//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File Name : IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern.cxx // Date : // Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern () { } // This class inherits from IGESData_LineFontEntity void IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::Init (const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& allSegLength, const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& aPattern) { if (allSegLength->Lower() != 1) Standard_DimensionMismatch::Raise("IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern : Init"); theSegmentLengths = allSegLength; theDisplayPattern = aPattern; InitTypeAndForm(304,2); } Standard_Integer IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::NbSegments () const { return theSegmentLengths->Length(); } Standard_Real IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::Length (const Standard_Integer Index) const { return theSegmentLengths->Value(Index); // if Index is out of bound HArray1 will raise OutOfRange exception } Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::DisplayPattern () const { return theDisplayPattern; } Standard_Boolean IGESGraph_LineFontDefPattern::IsVisible (const Standard_Integer Index) const { Standard_Integer nbSegs = theSegmentLengths->Length(); if (Index <= 0 || Index > nbSegs) return Standard_False; // Get the Character out of String, which contains the required BIT char tempStr[2]; Standard_Integer length = theDisplayPattern->Length(); tempStr[0] = theDisplayPattern->Value(length - ((nbSegs - Index) / 4)); tempStr[1] = 0; Standard_Integer tempVal = (Standard_Integer) strtol(tempStr, (char **)NULL, 16); // Now get the BIT out of tempVal Standard_Integer mask = 0x01; mask <<= ((nbSegs - Index) % 4); return ((tempVal & mask) != 0); }