-- -- File : DimensionUnits.cdl -- Created : Sat 9 Jan 1993 -- Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen (Anand NATRAJAN) -- ---Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 -- class DimensionUnits from IGESDimen inherits IGESEntity ---Purpose: defines Dimension Units, Type <406>, Form <28> -- in package IGESDimen -- Describes the units and formatting details of the -- nominal value of a dimension. uses HAsciiString from TCollection is Create returns mutable DimensionUnits; -- Specific Methods pertaining to the class Init (me : mutable; nbPropVal : Integer; aSecondPos : Integer; aUnitsInd : Integer; aCharSet : Integer; aFormat : HAsciiString; aFracFlag : Integer; aPrecision : Integer); ---Purpose : This method is used to set the fields of the class -- DimensionUnits -- - nbPropVal : Number of property values, always = 6 -- - aSecondPos : Secondary Dimension Position -- 0 = This is the main text -- 1 = Before primary dimension -- 2 = After primary dimension -- 3 = Above primary dimension -- 4 = Below primary dimension -- - aUnitsInd : Units Indicator -- - aCharSet : Character Set used -- - aFormat : Format HAsciiString -- 1 = Standard ASCII -- 1001 = Symbol Font 1 -- 1002 = Symbol Font 2 -- 1003 = Drafting Font -- - aFracFlag : Fraction Flag -- 0 = Display values as decimal numbers -- 1 = Display values as fractions -- - aPrecision : Precision Value NbPropertyValues (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the number of property values SecondaryDimenPosition (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns position of secondary dimension w.r.t. primary dimension UnitsIndicator (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the units indicator CharacterSet (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the character set interpretation FormatString (me) returns HAsciiString from TCollection; ---Purpose : returns the string used in formatting value FractionFlag (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the fraction flag PrecisionOrDenominator (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose : returns the precision/denominator -- number of decimal places when FractionFlag() = 0 -- denominator of fraction when FractionFlag() = 1 fields -- -- Class : IGESDimen_DimensionUnits -- -- Purpose : Declaration of variables specific to the definition -- of the Class DimensionUnits. -- -- Reminder : A DimensionUnits instance is defined by : -- - Number of property values, always = 6 -- - Secondary Dimension Position -- - Units Indicator -- - Character Set used -- - Format HAsciiString -- - Fraction Flag -- - Precision Value theNbPropertyValues : Integer; theSecondaryDimenPosition : Integer; theUnitsIndicator : Integer; theCharacterSet : Integer; theFormatString : HAsciiString; theFractionFlag : Integer; thePrecision : Integer; end DimensionUnits;