//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File Name : IGESGeom_Flash.cxx // Date : // Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IGESGeom_ToolFlash::IGESGeom_ToolFlash () { } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::ReadOwnParams (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, const Handle(IGESData_IGESReaderData)& IR, IGESData_ParamReader& PR) const { gp_XY aPoint; Standard_Real aDim1, aDim2, aRotation; Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity) aReference; Standard_Integer fn = ent->FormNumber(); // for default cases //Standard_Boolean st; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 not needed aDim1 = aDim2 = aRotation = 0.; // default values // Reading reference of flash PR.ReadXY(PR.CurrentList(1, 2), "Reference of Flash", aPoint); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed // Reading first flash sizing parameter if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(), "First Flash sizing parameter", aDim1); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed else if (fn > 0) PR.AddFail("Fist Flash sizing parameter : undefined"); // Reading second flash sizing parameter if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(), "Second Flash sizing parameter", aDim2); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed else { if (fn > 1) PR.AddFail("Second Flash sizing parameter : not defined"); } // Reading rotation of flash about reference point if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(), "Rotation about ref. point", aRotation); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed else { if (fn == 2 || fn == 4) PR.AddFail("Rotation about ref. point : not defined"); } if ( PR.IsParamEntity(PR.CurrentNumber()) ) // Reading the referenced entity PR.ReadEntity(IR, PR.Current(), "Referenced entity", aReference); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed // "else" not necessary as this is the last field DirChecker(ent).CheckTypeAndForm(PR.CCheck(),ent); ent->Init (aPoint, aDim1, aDim2, aRotation, aReference); } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::WriteOwnParams (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, IGESData_IGESWriter& IW) const { IW.Send( ent->ReferencePoint().X() ); IW.Send( ent->ReferencePoint().Y() ); IW.Send( ent->Dimension1() ); IW.Send( ent->Dimension2() ); IW.Send( ent->Rotation() ); IW.Send( ent->ReferenceEntity() ); } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::OwnShared (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const { iter.GetOneItem( ent->ReferenceEntity() ); } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::OwnCopy (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& another, const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, Interface_CopyTool& TC) const { gp_XY aPoint = (another->ReferencePoint()).XY(); Standard_Real aDim1 = another->Dimension1(); Standard_Real aDim2 = another->Dimension2(); Standard_Real aRotation = another->Rotation(); DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity, aReference, TC.Transferred(another->ReferenceEntity())); ent->Init(aPoint, aDim1, aDim2, aRotation, aReference); } Standard_Boolean IGESGeom_ToolFlash::OwnCorrect (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent) const { Standard_Integer fn = ent->FormNumber(); Standard_Boolean res0 = (ent->RankLineFont() != 1); if (res0) { Handle(IGESData_LineFontEntity) nulfont; ent->InitLineFont(nulfont,1); // ranklinefont force a 1 } Standard_Boolean res1 = Standard_False; Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity) ref = ent->ReferenceEntity(); if (fn != 0 && !ref.IsNull()) { ref.Nullify(); res1 = Standard_True; } Standard_Real d1 = ent->Dimension1(); Standard_Real d2 = ent->Dimension2(); Standard_Real rt = ent->Rotation(); if (fn == 0 && d1 != 0.) { d1 = 0.; res1 = Standard_True; } if (fn <= 1 && d2 != 0.) { d2 = 0.; res1 = Standard_True; } if ((fn <= 1 || fn == 3) && rt != 0.) { rt = 0.; res1 = Standard_True; } if (res1) ent->Init (ent->ReferencePoint().XY(), d1, d2, rt, ref); return (res0 || res1); } IGESData_DirChecker IGESGeom_ToolFlash::DirChecker (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& /* ent */ ) const { IGESData_DirChecker DC(125, 0, 4); DC.Structure(IGESData_DefVoid); DC.LineFont(IGESData_DefValue); // DC.LineWeight(IGESData_DefValue); DC.Color(IGESData_DefAny); DC.HierarchyStatusRequired(0); return DC; } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::OwnCheck (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, const Interface_ShareTool& , Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const { Standard_Integer fn = ent->FormNumber(); if (ent->RankLineFont() != 1) ach->AddFail("LineFontPattern : Value != 1"); if (ent->ReferenceEntity().IsNull()) { if (fn == 0) ach->AddFail("Flash defined by a Reference Entity, which is absent"); } else if (fn != 0) ach->AddWarning("Reference Entity present though useless"); if (fn == 1 && ent->Dimension2() != 0.) ach->AddWarning("Dimension 2 present though useless"); if ((fn == 1 || fn == 3) && ent->Rotation() != 0.) ach->AddWarning("Rotation present though useless"); } void IGESGeom_ToolFlash::OwnDump (const Handle(IGESGeom_Flash)& ent, const IGESData_IGESDumper& dumper, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S, const Standard_Integer level) const { Standard_Integer sublevel = (level <= 4) ? 0 : 1; Standard_Integer fn = ent->FormNumber(); S << "IGESGeom_Flash" << endl; switch (fn) { case 0 : S << " -- Form defined by reference entity --" << endl; break; case 1 : S << " -- Circular -- "; break; case 2 : S << " -- Rectangle -- "; break; case 3 : S << " -- Donut -- "; break; case 4 : S << " -- Canoe -- "; break; default : break; } S << "Flash reference point : "; IGESData_DumpXYL(S,level, ent->ReferencePoint(), ent->Location()); S << " First sizing parameter : " << ent->Dimension1() << " "; S << " Second sizing parameter : " << ent->Dimension2() << endl; S << " Rotation about reference entity : " << ent->Rotation() << endl; S << "Reference Entity : "; dumper.Dump(ent->ReferenceEntity(),S, sublevel); S << endl; }