* if(VTX.IsOnDomS1()) { //-- long unsigned ptr= *((long unsigned *)(((Handle_Standard_Transient *)(&(VTX.ArcOnS1()))))); for(Standard_Integer i=0; iInit();D1->More() && nbR1Next()) { R1[nbR1]=D1->Value(); NR1[nbR1]=0; nbR1++; } for(D2->Init();D2->More() && nbR2Next()) { R2[nbR2]=D2->Value(); NR2[nbR2]=0; nbR2++; } printf("\nDUMP_INT: ----empt:%2d tgte:%2d oppo:%2d ---------------------------------",empt,tgte,empt); Standard_Integer i,j,nbr1,nbr2,nbgl,nbgc,nbge,nbgp,nbgh,nbl,nbr,nbg,nbw,nba; nbl=nbr=nbg=nbw=nba=nbgl=nbge=nbr1=nbr2=nbgc=nbgp=nbgh=0; nbl=NbLines(); for(i=1;i<=nbl;i++) { const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& line=Line(i); const IntPatch_IType IType=line->ArcType(); if(IType == IntPatch_Walking) nbw++; else if(IType == IntPatch_Restriction) { nbr++; Handle(IntPatch_RLine)& rlin = *((Handle(IntPatch_RLine) *)&line); if(rlin->IsArcOnS1()) nbr1++; if(rlin->IsArcOnS2()) nbr2++; } else if(IType == IntPatch_Analytic) nba++; else { nbg++; if(IType == IntPatch_Lin) nbgl++; else if(IType == IntPatch_Circle) nbgc++; else if(IType == IntPatch_Parabola) nbgp++; else if(IType == IntPatch_Hyperbola) nbgh++; else if(IType == IntPatch_Ellipse) nbge++; } } printf("\nDUMP_INT:Lines:%2d Wlin:%2d Restr:%2d(On1:%2d On2:%2d) Ana:%2d Geom:%2d(L:%2d C:%2d E:%2d H:%2d P:%2d)", nbl,nbw,nbr,nbr1,nbr2,nba,nbg,nbgl,nbgc,nbge,nbgh,nbgp); IntPatch_LineConstructor LineConstructor(2); Standard_Integer nbllc=0; nbw=nbr=nbg=nba=0; Standard_Integer nbva,nbvw,nbvr,nbvg; nbva=nbvr=nbvw=nbvg=0; for (j=1; j<=nbl; j++) { Standard_Integer v,nbvtx; const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& intersLinej = Line(j); Standard_Integer NbLines; LineConstructor.Perform(SequenceOfLine(),intersLinej,S1,D1,S2,D2,1e-7); NbLines = LineConstructor.NbLines(); for(Standard_Integer k=1;k<=NbLines;k++) { nbllc++; const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& LineK = LineConstructor.Line(k); if (LineK->ArcType() == IntPatch_Analytic) { Handle(IntPatch_ALine)& alin = *((Handle(IntPatch_ALine) *)&LineK); nbvtx=alin->NbVertex(); nbva+=nbvtx; nba++; for(v=1;v<=nbvtx;v++) { IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(R1,R2,NR1,NR2,nbR1,nbR2,alin->Vertex(v)); } } else if (LineK->ArcType() == IntPatch_Restriction) { Handle(IntPatch_RLine)& rlin = *((Handle(IntPatch_RLine) *)&LineK); nbvtx=rlin->NbVertex(); nbvr+=nbvtx; nbr++; for(v=1;v<=nbvtx;v++) { IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(R1,R2,NR1,NR2,nbR1,nbR2,rlin->Vertex(v)); } } else if (LineK->ArcType() == IntPatch_Walking) { Handle(IntPatch_WLine)& wlin = *((Handle(IntPatch_WLine) *)&LineK); nbvtx=wlin->NbVertex(); nbvw+=nbvtx; nbw++; for(v=1;v<=nbvtx;v++) { IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(R1,R2,NR1,NR2,nbR1,nbR2,wlin->Vertex(v)); } } else { Handle(IntPatch_GLine)& glin = *((Handle(IntPatch_GLine) *)&LineK); nbvtx=glin->NbVertex(); nbvg+=nbvtx; nbg++; for(v=1;v<=nbvtx;v++) { IntPatch_Intersection__MAJ_R(R1,R2,NR1,NR2,nbR1,nbR2,glin->Vertex(v)); } } } } printf("\nDUMP_LC :Lines:%2d WLin:%2d Restr:%2d Ana:%2d Geom:%2d", nbllc,nbw,nbr,nba,nbg); printf("\nDUMP_LC :vtx :%2d r:%2d :%2d :%2d", nbvw,nbvr,nbva,nbvg); printf("\n"); }