-- File: DefSwitch.cdl -- Created: Mon Apr 6 14:40:25 1992 -- Author: Christian CAILLET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class DefSwitch from IGESData inherits Storable ---Purpose : description of a directory componant which can be either -- undefined (let Void), defined as a Reference to an entity, -- or as a Rank, integer value adressing a builtin table -- The entity reference is not included here, only reference -- status is kept (because entity type must be adapted) uses Integer, DefType is Create returns DefSwitch; ---Purpose : creates a DefSwitch as Void SetVoid (me : in out) is static; ---Purpose : sets DefSwitch to "Void" status (in file : Integer = 0) SetReference (me : in out) is static; ---Purpose : sets DefSwitch to "Reference" Status (in file : Integer < 0) SetRank (me : in out; val : Integer) is static; ---Purpose : sets DefSwitch to "Rank" with a Value (in file : Integer > 0) DefType (me) returns DefType is static; ---Purpose : returns DefType status (Void,Reference,Rank) Value (me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose : returns Value as Integer (sensefull for a Rank) fields theval : Integer; end DefSwitch;