-- -- File : IntercharacterSpacing.cdl -- Created : Sat 9 Jan 1993 -- Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen ( TCD ) -- ---Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 -- class IntercharacterSpacing from IGESGraph inherits IGESEntity ---Purpose: defines IGESIntercharacterSpacing, Type <406> Form <18> -- in package IGESGraph -- -- Specifies the gap between letters when fixed-pitch -- spacing is used uses Integer, Real -- no one specific type is Create returns mutable IntercharacterSpacing; -- Specific Methods pertaining to the class Init (me : mutable; nbProps : Integer; anISpace : Real); ---Purpose : This method is used to set the fields of the class -- IntercharacterSpacing -- - nbProps : Number of property values (NP = 1) -- - anISpace : Intercharacter spacing percentage NbPropertyValues (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the number of property values in ISpace (me) returns Real; ---Purpose : returns the Intercharacter Space of in percentage -- of the text height (Range = 0..100) fields -- -- Class : IGESGraph_IntercharacterSpacing -- -- Purpose : Declaration of the variables specific to a -- Intercharacter Spacing property. -- -- Reminder : An Intercharacter spacing property is defined by : -- - Number of property values (NP=1) -- - ISpace -- theNbPropertyValues : Integer; theISpace : Real; end IntercharacterSpacing;