-- -- File: Graphic3d_VertexN.cdl -- Created: Jeudi 22 Aout 1991 -- Author: NW,JPB,CAL -- Modified: 03-02-98 : FMN ; Add Flag Normal -- ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1991,1992,1993 -- class VertexN from Graphic3d inherits Vertex from Graphic3d ---Version: ---Purpose: This class allows the creation and update of -- a vertex with a 3D normal. ---Keywords: Vertex, Normal, Coordinate, Point ---Warning: ---References: uses Vector from Graphic3d is Create returns VertexN from Graphic3d; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Creates a point with 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 coordinates -- for which the normal is 0.0, 0.0, 1.0. Create ( AX, AY, AZ : Real from Standard; ANX, ANY, ANZ : Real from Standard; FlagNormalise : Boolean from Standard = Standard_True ) returns VertexN from Graphic3d; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Creates a point with coordinates , , and -- for which the normal is , , . -- If is True the normal is already normalised -- Else the normal is not normalised, the graphic do it. Create ( APoint : Vertex from Graphic3d; AVector : Vector from Graphic3d; FlagNormalise : Boolean from Standard = Standard_True ) returns VertexN from Graphic3d; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Creates a point in for which the normal is . -- If is True the normal is already normalised -- Else the normal is not normalised, the graphic do it. --------------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to modify the class definition --------------------------------------------------- SetNormal ( me : in out; NXnew, NYnew, NZnew : Real from Standard; FlagNormalise : Boolean from Standard = Standard_True ) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Modifies the normal to the point . -- If is True the normal is already normalised -- Else the normal is not normalised, the graphic do it. ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- Normal ( me; ANX, ANY, ANZ : out Real from Standard ) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the normal to the point . ---Category: Inquire methods -- fields -- -- Class : Graphic3d_VertexN -- -- Purpose : Declaration of variables specific to points. -- -- Reminder : A point is defined by its coordinates and its normal. -- the normale to the point MyDX : ShortReal from Standard; MyDY : ShortReal from Standard; MyDZ : ShortReal from Standard; end VertexN;