//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File Name : IGESAppli_NodalResults.cxx // Date : // Author : CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright : MATRA-DATAVISION 1993 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults () { } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::ReadOwnParams (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, const Handle(IGESData_IGESReaderData)& IR, IGESData_ParamReader& PR) const { Standard_Integer tempSubCaseNum = 0; Standard_Real tempTime; Standard_Integer nbval = 0; Standard_Integer nbnodes = 0; //Standard_Boolean st; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 not needed Handle(IGESDimen_GeneralNote) tempNote; Handle(TColStd_HArray2OfReal) tempData ; Handle(IGESAppli_HArray1OfNode) tempNodes ; Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) tempNodeIdentifiers ; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `st=` not needed PR.ReadEntity(IR,PR.Current(),"General Note describing the analysis case", STANDARD_TYPE(IGESDimen_GeneralNote), tempNote); PR.ReadInteger (PR.Current(),"Subcase number",tempSubCaseNum); PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(),"Analysis time used",tempTime); Standard_Boolean tempFlag = PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(),"No. of values",nbval); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved in if if (PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(),"No. of nodes",nbnodes)) { tempData = new TColStd_HArray2OfReal(1,nbnodes,1,nbval); tempNodes = new IGESAppli_HArray1OfNode(1,nbnodes); tempNodeIdentifiers = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,nbnodes); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nbnodes; i ++) { Standard_Integer aitem; //Check whether nbval properly read or not. Handle(IGESAppli_Node) aNode ; if (PR.ReadInteger(PR.Current(),"Node no. identifier",aitem)) tempNodeIdentifiers->SetValue(i,aitem); if (PR.ReadEntity(IR,PR.Current(),"FEM Node", STANDARD_TYPE(IGESAppli_Node), aNode)) tempNodes->SetValue(i,aNode); if (tempFlag) //Check whether nbval properly read or not. for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= nbval; j ++) { Standard_Real aval; if (PR.ReadReal(PR.Current(),"Value",aval)) tempData->SetValue(i,j,aval); } } } DirChecker(ent).CheckTypeAndForm(PR.CCheck(),ent); ent->Init(tempNote,tempSubCaseNum,tempTime,tempNodeIdentifiers,tempNodes,tempData); } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::WriteOwnParams (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, IGESData_IGESWriter& IW) const { Standard_Integer nbnodes = ent->NbNodes(); Standard_Integer nbdata = ent->NbData (); IW.Send(ent->Note()); IW.Send(ent->SubCaseNumber()); IW.Send(ent->Time()); IW.Send(nbdata); IW.Send(nbnodes); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nbnodes; i++) { IW.Send(ent->NodeIdentifier(i)); IW.Send(ent->Node(i)); for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= nbdata; j++) IW.Send(ent->Data(i,j)); } } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::OwnShared (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const { Standard_Integer nbnodes = ent->NbNodes(); iter.GetOneItem(ent->Note()); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nbnodes; i++) iter.GetOneItem(ent->Node(i)); } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::OwnCopy (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& another, const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, Interface_CopyTool& TC) const { DeclareAndCast(IGESDimen_GeneralNote,aNote,TC.Transferred(another->Note())); Standard_Integer aSubCaseNum = another->SubCaseNumber(); Standard_Real aTime = another->Time(); Standard_Integer nbnodes = another->NbNodes(); Standard_Integer nbval = another->NbData(); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNodeIdentifiers = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,nbnodes); Handle(IGESAppli_HArray1OfNode) aNodes = new IGESAppli_HArray1OfNode(1,nbnodes); Handle(TColStd_HArray2OfReal) aData = new TColStd_HArray2OfReal(1,nbnodes,1,nbval); for (Standard_Integer i=1; i <= nbnodes; i++) { Standard_Integer aItem = another->NodeIdentifier(i); aNodeIdentifiers->SetValue(i,aItem); DeclareAndCast(IGESAppli_Node,anentity,TC.Transferred(another->Node(i))); aNodes->SetValue(i,anentity); for (Standard_Integer j=1; j <= nbval; j++) aData->SetValue(i,j, another->Data(i,j)); } ent->Init(aNote,aSubCaseNum,aTime,aNodeIdentifiers,aNodes,aData); ent->SetFormNumber(another->FormNumber()); } IGESData_DirChecker IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::DirChecker (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& /* ent */ ) const { IGESData_DirChecker DC(146,0,34); // Type = 146 Form No. = 0 to 34 DC.Structure(IGESData_DefVoid); DC.LineFont(IGESData_DefVoid); DC.LineWeight(IGESData_DefVoid); DC.Color(IGESData_DefAny); DC.BlankStatusIgnored(); DC.UseFlagRequired(03); DC.HierarchyStatusIgnored(); return DC; } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::OwnCheck (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, const Interface_ShareTool& , Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const { Standard_Integer FormNum = ent->FormNumber(); Standard_Integer nv = ent->NbData(); Standard_Boolean OK = Standard_True; switch (FormNum) { case 0 : if (nv < 0) OK = Standard_False; break; case 1 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 2 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 3 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 4 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 5 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 6 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 7 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 8 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 9 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 10 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 11 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 12 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 13 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 14 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 15 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 16 : if (nv != 1) OK = Standard_False; break; case 17 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 18 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 19 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 20 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 21 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 22 : if (nv != 3) OK = Standard_False; break; case 23 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 24 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 25 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 26 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 27 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 28 : if (nv != 6) OK = Standard_False; break; case 29 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; case 30 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; case 31 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; case 32 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; case 33 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; case 34 : if (nv != 9) OK = Standard_False; break; default : ach->AddFail("Incorrect Form Number"); break; } if (!OK) ach->AddFail ("Incorrect count of real values in array V for FEM node"); } void IGESAppli_ToolNodalResults::OwnDump (const Handle(IGESAppli_NodalResults)& ent, const IGESData_IGESDumper& dumper, const Handle(Message_Messenger)& S, const Standard_Integer level) const { // Standard_Integer nbnodes = ent->NbNodes(); // Standard_Integer nbdata = ent->NbData (); S << "IGESAppli_NodalResults" << endl; S << "General Note : "; dumper.Dump(ent->Note(),S, (level <= 4) ? 0 : 1); S << endl; S << "Analysis subcase number : " << ent->SubCaseNumber() << " "; S << "Time used : " << ent->Time() << endl; S << "No. of nodes : " << ent->NbNodes() << " "; S << "No. of values for a node : " << ent->NbData() << endl; S << "Node Identifiers : " << endl; S << "Nodes : " << endl; S << "Data : "; if (level < 6) S << " [ask level > 5]"; // IGESData_DumpRectVals(S ,-level,1, ent->NbData(),ent->Data); S << endl; if (level > 4) { for (Standard_Integer i=1; i <= ent->NbNodes(); i++) { S << "[" << i << "]: "; S << "NodeIdentifier : " << ent->NodeIdentifier(i) << " "; S << "Node : "; dumper.Dump (ent->Node(i),S, 1); S << endl; if (level < 6) continue; S << "Data : [ "; for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= ent->NbData(); j ++) S << " " << ent->Data(i,j); S << " ]" << endl; } } }