//pdn 11.01.99 modification for linking on NT //#73 rln 10.03.99 S4135: "read.scale.unit" does not affect GlobalSection //#13 smh 13.01.2000 : Parsing long year date #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Standard_CString voidline = ""; // Routine interne utilisee pour VerifyCheck void IGESData_VerifyDate (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& str, Handle(Interface_Check)& ach, const Standard_CString mess); //======================================================================= //function : IGESData_IGESModel //purpose : //======================================================================= IGESData_IGESModel::IGESData_IGESModel () { thestart = new TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString(); // thecheckstx = new Interface_Check; // thechecksem = new Interface_Check; } //======================================================================= //function : ClearHeader //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::ClearHeader () { IGESData_GlobalSection newheader; // Un peu brutal, certes theheader = newheader; thestart = new TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString(); } //======================================================================= //function : DumpHeader //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::DumpHeader (const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S, const Standard_Integer ) const { Standard_Integer ns = thestart->Length(); S<<"**** Dump of IGES Model , Start and Global Sections ****"< 0) { S << "**** Start Section : "<Value(i)->ToCString()<ToCString()<ToCString()<ToCString()<ToCString()<ToCString()<<"\n"; S << "[13] Scale : " << theheader.Scale()<<"\n"; S << "[14] Unit Flag : " << theheader.UnitFlag(); // if (Interface_Static::IVal("read.scale.unit") == 1) //#73 rln 10.03.99 S4135: "read.scale.unit" does not affect GlobalSection // S << " -> Value (in Meter) = " << theheader.UnitValue() / 1000 <<"\n"; // else S << " -> Value (in Millimeter) = " << theheader.UnitValue()<<"\n"; //abv 02 Mar 00: no unit parameter in OCC S << " -> Value (in CASCADE units) = " << theheader.UnitValue() <<"\n"; str = theheader.UnitName(); if (!str.IsNull()) S<<"[15] Unit Name : " << str->ToCString()<<"\n\n"; S << "[16] Line Weight Gradient : " << theheader.LineWeightGrad()<<"\n"; S << "[17] Line Weight Max Value: " << theheader.MaxLineWeight()<<"\n"; str = theheader.Date(); if (!str.IsNull()) S<<"[18] (Creation) Date : "<ToCString() <<" i.e. "<ToCString()<<"\n"; S << "[19] Resolution : " << theheader.Resolution()<<"\n"; if (theheader.HasMaxCoord()) S<<"[20] Maximum Coord : " << theheader.MaxCoord() << "\n\n"; else S<<"[20] Maximum Coord not defined"<<"\n\n"; str = theheader.AuthorName(); if (!str.IsNull()) S<<"[21] Author : "<ToCString()<<"\n"; str = theheader.CompanyName(); if (!str.IsNull()) S<<"[22] Company : "<ToCString()<<"\n"; Standard_Integer num = theheader.IGESVersion(); S << "[23] IGES Version Number : " << num << " -> Name : " << IGESData_BasicEditor::IGESVersionName(num); num = theheader.DraftingStandard(); S << "\n"<<"[24] Drafting Standard : " << num; if (num > 0) S<< " -> Name : " << IGESData_BasicEditor::DraftingName(num); S<ToCString() <<" i.e. "<ToCString()<ToCString() <Length(); } //======================================================================= //function : StartLine //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_CString IGESData_IGESModel::StartLine (const Standard_Integer num) const { if (num > 0 && num <= thestart->Length()) return thestart->Value(num)->ToCString(); return voidline; } //======================================================================= //function : ClearStartSection //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::ClearStartSection () { thestart->Clear(); } void IGESData_IGESModel::SetStartSection (const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString)& list, const Standard_Boolean copy) { if (copy) { thestart = new TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString(); if (list.