-- -- File : LinearDimension.cdl -- Created : Wed 13 Jan 1993 -- Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen ( Deepak PRABHU ) -- ---Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 -- class LinearDimension from IGESDimen inherits IGESEntity ---Purpose: defines LinearDimension, Type <216> Form <0> -- in package IGESDimen -- Used for linear dimensioning uses GeneralNote from IGESDimen, WitnessLine from IGESDimen, LeaderArrow from IGESDimen raises OutOfRange is Create returns mutable LinearDimension; -- Specific Methods pertaining to the class Init (me : mutable; aNote : GeneralNote; aLeader : LeaderArrow; anotherLeader : LeaderArrow; aWitness : WitnessLine; anotherWitness : WitnessLine); ---Purpose : This method is used to set the fields of the class -- LinearDimension -- - aNote : General Note Entity -- - aLeader : First Leader Entity -- - anotherLeader : Second Leader Entity -- - aWitness : First Witness Line Entity or a Null -- Handle -- - anotherWitness : Second Witness Line Entity or a Null -- Handle SetFormNumber (me : mutable; form : Integer) raises OutOfRange; ---Purpose : Changes FormNumber (indicates the Nature of the Dimension -- Unspecified, Diameter or Radius) -- Error if not in range [0-2] Note (me) returns GeneralNote; ---Purpose : returns General Note Entity FirstLeader (me) returns LeaderArrow; ---Purpose : returns first Leader Entity SecondLeader (me) returns LeaderArrow; ---Purpose : returns second Leader Entity HasFirstWitness (me) returns Boolean; ---Purpose : returns False if no first witness line FirstWitness (me) returns WitnessLine; ---Purpose : returns first Witness Line Entity or a Null Handle HasSecondWitness (me) returns Boolean; ---Purpose : returns False if no second witness line SecondWitness (me) returns WitnessLine; ---Purpose : returns second Witness Line Entity or a Null Handle fields -- -- Class : IGESDimen_LinearDimension -- -- Purpose : Declaration of variables specific to the definition -- of the Class LinearDimension. -- -- Reminder : A LinearDimension instance is defined by : -- - General Note Entity -- - First Leader Entity -- - Second Leader Entity -- - First Witness Line Entity or a Null Handle -- - Second Witness Line Entity or a Null Handle -- An LinearDimension Entity consists of a general note, two leaders and -- zero, one or two witness lines. theNote : GeneralNote; theFirstLeader : LeaderArrow; theSecondLeader : LeaderArrow; theFirstWitness : WitnessLine; theSecondWitness : WitnessLine; end LinearDimension;