-- File: IntPatch.cdl -- Created: Wed May 6 13:58:00 1992 -- Author: Jacques GOUSSARD ---Copyright: OPEN CASCADE 1992 package IntPatch ---Purpose: Intersection between two patches. -- The class PatchIntersection implements the algorithmes -- of intersection. -- The classes IntPoint, PointOnDomain, Line, ILin, a.s.o... -- describe the results of the algorithmes. ---Level: Internal -- -- All the methods of the classes of this package are Internal. -- uses Standard, MMgt, StdFail, GeomAbs, TopAbs, TCollection, TColStd, math, gp, TColgp, IntAna,IntSurf, IntImp, IntStart, IntWalk, Bnd, Intf, Adaptor2d,Adaptor3d, Geom2d, Geom, Precision is class ALineToWLine; class Point; deferred class Line; class GLine; -- inherits Line from IntPatch class ALine; -- inherits Line from IntPatch class WLine; -- inherits Line from IntPatch class RLine; -- inherits Line from IntPatch class ArcFunction; -- implicite/implicite class ImpImpIntersection; -- commun implicite/parametree et parametree/parametree deferred class Polygo; class PolyLine; -- inherits Polygo from IntPatch class PolyArc; -- inherits Polygo from IntPatch class PolygoTool; class RstInt; -- implicite/parametre class ImpPrmIntersection; -- parametre/parametre class Polyhedron; class PolyhedronTool; class PrmPrmIntersection_T3Bits; class PrmPrmIntersection; -- algorithme general enumeration IType is -- type of the line of intersection Lin, -- pour conflit avec deferred class Line Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, Analytic, Walking, Restriction end IType; class HInterTool; class HCurve2dTool; class LineConstructor; class Intersection; class SequenceOfPoint instantiates Sequence from TCollection (Point from IntPatch); class SequenceOfLine instantiates Sequence from TCollection (Line from IntPatch); class TheSurfFunction instantiates ZerImpFunc from IntImp (HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d, Quadric from IntSurf, QuadricTool from IntSurf); class TheIWalking instantiates IWalking from IntWalk (PathPoint from IntSurf, PathPointTool from IntSurf, SequenceOfPathPoint from IntSurf, InteriorPoint from IntSurf, InteriorPointTool from IntSurf, SequenceOfInteriorPoint from IntSurf, HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d, TheSurfFunction from IntPatch); class TheSearchInside instantiates SearchInside from IntStart (HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d, TopolTool from Adaptor3d, HInterTool from IntPatch, TheSurfFunction from IntPatch); class TheSOnBounds instantiates SearchOnBoundaries from IntStart( HVertex from Adaptor3d, HCurve2d from Adaptor2d, HCurve2dTool from IntPatch, HInterTool from IntPatch, TopolTool from Adaptor3d, ArcFunction from IntPatch); class TheInterfPolyhedron instantiates InterferencePolyhedron from Intf( Polyhedron from IntPatch, PolyhedronTool from IntPatch, Polyhedron from IntPatch, PolyhedronTool from IntPatch); class ThePWalkingInter instantiates PWalking from IntWalk( HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d); class SearchPnt instantiates InterferencePolygon2d from Intf (Polygo, PolygoTool, Polygo, PolygoTool); class CSFunction instantiates ZerCOnSSParFunc from IntImp (HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d, HCurve2d from Adaptor2d, HCurve2dTool from IntPatch); class CurvIntSurf instantiates IntCS from IntImp (HSurface from Adaptor3d, HSurfaceTool from Adaptor3d, HCurve2d from Adaptor2d, HCurve2dTool from IntPatch, CSFunction from IntPatch); end IntPatch;