//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File Name : IGESBasic_Group.cxx // Date : // Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ptv and rln 14.09.2000 BUC60743 #include #include #include IGESBasic_Group::IGESBasic_Group () { InitTypeAndForm(402,1); } IGESBasic_Group::IGESBasic_Group (const Standard_Integer nb) { InitTypeAndForm(402,1); if (nb <= 0) return; theEntities = new IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity (1,nb); } void IGESBasic_Group::Init (const Handle(IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity)& allEntities) { // ptv and rln September 14, 2000 BUC60743 // Protection against empty groups if (!allEntities.IsNull() && (allEntities->Lower() != 1)) Standard_DimensionMismatch::Raise("IGESBasic_Group : Init"); theEntities = allEntities; if (FormNumber() == 0) InitTypeAndForm(402,1); } void IGESBasic_Group::SetOrdered (const Standard_Boolean mode) { Standard_Integer fn = FormNumber(); if (mode) { if (fn == 0 || fn == 1) InitTypeAndForm (402,14); else if (fn == 7) InitTypeAndForm (402,15); } else { if (fn == 14) InitTypeAndForm (402,1); else if (fn == 15) InitTypeAndForm (402,7); } } void IGESBasic_Group::SetWithoutBackP (const Standard_Boolean mode) { Standard_Integer fn = FormNumber(); if (mode) { if (fn == 0 || fn == 1) InitTypeAndForm (402,7); else if (fn == 14) InitTypeAndForm (402,15); } else { if (fn == 7) InitTypeAndForm (402,1); else if (fn == 15) InitTypeAndForm (402,14); } } Standard_Boolean IGESBasic_Group::IsOrdered () const { Standard_Integer fn = FormNumber(); return (fn > 7); } Standard_Boolean IGESBasic_Group::IsWithoutBackP () const { Standard_Integer fn = FormNumber(); return (fn == 7 || fn == 15); } void IGESBasic_Group::SetUser (const Standard_Integer type, const Standard_Integer form) { if (type <= 5000) Standard_OutOfRange::Raise("IGESBasic_Group::SetUser"); InitTypeAndForm (type,form); } void IGESBasic_Group::SetNb (const Standard_Integer nb) { Standard_Integer i, oldnb = NbEntities(); if (nb == oldnb || nb <= 0) return; Handle(IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity) newents = new IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity(1,nb); if (oldnb > nb) oldnb = nb; for (i = 1; i <= oldnb; i ++) newents->SetValue (i,theEntities->Value(i)); theEntities = newents; } Standard_Integer IGESBasic_Group::NbEntities () const { return(theEntities.IsNull() ? 0 : theEntities->Length()); } Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity) IGESBasic_Group::Entity (const Standard_Integer Index) const { return theEntities->Value(Index); } Handle(Standard_Transient) IGESBasic_Group::Value (const Standard_Integer Index) const { return theEntities->Value(Index); } void IGESBasic_Group::SetValue (const Standard_Integer Index, const Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity)& ent) { theEntities->SetValue (Index,ent); }