-- File: IntPatch_GLine.cdl -- Created: Mon Apr 6 11:17:45 1992 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD ---Copyright: OPEN CASCADE 1992 class GLine from IntPatch inherits Line from IntPatch ---Purpose: Implementation of an intersection line represented -- by a conic. uses Point from IntPatch, SequenceOfPoint from IntPatch, Lin from gp, Circ from gp, Elips from gp, Parab from gp, Hypr from gp, Ax2 from gp, TypeTrans from IntSurf, Situation from IntSurf raises DomainError from Standard, OutOfRange from Standard is Create(L: Lin from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a Line as intersection line -- when the transitions are In or Out. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(L: Lin from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a Line as intersection line -- when the transitions are Touch. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(L: Lin from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: Creates a Line as intersection line -- when the transitions are Undecided. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(C: Circ from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a circle as intersection line -- when the transitions are In or Out. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(C: Circ from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a circle as intersection line -- when the transitions are Touch. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(C: Circ from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: Creates a circle as intersection line -- when the transitions are Undecided. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(E: Elips from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates an ellipse as intersection line -- when the transitions are In or Out. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(E: Elips from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates an ellispe as intersection line -- when the transitions are Touch. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(E: Elips from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: Creates an ellipse as intersection line -- when the transitions are Undecided. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(P: Parab from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a parabola as intersection line -- when the transitions are In or Out. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(P: Parab from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates a parabola as intersection line -- when the transitions are Touch. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(P: Parab from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: Creates a parabola as intersection line -- when the transitions are Undecided. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(H: Hypr from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Trans1,Trans2: TypeTrans from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates an hyperbola as intersection line -- when the transitions are In or Out. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(H: Hypr from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard; Situ1,Situ2: Situation from IntSurf) ---Purpose: Creates an hyperbola as intersection line -- when the transitions are Touch. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; Create(H: Hypr from gp; Tang: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: Creates an hyperbola as intersection line -- when the transitions are Undecided. returns mutable GLine from IntPatch; AddVertex(me: mutable; Pnt: Point from IntPatch) ---Purpose: To add a vertex in the list. is static; Replace(me: mutable; Index: Integer from Standard; Pnt: Point from IntPatch) ---Purpose: To replace the element of range Index in the list -- of points. raises OutOfRange from Standard --- The exception OutOfRange is raised when Index <= 0 -- or Index > NbVertex. is static; SetFirstPoint(me: mutable; IndFirst: Integer from Standard) is static; ---C++: inline SetLastPoint(me: mutable; IndLast: Integer from Standard) is static; ---C++: inline Line(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Lin from gp corresponding to the intersection -- when ArcType returns IntPatch_Line. returns Lin from gp ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard --- The exception DomainError is raised when ArcType does not return -- IntPatch_Line. is static; Circle(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Circ from gp corrsponding to the intersection -- when ArcType returns IntPatch_Circle. returns Circ from gp ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard --- The exception DomainError is raised when ArcType does not return -- IntPatch_Circle. is static; Ellipse(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Elips from gp corrsponding to the intersection -- when ArcType returns IntPatch_Ellipse. returns Elips from gp ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard --- The exception DomainError is raised when ArcType does not return -- IntPatch_Ellipse. is static; Parabola(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Parab from gp corrsponding to the intersection -- when ArcType returns IntPatch_Parabola. returns Parab from gp ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard --- The exception DomainError is raised when ArcType does not return -- IntPatch_Parabola. is static; Hyperbola(me) ---Purpose: Returns the Hypr from gp corrsponding to the intersection -- when ArcType returns IntPatch_Hyperbola. returns Hypr from gp ---C++: inline raises DomainError from Standard --- The exception DomainError is raised when ArcType does not return -- IntPatch_Hyperbola. is static; HasFirstPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns True if the line has a known First point. -- This point is given by the method FirstPoint(). returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; HasLastPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns True if the line has a known Last point. -- This point is given by the method LastPoint(). returns Boolean from Standard ---C++: inline is static; FirstPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns the IntPoint corresponding to the FirstPoint. -- An exception is raised when HasFirstPoint returns False. returns Point from IntPatch ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& raises DomainError from Standard is static; LastPoint(me) ---Purpose: Returns the IntPoint corresponding to the LastPoint. -- An exception is raised when HasLastPoint returns False. returns Point from IntPatch ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& raises DomainError from Standard is static; NbVertex(me) returns Integer from Standard ---C++: inline is static; Vertex(me; Index: Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: Returns the vertex of range Index on the line. returns Point from IntPatch ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& raises OutOfRange from Standard --- The exception OutOfRange is raised if Index <= 0 or -- Index > NbVertex. is static; ComputeVertexParameters(me: mutable; Tol: Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Set the parameters of all the vertex on the line. -- if a vertex is already in the line, -- its parameter is modified -- else a new point in the line is inserted. is static; fields pos : Ax2 from gp; par1 : Real from Standard; par2 : Real from Standard; fipt : Boolean from Standard; lapt : Boolean from Standard; indf : Integer from Standard; indl : Integer from Standard; svtx : SequenceOfPoint from IntPatch; end GLine;