-- File: IntCurve.cdl -- Created: Wed Mar 4 13:52:01 1992 -- Author: Laurent BUCHARD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 package IntCurve ---Purpose: This package provides algorithmes to intersect 2D curves, -- with domains. -- -- class IntConicConic : Algorithm used to intersect 2 conics -- from gp with domains. -- -- class IntConicCurveGen : Generic algorithm used to intersect -- a conic from gp, and a parametrised -- curve. -- The parametrised Curve can -- not be a Composite curve and -- can not be a conic. -- -- class IntCurveCurveGen : Generic algorithm used to intersect 2 -- curves. The resources on a curve are -- discribed in the class CurveTool. -- -- class UserIntConicCurveGen: Generic algorithm used to -- intersect a Conic from gp -- and a parametrised curve. -- This curve can be either a -- composite curve or a conic. -- ---Level: Advanced -- -- The Classes are Internal -- -- The Classe is Advanced -- -- uses Standard , math, gp, TColgp, GeomAbs, IntImpParGen, IntRes2d, Extrema, StdFail, Bnd, Intf, TColStd is class IntConicConic; ---Purpose: Intersection between 2 conics from gp. generic class DistBetweenPCurvesGen; generic class Polygon2dGen; generic class ToolPolygon; generic class IntPolyPolyGen,ThePolygon2d, ThePolygon2dTool, InterferencePoly2d, TheDistBetweenPCurves, ExactIntersectionPoint; generic class UserIntConicCurveGen; generic class ProjPCurGen,TheCurveLocator,TheLocateExtPC; generic class IntConicCurveGen,TheIntersector; ---Purpose: Intersection between a conic from gp and a bounded parametric curve. generic class IntCurveCurveGen,TheProjPCur, TheIntConicCurve, IntConicCurve, TheIntPCurvePCurve; ---Purpose: Intersection between 2 2d curves. private class ProjectOnPConicTool; class PConic; class IConicTool; private class PConicTool; private class IntImpConicParConic instantiates Intersector from IntImpParGen (IConicTool from IntCurve, PConic from IntCurve, PConicTool from IntCurve, ProjectOnPConicTool from IntCurve); end IntCurve;