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer i, nb = list->Length(); for (i = 1; i <= nb; i ++) thestart->Append (new TCollection_HAsciiString(list->Value(i)->ToCString())); } else if (list.IsNull()) thestart = new TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString(); else thestart = list; } //======================================================================= //function : AddStartLine //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::AddStartLine (const Standard_CString line, const Standard_Integer atnum) { if (atnum <= 0 || atnum > thestart->Length()) thestart->Append (new TCollection_HAsciiString(line)); else thestart->InsertBefore (atnum,new TCollection_HAsciiString(line)); } //======================================================================= //function : GlobalSection //purpose : //======================================================================= const IGESData_GlobalSection& IGESData_IGESModel::GlobalSection () const { return theheader; } //======================================================================= //function : SetGlobalSection //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::SetGlobalSection (const IGESData_GlobalSection& header) { theheader = header; } //======================================================================= //function : ApplyStatic //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IGESData_IGESModel::ApplyStatic (const Standard_CString param) { if (param[0] == '\0') { //Standard_Boolean ret = Standard_True; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 not needed ApplyStatic("receiver"); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 'ret =' not needed ApplyStatic("author"); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 'ret =' not needed ApplyStatic("company"); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 'ret =' not needed return Standard_True; } Standard_CString val; if (param[0] == 'r') { val = Interface_Static::CVal("write.iges.header.receiver"); if (!val || val[0] == '\0') return Standard_False; theheader.SetReceiveName (new TCollection_HAsciiString(val)); } if (param[0] == 'a') { val = Interface_Static::CVal("write.iges.header.author"); if (!val || val[0] == '\0') return Standard_False; theheader.SetAuthorName (new TCollection_HAsciiString(val)); } if (param[0] == 'c') { val = Interface_Static::CVal("write.iges.header.company"); if (!val || val[0] == '\0') return Standard_False; theheader.SetCompanyName (new TCollection_HAsciiString(val)); } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : Entity //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity) IGESData_IGESModel::Entity (const Standard_Integer num) const { return GetCasted(IGESData_IGESEntity,Value(num)); } //======================================================================= //function : DNum //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer IGESData_IGESModel::DNum (const Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity)& ent) const { Standard_Integer num = Number(ent); if (num == 0) return 0; else return 2*num-1; } //======================================================================= //function : GetFromAnother //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::GetFromAnother (const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel)& other) { DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESModel,another,other); theheader = another->GlobalSection(); theheader.CopyRefs(); SetStartSection (another->StartSection(),Standard_True); } //======================================================================= //function : NewEmptyModel //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) IGESData_IGESModel::NewEmptyModel () const { return new IGESData_IGESModel; } //======================================================================= //function : VerifyCheck //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::VerifyCheck (Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const { // MGE 23/07/98 // ===================================== //Message_Msg Msg40 ("XSTEP_40"); //Message_Msg Msg41 ("XSTEP_41"); //Message_Msg Msg42 ("XSTEP_42"); //Message_Msg Msg43 ("XSTEP_43"); //Message_Msg Msg44 ("XSTEP_44"); //Message_Msg Msg45 ("XSTEP_45"); //Message_Msg Msg46 ("XSTEP_46"); //Message_Msg Msg47 ("XSTEP_47"); //Message_Msg Msg48 ("XSTEP_48"); //Message_Msg Msg50 ("XSTEP_50"); //Message_Msg Msg51 ("XSTEP_51"); //Message_Msg Msg52 ("XSTEP_52"); //Message_Msg Msg53 ("XSTEP_53"); //Message_Msg Msg54 ("XSTEP_54"); //Message_Msg Msg55 ("XSTEP_55"); // ===================================== char del[2]; del[0] = theheader.Separator(); del[1] = theheader.EndMark(); // Sending of message : Parameter Delimiter Character and Record Delimiter Character must be different. if (del[0] == del[1]) { Message_Msg Msg40 ("XSTEP_40"); ach->SendFail(Msg40); } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i ++) { if ( del[i] <= 32 || del[i] == 43 || del[i] == 45 || del[i] == 46 || (del[i] >= 48 && del[i] <= 57) || del[i] == 68 || del[i] == 69 || del [i] == 72 || del[i] >= 127) { // Sending of message : Parameter Delimiter Character is incorrect. if (i == 0) { Message_Msg Msg41 ("XSTEP_41"); ach->SendFail(Msg41); } // Sending of message : Character Record Delimiter parameter is incorrect. else { Message_Msg Msg42 ("XSTEP_42"); ach->SendFail (Msg42); } } } // Sending of message : Single Precision Magnitude parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.MaxPower10Single() <= 0) { Message_Msg Msg43 ("XSTEP_43"); ach->SendFail(Msg43); } // Sending of message : Precision Significance parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.MaxDigitsSingle() <= 0) { Message_Msg Msg44 ("XSTEP_44"); ach->SendFail(Msg44); } // Sending of messages : Double Precision Magnitude parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.MaxPower10Double() <= 0) { Message_Msg Msg45 ("XSTEP_45"); ach->SendFail(Msg45); } // Sending of message : Double Precision Significance parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.MaxDigitsDouble() <= 0) { Message_Msg Msg46 ("XSTEP_46"); ach->SendFail(Msg46); } // Sending of message : Model Space Scale parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.Scale() <= 0.) { Message_Msg Msg47 ("XSTEP_47"); ach->SendFail(Msg47); } Standard_Integer unf = theheader.UnitFlag(); // Sending of message : Unit Flag parameter is incorrect. if (unf < 1 || unf > 11) { Message_Msg Msg48 ("XSTEP_48"); ach->SendFail(Msg48); } // .. verifie-t-on UnitName en accord avec UnitFlag ? if (theheader.UnitName().IsNull()) { // Sending of message : Unit Name parameter is undefined. if (unf == 3) { Message_Msg Msg50 ("XSTEP_50"); ach->SendFail(Msg50); } } else { Standard_CString unm = theheader.UnitName()->ToCString(); Standard_Boolean unok = Standard_True; switch (unf) { case 1 : unok = (!strcmp(unm,"IN") || !strcmp(unm,"INCH")); break; case 2 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"MM"); break; case 3 : unok = Standard_True; break; // nom libre case 4 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"FT"); break; case 5 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"MI"); break; case 6 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"M"); break; case 7 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"KM"); break; case 8 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"MIL"); break; case 9 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"UM"); break; case 10 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"CM"); break; case 11 : unok = !strcmp(unm,"UIN"); break; default : Message_Msg Msg48 ("XSTEP_48"); ach->SendFail(Msg48); break; } // Sending of message : Flag parameter doesn`t correspond to the Unit Name parameter. if (!unok) { Message_Msg Msg51 ("XSTEP_51"); ach->SendFail(Msg51); } } IGESData_VerifyDate (theheader.Date(),ach,"Creation Date"); // Sending of message : Minimum Resolution parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.Resolution() <= 0.) { Message_Msg Msg52 ("XSTEP_52"); ach->SendFail(Msg52); } // .. comment verifier les coordonnees max ? // Sending of message : Version Flag parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.IGESVersion() < 1 || theheader.IGESVersion() > IGESData_BasicEditor::IGESVersionMax()) { Message_Msg Msg53 ("XSTEP_53"); ach->SendWarning(Msg53); } // Sending of message : Drafting Standard Flag parameter is incorrect. if (theheader.DraftingStandard() < 0 || theheader.DraftingStandard() > IGESData_BasicEditor::DraftingMax()) { Message_Msg Msg54 ("XSTEP_54"); ach->SendWarning(Msg54); } // Sending of message : if (theheader.IGESVersion() >= 9) { // Sending of message : Last change Date parameter is undefined. if (!theheader.HasLastChangeDate()) { Message_Msg Msg55 ("XSTEP_55"); ach->SendWarning(Msg55); } else IGESData_VerifyDate (theheader.LastChangeDate(),ach,"Last Change Date"); } } void IGESData_VerifyDate(const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& str, Handle(Interface_Check)& ach, const Standard_CString mess) { // MGE 23/07/98 // ===================================== Message_Msg Msg57 ("XSTEP_57"); // ===================================== // Attention c est du Hollerith if (str.IsNull()) { ach->SendFail(Msg57); return; } Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) stdvar = str; if (strcmp(mess,"Last Change Date")==0) Msg57.Arg(25); else Msg57.Arg(18); if (((stdvar->Length() != 13) && (stdvar->Length() != 15)) || !stdvar->IsRealValue()) ach->SendFail(Msg57); //smh#13 For short year date else if ((stdvar->Value(3) > '1' || (stdvar->Value(3) == '1' && stdvar->Value(4) > '2'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 13)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(5) > '3' || (stdvar->Value(5) == '3' && stdvar->Value(6) > '1'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 13)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(7) != '.' || stdvar->Value(10) > '5' || stdvar->Value(12) > '5')&&(stdvar->Length() == 13)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(8) > '2' || (stdvar->Value(8) == '2' && stdvar->Value(9) > '3'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 13)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); //smh#13 For long year date else if ( (stdvar->Value(5) > '1' || (stdvar->Value(5) == '1' && stdvar->Value(6) > '2'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 15)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(7) > '3' || (stdvar->Value(7) == '3' && stdvar->Value(8) > '1'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 15)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(9) != '.' || stdvar->Value(12) > '5' || stdvar->Value(14) > '5')&&(stdvar->Length() == 15)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); else if ((stdvar->Value(10) > '2' || (stdvar->Value(10) == '2' && stdvar->Value(11) > '3'))&&(stdvar->Length() == 15)) ach->SendFail(Msg57); } //======================================================================= //function : SetLineWeights //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::SetLineWeights (const Standard_Real defw) { Standard_Integer nb = NbEntities(); Standard_Integer lwg = theheader.LineWeightGrad(); Standard_Real maxw = theheader.MaxLineWeight(); if (lwg > 0) { maxw = maxw/lwg; lwg = 1; } for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nb; i ++) Entity(i)->SetLineWeight(defw,maxw,lwg); } //======================================================================= //function : ClearLabels //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::ClearLabels () { } //======================================================================= //function : PrintLabel //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::PrintLabel (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S) const { DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity,igesent,ent); if (igesent.IsNull()) S<<"Null"; else { Standard_Integer num = Number(ent); if (num == 0) S<<"??"; else S<<"D"<<(2*num-1); } } //======================================================================= //function : PrintToLog //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::PrintToLog (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S) const { DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity,igesent,ent); if (!igesent.IsNull()) { Standard_Integer num = Number(ent); if (num == 0) S<<"??"; else { S<<" DE : "<<(2*num-1) << " type : " << igesent->TypeNumber(); // Standard_Integer num2 = igesent->TypeNumber(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : PrintInfo //purpose : //======================================================================= void IGESData_IGESModel::PrintInfo (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S) const { DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity,igesent,ent); if (igesent.IsNull()) S<<"(NOT IGES)"; else { Standard_Integer num = Number(ent); if (num == 0) S<<"??"; else { S<<(2*num-1) << "type " << Type(ent)->Name(); } } } //======================================================================= //function : StringLabel //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) IGESData_IGESModel::StringLabel(const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const { Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) label; DeclareAndCast(IGESData_IGESEntity,igesent,ent); if (igesent.IsNull()) return new TCollection_HAsciiString("(NOT IGES)"); else { char text[20]; Standard_Integer num = Number(ent); if (num > 0) sprintf(text,"D%d",2*num-1); else sprintf(text,"D0..."); label = new TCollection_HAsciiString(text); } return label; }