-- -- File: Graphic3d_Plotter.cdl -- Created: Vendredi 18 avril 1997 -- Author: JLF, CAL -- ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1997 -- deferred class Plotter from Graphic3d inherits TShared from MMgt ---Version: ---Purpose: This class allows the definition of a plotter ---Keywords: ---Warning: ---References: uses DataStructureManager from Graphic3d raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d is Initialize ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Initialise the constructor of the plotter. -- Warning: Raises InitialisationError if the initialisation -- of the plotter failed. raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d; -- if the initialisation of the plotter failed. Destroy ( me : mutable ) is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Deletes the plotter . ---C++: alias ~ --------------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to modify the class definition --------------------------------------------------- BeginPlot ( me : mutable; aProjector : DataStructureManager from Graphic3d ) returns Boolean from Standard raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: -- Warning: Returns Standard_True if plotting is enabled in the view. -- Raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d -- if plotting has already started. ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition EndPlot ( me : mutable ) raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Stops the plotting. -- Warning: Raises PlotterDefinitionError from Graphic3d -- if plotting has not started yet. ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- PlottingState ( me ) returns Boolean from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: ---Category: Inquire methods -- fields -- -- Class : Graphic3d_Plotter -- -- Purpose : Declaration of variables specific to plotters -- -- Reminder : A plotter -- the update display mode MyPlottingState : Boolean from Standard is protected; end Plotter from Graphic3d;