-- File: ISurfaceTool.cdl -- Created: Fri Mar 6 16:18:58 1992 -- Author: Isabelle GRIGNON -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 deferred generic class ISurfaceTool from IntImp ( ImplicitSurface as any) ---Purpose: Template class for a tool on an -- implicit surface. uses Vec from gp is Value(myclass; Is: ImplicitSurface; X, Y, Z: Real from Standard) ---Purpose: Returns the value of the function. returns Real from Standard; Gradient(myclass; Is: ImplicitSurface; X, Y, Z: Real from Standard ; V: out Vec from gp); ---Purpose: Returns the gradient of the function. ValueAndGradient(myclass; Is: ImplicitSurface; X, Y, Z: Real from Standard; Val: out Real from Standard; Grad: out Vec from gp); ---Purpose: Returns the value and the gradient. Tolerance(myclass; Is: ImplicitSurface ) ---Purpose: returns the tolerance of the zero of the implicit function returns Real from Standard; end ISurfaceTool;