-- File: HLRBRep.cdl -- Created: Wed Oct 14 11:08:52 1992 -- Author: Christophe MARION -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 package HLRBRep ---Purpose: Hidden Lines Removal -- algorithms on the BRep DataStructure. -- -- The class PolyAlgo is used to remove Hidden lines -- on Shapes with Triangulations. uses Standard, StdFail, MMgt, gp, Geom, Geom2d, TCollection, TColgp, TColStd, GeomAbs, LProp, IntRes2d, IntCurve, IntCurveSurface, TopAbs, TopoDS, TopExp, TopTools, HLRAlgo, Adaptor3d, BRep, BRepAdaptor, BRepTopAdaptor, HLRTopoBRep is class CurveTool; class BCurveTool; class Curve; class SurfaceTool; class BSurfaceTool; class Surface; class CLPropsATool; class CLProps instantiates CLProps from LProp ( Address from Standard, -- as Curve from HLRBRep Vec2d from gp, Pnt2d from gp, Dir2d from gp, CLPropsATool from HLRBRep); class SLPropsATool; class SLProps instantiates SLProps from LProp ( Address from Standard, -- as Surface from HLRBRep SLPropsATool from HLRBRep); class CInter instantiates IntCurveCurveGen from IntCurve ( Address from Standard, CurveTool from HLRBRep); class LineTool; class InterCSurf instantiates Inter from IntCurveSurface ( Lin from gp, LineTool from HLRBRep, Address from Standard, SurfaceTool from HLRBRep); class EdgeFaceTool; class Intersector; class EdgeData; class FaceData; class FaceIterator; class Array1OfEData instantiates Array1 from TCollection (EdgeData from HLRBRep); class Array1OfFData instantiates Array1 from TCollection (FaceData from HLRBRep); class Data; class ShapeToHLR; class HLRToShape; class ShapeBounds; class SeqOfShapeBounds instantiates Sequence from TCollection (ShapeBounds from HLRBRep); class EdgeInterferenceTool; class VertexList; class EdgeIList; class AreaLimit; class EdgeBuilder; class Hider; class InternalAlgo; class Algo; ---Purpose: Inherited from InternalAlgo to provide methods -- with Shape from TopoDS. class PolyAlgo; ---Purpose: to remove Hidden lines on Shapes with Triangulations. class BiPoint; class BiPnt2D; class ListOfBPoint instantiates List from TCollection ( BiPoint from HLRBRep); class ListOfBPnt2D instantiates List from TCollection ( BiPnt2D from HLRBRep); class PolyHLRToShape; MakeEdge(ec : Curve from HLRBRep; U1,U2 : Real from Standard) returns Edge from TopoDS; PolyHLRAngleAndDeflection(InAngl : Real from Standard; OutAngl, OutDefl : out Real from Standard); end HLRBRep;